Looking for the skunkiest roadkill smelling strain...

I'm sure there's many other theories to be explored, or rather, more to it all that simply saying, "it's an Afghan", that could better piece it all together. Keep an open mind friends.

afghans have more smells then just skunk and they also have narrow and broad leaf types and some grow small and other grow tall.
Skunk smelling weed was sometimes around in the very early 70s. Not a named strain but just an incredible set of resins and terpenes showing up occasionally. All the weed then came from Mexico or through Mexico from the South. Hashish was preferred in the upper states coming through Canada.
Where we get a good mexican, not a mexi can't?
I have seen a few folks in mexico who are trying to restore or remake some older genetics, just have to give them some more time. Was thinking about recreating, remaking, meigs county gold till I did a google search and seen a few all ready, not wanting to step on any ego's.
I'm kinda high right now, so this may be pretty out there, but I'm thinking the Mexican connection may not be as farfetched as people might think. First off, skunk weed was everywhere in the US. Not just one state or a few states. It was also around long before any seedbanks were selling Sk1. When you look at the early history of cannabis use in the US, it does seem to be a plausible theory. Aside from all the imported brickweed and ready-to-smoke buds that were being smuggled in from Mexico, weed was also definitively being grown and smoked within the US as early as the 1930s, most of which was brought in by Mexican immigrants. I'm pretty sure that's also where the term "marijuana" comes from. It's also been speculated that a lot of the weed the Mexicans had was from multigenerational offspring of strains that were initially brought over to keep slaves calm, mainly originating from Central Asian genetics-- meaning, if it were an expression of say an Afghan or Indian, it could have been bottlenecked through decades of grows in Mexico and later the US. There really is a possibility that those heirloom seeds are the source of the skunk weed. Emphasis on possibility. Another thing is that the farmers in places like Afghanistan really aren't as selective as people want to believe. They kind of just throw seeds out and harvest the plants, then repeat. That might be why all these landrace companies aren't able to produce consistently uniform plants. You might get a meaty strain here and there in everything from Iran to Pakistan to Afghanistan, but you'll also get a bunch of fruity-tootie shit in all three areas as well. I've been going through everything I can get from that region, and haven't found one thing that I'd call exceptionally skunky. The Maruf Reds of ILE can exhibit subtle gasoline and leather scents, but are also riddled with dark fruit smelling plants. Plums, currants, grapes... that kind of thing. The Pakis seem to be mostly the same, but with sweet lemon and flowers added in, and instead of gasoline, more meat. The Iranians, (East Iran to be specific), are actually proving to be the most non-sweet, but again, not really skunk. Lots of old-school dank and meat, some pine, but not the skunk. I'm not saying it's not there, but I am certain it's very rare if it is. So my point with all this is that if everyone in the US had some form of skunk weed, it couldn't be some rare pheno. People weren't passing clones around at that time, and they weren't doing extensive selecting all over back then. But it could have been from a small batch of seeds that were brought over to Central America long ago for slave labor, then grown out for years and years and eventually dispersed throughout the US. That could also help explain why nobody can find it now... because it was from a very limited, very fluky line that has gradually been erased with time. I'm not saying that's what it is, just that it could be. I'm sure there's many other theories to be explored, or rather, more to it all that simply saying, "it's an Afghan", that could better piece it all together. Keep an open mind friends.
You're giving me one more thing to think about. The only south or central american anything I have to try is part columbian gold. if acapulco gold can't be found, Colima and Oaxaca are nearby... Lots of people talk of oaxaca. I thought there is Colima seed out there too somewhere. Scanned around and only so far see Ace Honduras remotely sounding that sort of smell but not that much whatever this means but they do use the word 'musk' and
Complex and rich terpene profile. It mainly contains the following monoterpenes: very high amounts of terpinolene and high amounts of beta myrcene, with variability in the high alpha pinene content, followed by moderate quantities of trans ocimene and variability in the moderate content of beta pinene, and smaller amounts of cedrol, limonene, linalool, trans phytol, alfa phellandrene, alfa terpineol, alfa terpinene, gamma terpinene and squalene. Sesquiterpenes: high amounts of beta-caryophyllene, with variability in the presence of beta nerolidol, alpha humelene, trans nerolidol and guaiol in smaller quantities.
Sounds good anyway.
One Oaxacan description mentions mint smell which I felt in the region of skunkiness. Wish I knew. Fun to try and get that baby
Sensi Star x RKS from AKBB has a funky overripe fruit (green apple, banana, pineapple) aroma when smelling in the jar, but is by far the skunkiest thing I’ve smelled when you’re just outside the drying room after it hangs for 4-5 days, and if you crack a jar in a room, it doesn’t take long and the whole room has a sharp funky fruity, sulfur skunk smell. Definitely one of the overall loudest smelling flowers I’ve smelled.

The resin is very oily sticky and unique feeling. The high is very potent in the head and also strong body buzz, then puts you at a nice cruising altitude, carefree and mellow.
The flavor is good but not as good as it smells. Lovely plant. Made F2s and also crossed the males and females with a bunch of stuff.
Outdoor raised bed:View attachment 5239575View attachment 5239576
Indoor, 5gal same soil. One of the constantly happiest looking plants I’ve ever grown.
View attachment 5239577View attachment 5239578View attachment 5239579
I wouldn't mind trying these. Where does he sell his gear?
So that's what I always kind of believed rks was. I grew a cut of sk#1 that was purchased from the seedbank around 88. It was a total crippler. At 60 days of flower it had a champagney sweet and slight skunk smell. Let it go 70 or 75 and it would get way skunkier. But it still isn't what I'd call rks. I'd bet that rks is more of a sk#1 backcrossed to an afghani with the ammonia/ burnt rubber smells. Todd mccormick has a Sk#1 that looks good. It's supposed to be more skunky with less fruity smell. Wappa from paradise seeds has a nice skunky funk but it is also gassy and fruity. Great plant though. I'll definitely grow it again.
I'm to be growing the purple zebra x 85 rks ( Uruapan) I know it's supposed to be different then the Humboldt rks isn't it . Sure hoping to find something unique I will only be getting 5 seeds buddy has only 10 left see what happens, my fingers r crossed n my eyes lol.... The only thing that ever...I mean ever came across smelling like the old school ye know, laying on the road dead for a few days kinda smell that hard skunk anal gland taste goin on lol. My father's sisters husband aka ma uncle the old farmer the old Ukrainian guy well poor guys got throat cancer now really bad he doesn't grow the strain he once did, but I tell ye my father spoke of it highly as he said no other weed smells like this in many many years I took it in gladly and was privileged enough to smoke some with my dad yet I was pretty darn young about 14 just had my first operation and was in hella pain he knew I smoked and we'll cigarettes too so I took this lil pinner he gave me I walked outside and holy f I smoked grass for about a yr already never have I been that stoned, I out it halfway my dad's like so .... How's that go I just started laughing saying well good such a grin in my face all a sudden ye know I felt just giggly n goofy man not like any other weed and not to mention I didn't feel any pain dad asked did u smoke it all.... I said yip didn't wanna seem soft eh he's like damn u must be high here have 1 for before bed later on. The next joint to say the least it felt like the goddess Shiva had came and sat with me beside the balcony as I looked over the street the building everything just seemed intensely blissful completely and utterly stoned no blinking no thinking no nothing just me my breath and my heart beating it was intense man. This bud was well known in the area I grew up in well known only guy to grow it uncle Gerald and he sucked at growing weed he had like 4 mom's and terrible unhealthy looking clones he always cut pre maturely but somehow that bud was good enough to cut off the plant fast dry in brown paper bag leave in a hot room wait a day or 2 and it was honestly good enough to make 400 an oz if not more. Then came the one night this is about 2 yrs later a well know friend of my cousins tried growing this strain indoors himself well holy sheep dogs man I was the youngest person there and it was nuts everyone was starring off into there own little world one looking at the wall not moving not speaking barely breathing shit if they had a smoke it was just a burning away in there hands lol I just remembered thinking wow this stuff is absolutely the strongest stuff I'd ever witnessed and not too mention he grew it so well it stunk so loudly like skunk weed in that house all through the yard that basement man omg tiny balls rolled up for the hot knives a 500 ml pop bottle with the bottom cut off there was always a characteristic of the skunk weed that deep itch in ur chest that deep deep itch with that almost impossible breath back in after huge toke I miss that only had 1 strain in my life come close to what I'm told is the real thing... Definitely a good tribute if u will that strain dm for name for any who may be interested in this story or hell just reply
You're giving me one more thing to think about. The only south or central american anything I have to try is part columbian gold. if acapulco gold can't be found, Colima and Oaxaca are nearby... Lots of people talk of oaxaca. I thought there is Colima seed out there too somewhere. Scanned around and only so far see Ace Honduras remotely sounding that sort of smell but not that much whatever this means but they do use the word 'musk' and

Sounds good anyway.
One Oaxacan description mentions mint smell which I felt in the region of skunkiness. Wish I knew. Fun to try and get that baby
I have grown this. Definitely reminds me of the 70s! Haven't really hunted it but I have made some crosses. Definite sativa in the high, but the aroma is more like spice, which reminded me of some of those bricks of Mexican from back in the day. https://oregongreenseed.com/shop/oregon-green-seed/dgs/oaxacan-iranian/
I know I like sour diesel, and NYC diesel, and from what I understand their lineage derives from chem dog. My question is, I’ve never found anything that touches that deep sour skunky diesel smell and taste. Am I missing out on something? Not a big fan of the sweet smelling skunk, I like the stuff that makes you wanna vomit it’s so skunky. Like something that I would imagine Pepé Le Pew’s proctologist’s fingers smelling like. What other strains should I check out, or is my head in the right place already. Grew a honey diesel that was given to me about 12 years ago that was amazing too. Anyway, appreciate any suggestions. Thanks in advance!
Like something that I would imagine Pepé Le Pew’s proctologist’s fingers smelling like……LOL, That hurt my guts.
afghans have more smells then just skunk and they also have narrow and broad leaf types and some grow small and other grow tall.
Exactly because the northern afghani strains dont fit into the western idea of indica or sativa there a hybrid and there turkestani in origin like Uzbekistani etc as well Kandahar and places like that fit more towards the indica stereotype but even then as he said you Gonna have huge variation in true landrace