LOOKING SWELL! 4 cheese 1 white rhino GHS


Active Member
thought i'd save you the heartache of making you watch me grow for months an cut the shit out.

harvest 1 week

4th one white rhino

4ghs cheese 1white rhinoSDC12518.jpgSDC12546.jpgSDC12527.jpgSDC12539.jpgSDC12534.jpgSDC12533.jpgSDC12541.jpgSDC12519.jpgSDC12513.jpgSDC12516.jpg


Active Member
all plants have been topped and in 50litre pot

veg them for 3weeks and been on flowering for about 7weeks,

as the root system is huge it can speed up the process, alot of the growth in flowering!

really bushy plants too

i love the white rhino really short internode growth creating on solid bud all the way down to the bottom,

where as the cheese only had a solid bud at the top an loads of nuggets further down


Active Member
i seem to have two phenos of cheese i think! two are definately diffrent to the other cheese, more like exodus cheese than normal

really pungent smell