Looking for Tips and Advice


I'm new to growing and I bought a strain called "Vertigo" from Vancouver Island Seed Company.

The plants are about a month since seeds and I've currently got them on 18 - 6. I had them on 24 light until about a week and a half ago.

I've attached some pics, if anyone has any advice to help me along my way, let me know.



Well-Known Member
They are looking pretty far gone but you may be able to save them. Need info on your setup lights, soil mix, nutes, temps, how and when or how often you water etc. then I can try and help you out to get them back in healthy shape.


Active Member
by the look its def needs water. its startin to crack away from the sides of the. Is the leaves startin to dry out? ifs o def need to water it badly. Is that MG? pull them leaves out the soil your plants not in that long for u to let it turn to dirt.


is that algae starting to bloom on the soil in pic #2? if it is it could be due to too many nutrients? hard to tell though from the limited information you have supplied...


Well-Known Member
by the look its def needs water. its startin to crack away from the sides of the. Is the leaves startin to dry out? ifs o def need to water it badly. Is that MG? pull them leaves out the soil your plants not in that long for u to let it turn to dirt.
I disagree overwatering and underwatering can exhibit the same symptoms often. I believe its actually very overwatered judging by how his soil (or whatever that is) looks like and the fact you can see in the one pic where he recently watered again with the green looking algae (from to much moisture). By seeing how he only watered right around the base of the plant show a lack of experience leading me to believe he probably has not been watering correctly and upon decline in the health of the plant probably freaked and tried to fix it my just watering even more.

Thread start please provide all the details and you methods so we can better assist you or at least let you know what you did wrong so you dont do it next time.


No nutrients yet, just on water. I think I may have burned them a bit before I switched them from 24 to 18/6. These pics were taken before I watered and clipped off the brown leaves. I have 7 plants, the other 5 had no brown leaves, I just took pics of the rougher looking ones.

The green leaves look really dry, but they are still soft.. I'm not sure why they're curling up like that...


Sorry taken after watering and before clipping off the dead leaves.

Ya I'm thinking I definitely might have freaked out and over watered. I was out of town for a few days and came back to dry soil and some brown leaves.


Well-Known Member
The cupping of the leaves can be from heat stress however some of the other problems looks like sever overwatering especially if you not giving any nutes and there are not much nutes in your growing medium.

You really need to give us all the details of your grow in order to help.


Active Member
will i had seedling crap by MG that made up same kinda gren stuff that grew even when it wa dryed out for 2 weeks the green was still damp , as for the plant look knda like that, but the leaves where dryed up.


Well-Known Member
man those are some sad looking plants.. no offense.. You really need to give more info about how youve been caring for the plants like soil, lights, how often you watered, ect.


I've got them in a home made box with 10 32 watt tubes in it.

I water them when the soil is dry to the touch. I put in water until the soil is almost saturated, and yes I water near the plant.

I think I might have messed up when I switched them from the pucks into pots, maybe not enough soil. They're planted in Sunshine #4.

Anything else you guys need? Sorry I'm new to this.


Well-Known Member
Its ok no need to be sorry and dont let basher's hate on you, tons of people screw up their firs time.

First off start looking for some guides and other budget threads on here and read read read and read some more so next time you know what to do.

Second do not water when the soil is dry to the touch because the top layers will dry out do to the temp and light while the middle to bottom layers may still be very saturated. This will lead to to overwatering.

Instead lift and see how heavy the pot is with new completely dry soil now soak it down (all around not just by the plant base) until its dripping out the drainage holes just barely. Now lift and feel how heavy it is. Do not water again until you can lift it and it feels almost empty again, should take from 4-7 days depending on other variables.

Main thing is just go do alot of research and see what other people do with there grows get yourself educated before your next attempt but keep you head up and truck on mistakes is just one way to learn youll be growing like a champ before ya know it if you keep at it.


Ya they were definitely over watered. From what I've read I probably burned them a bit. I repotted them yesterday and all of the roots looked fine. I also added another fan into the box.

Today when i checked them out after work, a lot of the curled up leaves were starting to open up. There's one that might not make it out of the 7, but I think it's worth the lesson learned.

Thanks for the help.