looking for the right strain for small space


Active Member
i am building a grow cab in what little space ihave for the moment to do so. i figure ican do smallgrows here for a bit and after my roomie movess out it will be a good mother/veg chamber. its actualy in the bathroom that attached to my bedroom, above the toilet. so i will only have 5ft from bottom to top. the light will take up space too so about 4ft 4 inches. then ofcourse there is the grow medium. so lets say i got 3 feet, an honest 3ft.
i was going to use the 12/12 str8 from seed 2 flower method that randy rocket used i think,( https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/152124-can-i-grow-pound-dope.html ).
cabinet dimenions are 14inx30 onthe bottom, and i am flaring the top to 21inches to give the plants more room at the top. not sure what light i will get yet but i think i will use a 250 watt hps. bathroom vent will be in the cab so thats cool.
now i want to pick a strain that wont grow to big.
any1 have any ideers?
should i make a small ebb and flow?
small SOG?
ANYTHING ssum1 thinks ishould know pleasse fire away


Active Member
honestly if you time things properly you should be able to grow just about anything in that space.
You'd need a short veg period with some strains but just about anything can be managed in a 5 foot space.
LST is an option to control taller species as well.
if you just want something short lowryder has that name for a reason.


Well-Known Member
"you should be able to grow just about anything in that space."

Correctamundo. Any strain you can clone will fit.


"3 feet, an honest 3ft"

There are a lot of indicas that will fit in there, and if you double top the plant you can significantly reduce the stretch.

One breeder that produces great seeds for short height, high producing plants is PeakSeedsBC. I double top and veg to 16" from seed and their Northern Lights only stretched to 22" and the Northern Berry and Skunkberry to 26" and 28". Even that short each plant produced 2 to 3 oz - absolutely huge juicy solid nugs. Excellent breeders of just a few strains and good people. And the prices can't be beat. Check out the testimonials page, a lot of people feel like I do about their beans.



"should i make a small ebb and flow? small SOG?"

How long have you been growing? If you're just starting out stick with a soilless mix like Pro Mix, Scotts, B'cuzz. Simple and reliable. Get some tomato cages to support your plants, makes growing much more enjoyable. Double top your plants to reduce stretch, get a fan, odor control, etc, etc, etc.




Well-Known Member
honestly if you time things properly you should be able to grow just about anything in that space.
You'd need a short veg period with some strains but just about anything can be managed in a 5 foot space.
LST is an option to control taller species as well.
if you just want something short lowryder has that name for a reason.

Dude... Top them 2 times... then 1 week before you flower supercrop them to fill in the space... you dont have to lst or screen train or nothing... just plan ahead with your topping and how wide of a space your gonna have.

come read my supercropping thread in my sig... good luck!



Active Member
thanks guys, good stuff.
How long have you been growing? If you're just starting out stick with a soilless mix like Pro Mix, Scotts, B'cuzz. Simple and reliable. Get some tomato cages to support your plants, makes growing much more enjoyable. Double top your plants to reduce stretch, get a fan, odor control, etc, etc, etc.

novice at best. did a grow from clones 10 years ago but hd hands on help. so i cant really even remember much about topping. i will check out that seed site,thx for that.
Dude... Top them 2 times... then 1 week before you flower supercrop them to fill in the space... you dont have to lst or screen train or nothing... just plan ahead with your topping and how wide of a space your gonna have.
cabinet dimenions are 14inx30 onthe bottom, and i am flaring the top to 21inches to give the plants more room at the top.

come read my supercropping thread in my sig... good luck!
i will and thx


Well-Known Member
" so i cant really even remember much about topping."

There's nothing simpler than topping: (cut / snip / pinch / or chew) the stem between any two nodes. You've topped the plant. The branches at the remaining nodes will grow faster, the top two will become the main stems and grow the quickest.

People top in different places, everyone has their special way of doing it - which is a better way than everyone else's. I like to let my seedling grow until I've got 2 1/2"+ above the spot I want to cut so I can root the top cutting - often the clone from the top cutting will root, veg a few inches, and show flower in 12/12 before the mother is done vegging. I top above the third node, giving me the top cutting and 4 branches to take as clones.

All the bud comes from above the second topping, which I do after the two top branches produce a node. Gives 4 colas and after planting deeper on the repot you can have bud starting from 3" or 4" above the soilless straight to the top of the cola. I've had 4 cola plants only 34" high that produce almost 2 1/2' of bud per cola with no stem showing. Gives you a lot of production from a short plant. Use a tomato cage to hold up the plant.

I'm done rambling.




Active Member
ok i got 5 autoflowers i am putting outsidethis week. they are 3 weeks old and stil very small i think, but there white dwarfs so its expected i guess. now a couple questions for ya. i am at kindergarden level here so i am gonna give you as much info as i can cuz my botony vocab is non existant. the plants are 3.5 inches aand from bottom to top i have 1 set of round leaves, then close to that i have another set of leaves with a single blade. then i think the next 3 sets are the nodes (right?). 2 of those sets/(nodes) are onthere way. 3rd set is coming along real small and you can barely see the 4th lil set.
i hope u r following my oh so novice descrip so far.
question #1. should i cut/eliminate those 1st 2 ssets of leaves(1 set of round leaves, set of leaves with a single blade)??
question #2 are those next 2 setss the ones you would supercrop, clipping the next 2 in a bit after they get taller( or now knowing i wont be able to clone these as theyare auto flowering)? and is it good idea to do this to autos? (doh 3 questions imma liar)

i did read your ssupercrop thread (your like a fucking dr frankenstoned if u ask me lol) i liked the idea that i could get my 5 beans turned into 20, i might only do this to 2 or 3 so ican compare the differences.
appreciaate the help


Well-Known Member
ok i got 5 autoflowers i am putting outsidethis week. they are 3 weeks old and stil very small i think, but there white dwarfs so its expected i guess. now a couple questions for ya. i am at kindergarden level here so i am gonna give you as much info as i can cuz my botony vocab is non existant. the plants are 3.5 inches aand from bottom to top i have 1 set of round leaves, then close to that i have another set of leaves with a single blade. then i think the next 3 sets are the nodes (right?). 2 of those sets/(nodes) are onthere way. 3rd set is coming along real small and you can barely see the 4th lil set.
i hope u r following my oh so novice descrip so far.
question #1. should i cut/eliminate those 1st 2 ssets of leaves(1 set of round leaves, set of leaves with a single blade)??
question #2 are those next 2 setss the ones you would supercrop, clipping the next 2 in a bit after they get taller( or now knowing i wont be able to clone these as theyare auto flowering)? and is it good idea to do this to autos? (doh 3 questions imma liar)

i did read your ssupercrop thread (your like a fucking dr frankenstoned if u ask me lol) i liked the idea that i could get my 5 beans turned into 20, i might only do this to 2 or 3 so ican compare the differences.
appreciaate the help
Honestly man, pictures are worth 1000 words

These pics are from riu FAQ's:

Then bend those two over at your desired time....

I dont know much about autoflowering seeds.

If you have any idea of the time they say you have vegging then supercrop them 1 week before the go into flower.

Also... pinching the stems alone with ought bending them over will make everything above it grow bigger. I pinch my ladies all the time... lol.. since the start. jsut be a little more gentle when they are babies thats all.

Good luck buddy!


Active Member
Honestly man, pictures are worth 1000 words

These pics are from riu FAQ's:

Then bend those two over at your desired time....

I dont know much about autoflowering seeds.

If you have any idea of the time they say you have vegging then supercrop them 1 week before the go into flower.

Also... pinching the stems alone with ought bending them over will make everything above it grow bigger. I pinch my ladies all the time... lol.. since the start. jsut be a little more gentle when they are babies thats all.

Good luck buddy!
well idont know shit bout uto flowers yet, got em to use in an areogardenthingy but by the time they got hhere i red enuff posts to abandon the arogarden idea and decided to wait for summer and started em inside. now i am moving em out doors.
well i still will try doing it to 2 ofthem wht the hell why not rite.
but seriously, b4 i put em out in the buckets could you tell me if i should trim those bottom round leaves off andthe set of single blded leves aabove them.... i want to know so that i can bury em into soil even further for stealth reasons. there near a trail a few ppl walk shorter the better.

thanks bud :peace:


Active Member
its an autoflower so wont matter when it goes out ithink. itwill flower when it wants( plus my lights are only 2 18inch floros iwant em to get the sun). its also a dwarf so it will be 30 inches tall max. its aactualy goin in greatspot, it wont be seen, im being cautious is all.
but do u clip those round lil leaves? sum told me they would and sum say all that does is over stress the plant.
and those 1 bladed leaves above it dont look to be node either.........chop em? or leave em?
i am doing this tonight either way but if i should chop those 2 sets of leaves iwanna know now so i can put 6them deeper in pots. already dug the holes, i am dressed in all black like a gangsta, its goin down2nite lol
oh and btw that 1st pic here uhave thatsays snipsnip. u have 5 nodes your gonna grow instead of 4 right?


Well-Known Member
Nice pics genfranco, they are easier to understand than a thousand words. Good stuff.


Rabidcow I don't believe you should top autoflowers - they're quite short to begin with and I think they produce better untopped. You can't prolong vegging until the plant is tall enough to put into flower. I've got a Taiga (autoflower) and it maxed out at 20" single cola, if I would have topped I doubt I'd get much growth afterwards.

If you're set on topping I'd search the forum for a thread on "Should I top an autoflower?", or start a thread asking the guys who grow autoflowers all the time.


"should (I) trim those bottom round leaves off and the set of single bladed leaves above them"

The rounded leaves sound like the cotyledon - first leaf set. They'll dry up and fall off eventually, just replant deeper with them on or snip them off, doesn't matter.

The second set is your first node where the branches will start. Usually the first node isn't a big producer, but where you're plants will probably be under 30", and grown under the sun, they might get enough light to develop - especially if you leave space between plants. Or you could clip them and plant deeper, your call.

"i want to know so that i can bury em into soil even further for stealth reasons. there near a trail a few ppl walk shorter the better."

Clipping leaves and lower branches then burying deeper is no problem, I do that often. But if you need plants shorter than 30" for stealth, because people are close by, then the smell will give you away long before people see your plants. Buddha describes their White Dwarf's odor as a "pervasive scent".

