Looking for the best bud and the best deals.

Do you typically mix multiple foliar products? I thought I was told once to, if possible, use multiple products for the same prevention and do them separate on different days.

I've been doing everything separate. Hard n Quick one day, Actinovate 2 days later, neem 2 days later, etc. And was going to work AzaMax and GreenCure into this cycle.

Could I instead do something like... HnQ, Actinovate , and Aza mix one day, then a few days later do HnQ, GreenCure, and neem mix?
Yes I mix those ingredients because neem seed oil requires soap to work properly, it even specifies to do so on the bottle and potassium bicarb lowers the PH of the spray so I don't think that can effect it negatively. This spray has stopped a serious PM infection in my grow room so I would suggest trying it if it doesn't work it wont hurt your plants. I would not mix azamax with other ingredients.
Do you typically mix multiple foliar products? I thought I was told once to, if possible, use multiple products for the same prevention and do them separate on different days.

I've been doing everything separate. Hard n Quick one day, Actinovate 2 days later, neem 2 days later, etc. And was going to work AzaMax and GreenCure into this cycle.

Could I instead do something like... HnQ, Actinovate , and Aza mix one day, then a few days later do HnQ, GreenCure, and neem mix?
Certain pesticides/fungicides are compatible with each other, others are not. Some need the solution to be a certain ph to work effectively, others do not. Safer not to, but some work great together.

Potassium Bicarbonate raises the ph.
Soap works great & is cheap. Personally, I prefer "CocoWet". It is fairly cheap and is more effective imo.
Certain pesticides/fungicides are compatible with each other, others are not. Some need the solution to be a certain ph to work effectively, others do not. Safer not to, but some work great together.

Potassium Bicarbonate raises the ph.
Soap works great & is cheap. Personally, I prefer "CocoWet". It is fairly cheap and is more effective imo.
Sorry I knew it messed with PH thought it lowered but makes sense that it is more base than acid so it raises.
Don't smoke weed that has been treated with a sulfur burner , have you seen how serious they treat home grows that have had a sulfur burner that get busted? They use biohazard suits like it's a meth lab I would not smoke that. And that's used to rid powdery mildew so if they are burning sulfur they have a PM problem. Pouring chemicals and burning toxic chemicals on your plants is really not compassionate caregiving it sounds like make money at any means to me. Natural and organic only for me.

Since you don't know anything about it you shouldn't comment just about everyone has pm and sulfur burner is not that hazardous
Hey guys,

As much as I smoke, It's getting expensive playing $250+ oz for flowers all the time. I'm a member at Kind Love and usually get around 2 oz a month. Sometimes I frequent others but have only been to KL pretty much since CAM got shut down, thinking about hitting up Denver Relief or some others in the near future to mix it up.

So I'm asking about 2 things really....

First, and I know this has been asked a hundred times, what do you guys recommended for top notch flowers, specify for Kush strains? Any knowledge as to what shop would have the best quality and best member benefits?

Second, and I guess this is the real question, I've been thinking about going somewhere cheaper for one oz, then somewhere top notch for the other. Keep 2 grades basically. Can anyone recommend where I might find oz's for cheap, be it though member day deals or what have you? Again, leaning toward good Kush strains.

Also, as I type this, I realize I might be better off finding a good private caregiver for my "cheaper" flowers, only thing is I don't really know any caregivers, let alone ones that grow good clean buds.

And last, I know this is a hard one even at the better places but keep in mind that I'd prefer to keep it on the healthy side and not smoke pesticides or sulfur or other chemicals just to save a few bucks.

PS> Denver and Boulder areas only please!
You seem very demanding. How do you possibly go thru 2 ounces a month? I can't smoke that in like 4 months?

I dunno man. Something tells me you need better product. Or go to extracts. I am wasted by choice. But, I will straight up do right tomorrow when I need to.
Since you don't know anything about it you shouldn't comment just about everyone has pm and sulfur burner is not that hazardous

LMFAO. PM and sulfur burners are not hazardous!!???!! get the fuck out of here, lol.

You seem very demanding. How do you possibly go thru 2 ounces a month? I can't smoke that in like 4 months?

I dunno man. Something tells me you need better product. Or go to extracts. I am wasted by choice. But, I will straight up do right tomorrow when I need to.

Demanding? How so? By not wanting to consume chemicals, pesticides, fungus, and mold? lol...

Both of you seem kinda like you are either new to cannabis, not from around here, or only get black/grey market garbage.

I grew up on the east coast, smoking weed every day since I was 15. It wasn't until I was 30 that I moved to Colorado and lived here for a while that I found out the best shit I could find out east for $300-400 an oz was worse than the garbage they custy people for here on Craig's List, and at places like TGS, or give out at events and shit. I'd been out west to Cali and Alaska a few times and had good bud there, that was always better than back home, but it wasn't till I planted roots out here did I find out what real Cannabis was, and I'm not about to go back to the bad stuff.

I get the best bud they have from the best dispensary in Denver. And it's easy to go though 2 oz a month, I'm actually averaging more than that right now and I know some people that could do that in a few days.

I did the extract thing for a long time, again getting the best money can buy. And while it was tasty and I'd get nice and high, my tolerance went way up. I'd dab and smoke joints at the same time. It was maybe 3-4 months ago I realized that I was getting more stoned and it was lasting longer from the joints themselves. I actually get the most effects from a joint sprinkled with IWE. For whatever reason even the crazy terped out Greendot Underdawg live nectar didn't do it for me as good as some super tasty 30% LeeRoy flower from Kind Love.

I know it sounds like I'm bragging or talking shit but I'm really not. I'm just being frank. Feel free to check my IG link in my sig if you doubt me, hehe.
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I like The Peaceful Choice outside the east of boulder. Their Hindu Tahoe is always on point And the Diesel Haze is always great when you can get it. That one always goes super fast.
I haven't been on here in a while... but it seems that the quest for good bud is still on.

Hey @AlGore give me a holler and I'll point you to a good, legal, legit dispensary.
I'm not putting specific info out here because I don't want it going to shit.
Anyone else that needs assistance can hit me up as well.
Some recent flower nuggets I sampled that are worthy of mentioning:

"Orange Herijauna" from Native Roots
"Happy 10" from Buddy Boys

Some recent extracts I've sampled that are worthy of mentioning:

"Star Strawberry Lemonade" (shatter) from 710 Labs
"KKSC" (wax) from Yeti Extracts
I have been graciously gifted some wax and flower by 2 members off the board....and I'll tell you what...it will blow the doors off any shop here in the Springs......I need to get hold of a few to get some clones......seems as if my refund is taking forever!!
If you're in the springs I am and would like some of those clones too. If you score some LMK please!