Looking for work in the marijuana field.

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i disagree with the fact that people are willing to work at fast food for money. i have done it myself.. in fact most restaurants are bad. ESPECIALLY Mc.Donalds. Most of the people work there are fuckbags and dont have the dignity to hold out for a better job(i know this through personal experience,the day i chose not to show up to work was one of the best days of my life). i worked at wendys for a few weeks and it is grosssssss. i worked as a cook on the grill and i worked in the window listening to people who take their orders. wendys is one of the highest quality fast foods but i still think its wrong. it makes people lazy to go to the grocery store and buy the meat themselves and cook it. honestly though, the real thing that grossed me out about the place were the FAT people who came in and ordered literally 10-15 times as much food as anyone should be able to eat. on the grill most of the time it would be an easy going, but every now and then some fat person in a minivan would show up and i would have to play catchup on several peoples orders. like all the sudden my grillspace would be full for like 15 minutes(it takes 2 mins to cook 6 patties and there were 4 spots to cook 6). some people order like 4 classic tripple's and 6 large fries DAILY. you look in their van and they are all alone... i really dont have a problem with eating meat. i went vegetarian for a few months out of willpower. i dont really think its good for my body to not eat meat so i am reintroducing meat into my diet. however gluttony is a common problem with alot of people. i wish there was something i could do to help these people but i cant. the best i can do is not work for these places and not buy from them, at least not often. fast food and other unhealthy places take the place of healthier joints. people become accustom to eating at these places and thats where they chose to spend their money. it does nothing for the economy. NOTHING.

anyways, i had to move out from my parents house and got kicked out because my dad and i got in a "fight". i provoked the shit out of him and i feel it was for good reason. haha i got him so mad he put me in a chokehold for like ten seconds. anyways thats a long story. the point is my mom kicked me out because she was afraid he might kill me, didnt give me time to get all my shit or plan my bicycle trip. i ended up on a skinny highway with no shoulder and hills on both sides.. there was hella traffic going 60mph about a foot to my left. i was scared for my life so i took the first turnoff after walking my bike a mile almost getting killed every second. ended up in a really rich neighborhood and looked out of place so the cops came. i explained some of what happened ( if i explained the whole thing they would have arrested me and my father and he would have gotten a felony battery charge). i had to spend all my food money on a plane ticket to where i am currently staying. i am living at my brothers house with no money looking for jobs. i feel i can get the type of job i want here. there are lots of cool people in this area. california is fucking shitty! right now i am in washington and i really love it. i have faith i can find a good job and get some growing equipment. my plan is to save up 6-10grand and move into a place and grow giant organic nugs. and when i have my shit set up, my goal is to help others who are in the same spot as i am right now by hooking them up really cheaply. i kinda feel like i need to be the mentor,rather than look for a mentor. after consulting this forum and finding nobody with any kind of response that can help me in any way i have realized that most people are bent on themselves. including most pot smokers. i never asked anyone to give me free shit.. i feel like anyone who comes onto this thread looking for ways to call me crazy are distracting from their own problems. if you cant deal with the fact that someone wants to find spiritual balance, you need to reevaluate your outlook on life. some of the things i say are a bit drastic i suppose but finding something wrong about my character does not help me or anyone else.. it is simply you trying to excuse your own greediness imo.
the main reason i dont have a job right now is because i take pride in what i am doing. i will not sell myself for money. i will not sell my beliefs.


Active Member
i am applying at a place that manufactures equipment for power lines and other various electronic stuff. my brother and a few of our friends work here. there are many employees, and it is a great company that actually cares about its employees. unfortunately i cant smoke weed for a few years to reach my goal so ill be spending alot of time on this forum fantasizing. i feel a long tolerance break will be enjoyable. i dont plan on smoking any more weed until i grow it myself. the shit i grow is soooo much better than 99% of what i have bought. i dont ever have any bad reactions to the shit i grow. most people use synthetic fertilizers of some sort and i disagree with that. i just wish more people actually took pride in what they are doing rather than themselves. "cashcropper" is a term coined for people who mass produce weed or aim for the highest yeild and sacrifice quality. most of the time this involves synthetic ferts. i believe "cashcropper" can be used to describe anyone in life who mass produces anything for profit. im not saying producing in large amounts is bad, because there are some big chain corporations and growers i really respect because well, they respect me and everyone else on the planet. being rich isnt really a bad thing to me, but being rich and being a fuckface is a whole different story.


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by the way, i have respect for alot of these posts on here. but most of the reply's are just ignorant. im not trying to dog anyone, well maybe i am. but i just want people to be happy. and i dislike when others look down apon me for it rather than try to help me with what i need to be helped with


Well-Known Member
i feel like anyone who comes onto this thread looking for ways to call me crazy are distracting from their own problems. if you cant deal with the fact that someone wants to find spiritual balance, you need to reevaluate your outlook on life. some of the things i say are a bit drastic i suppose but finding something wrong about my character does not help me or anyone else.. it is simply you trying to excuse your own greediness imo.
the main reason i dont have a job right now is because i take pride in what i am doing. i will not sell myself for money. i will not sell my beliefs.
You are getting shit because of the ridiculous shit you post, not because people can't deal with you trying to find "spiritual balance."
How does that make someone greedy?

The main reason you do not have a job is because you lack skills and you are kind of a twat.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
you are getting shit because of the ridiculous shit you post, not because people can't deal with you trying to find "spiritual balance."
how does that make someone greedy?

The main reason you do not have a job is because you lack skills and you are kind of a twat.

Good luck!


New Member

Yea, Trousers can be kind of douchey lol.

Totally justified when the topic creator posts garbage like

after consulting this forum and finding nobody with any kind of response that can help me in any way i have realized that most people are bent on themselves. including most pot smokers.

that though.

Simply because the 7 pages of posters in this one thread on this one website wont help the random internet douche topic creator find a grow operation he can both live at and smoke all their weed for his "employment", he feels all people in the world are "bent on themselves".

Oh, and he's supposed to be "spiritual".


Active Member
You are getting shit because of the ridiculous shit you post, not because people can't deal with you trying to find "spiritual balance."
How does that make someone greedy?

The main reason you do not have a job is because you lack skills and you are kind of a twat.

Good luck!
how can you back that up if you dont know me?


Well-Known Member
Lemme guess..you are barely over 18 and definitely under 25. This POS dad of yours and push over mommy pay all the bills in the house you live in and you don't work or go to school. You say you hate money and complain that your dad won't let you sell weed...You have probably never paid a real bill in your life and want to continue being a drain on society. Growing weed in your parents house...means its their fucking weed bro. YOU aren't the one who would lose your property if the cops show up..THEY are.

Guess what kiddo..money makes the World go around. Like it or not.

I too wanted to live in the woods growing herb and say fuck society when I was 18 but then I grew up. The ONLY way you will be able to live such a lifestyle is to put in hard work and save that money that you hate so much.

The problem is I live with a self centered person who smokes everything (my dad)and doesnt let me sell shit. Also they are retarded and always fuck with my grows. I am currently growing a few plants.. Well I was growing but I am letting him take over and do his own thing. I dont even talk to him anymore. He is a leach to society. I am trying to move on, that is what this is about. I want to be with a whole new group of people all together. I really dont want to go into all the details, but the gist of this is that I have a P.O.S father who does nothing for anyone but himself and a pushover mother who enables him.
My father is not only self centered, but stupid and bad with money. He consistantly shorts himself in the long run by spending all his money on instant gratification.


Well-Known Member
Part of this is about me making up for mistakes in my past... I have alot of shit on my plate and I cant really expect anyone to listen to me or my bitching because I could go on for weeks.

About me:
I am a vegetarian, seeking to maybe one day become vegan.
I am a virgin, and seek a women who has the same sexual view as I.
I have experience with organic gardening, but I am looking to expand my knowledge on the trade. (I specifically want to become self reliant, learn how to recondition soils and become a smalltime farmer)
I hate 99% of society, and will not support any form of negativity. I think all people were created equal and should all have a fair shot at life. Yet at the same time, I am very judgmental and have little sympathy for people who dont respect themselves or the land.

These are my core beliefs, and are the only thing that drive me to be alive. I am looking for someone with a heart of gold to be my mentor.
Whoa kid. Aspergers much? TMI.


Well-Known Member
Oh by the way there is no fuckig way you have more skills than 98% of us...you are a child. Even if you are 25 you are a child and its quite obvious.


Well-Known Member
At first you sounded like a young man wanting to make a better life for yourself and maybe learn something new and get new insight in life. But now you sound more like a lot of things that you said you wasnt.. I can understand the urge of wanting to make a better reality for yourself. but life is not easy and its deffinitely not fair. You will Learn absolutely nothing from reacting to advice that doesnt appeal to you and you will not prove yourself as a good candidate bashing all people both those trying to help you and flame you.

How can you ask for a mentor if you dont even want to seriously reflect on advice given to you? Do you really know what you want? Life is yours if you want it, but remember that only you live your life and thats why you have to build it yourself. i hope you get on track. best of luck


Active Member
Well, its good that your going to atleast attempt the equipment manufacturing job, but something quite hypocritical is the fact without knowing the job or business your applying to, they are just a intricate part of the corporate chain unless its a privately owned small business, even then they would probably be importing plenty of materials sacrificing "quality for quantity" in many instances, as with much of any business no matter how biased your opinion is of one compared to another (like mcdonalds). If the position doesn't require a college degree, then you could equate the skill level to obtain such a job. I'm sure they are both relatively easy and could be held by a part time worker who still is in high school.

Even if you honestly believed this manufacturer was holy compared to all other businesses in your area, being broke or successful; the same formula is at work here- You trade your time and labor, they pay you in this currency called dollar bills. That happens no matter what job you have, there is no dignity to be held compared to a mcdonalds and an average manufacturing job, they both have equal flaws that can be put in the spotlight. At my local mcdonalds there is mostly high school kids, and like 2-3 older people who are managers, but the average age is certainly not reflective of "going no wheres in life", and even in the instance if I seen a younger adult, like 25; with kids at home I wouldn't really instantly equate her to having lost all dignity because she works there in some sort of judging.

Good luck but your always going to find someone who gives you a opinion you don't like in society, re-act like you did in this thread and at your parents house and you will find yourself out of a job pretty quick I'm sure, the average place doesn't allow dudes to just blow up because they feel they can't properly communicate the point they were trying to make because its so deep and unique (I'm being sarcastic, its more of a full context issue that we don't have, but we don't have a life story here so).
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