'Looking to buy vaporizer, any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I know collectively we have tried them all a hundred times. I am currently leaning toward the Extreme Vaporizer first and the Herbalair 2.1 second. I want a bag and a whip, and I would love to keep this under $400.


Well-Known Member
Not sure I've heard of the Herbalair before, going to have to look into it before I can give ya any more suggestions.


Well-Known Member
I looked into HerbalAIRE and they seem to be an ok company. Their vaporizer seems to have good feedback. I would just hate to see you willing to spend money without getting the best there is to offer. Have you checked out Volcano's yet?


Well-Known Member
You must not have gotten a good vaporizer then. Cheap glass globe vaporizers do suck. In fact, they're terrible. But you must not have hit out of a good vaporizer or else you wouldn't be sayin don't waste your money. Volcanos don't overheat like conventional glass dome vaporizers and burn your weed because the temperature is digitally set to burn only the thc from the buds.


Well-Known Member
I did take one hit from a volcano once and it was sweet! I just don't want to get into the $500 and above range. I think I may find something equivalent for less with enough research.


Well-Known Member
Yup there are plenty vaps that will compare to the Volcano, probably only have to spend $200-300 for one to get a quality vap. Keep searching and I'll do the same :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i have heard people rave on and on about the valcano and say in six month it paid for itself in conserving weed? They said if it broke they would get a new one asap and never smoke anything else anymore? I like to explore all the options and would be interested in a cheeper version so let us know


Well-Known Member
"I like to explore all the options and would be interested in a cheeper version so let us know"

Take the valcano idea apart and break it down. You can make one at less than 1/5th the cost, smokes the same way, AND have it water cooled... who wants to take in 355-405 deg. air?!


Well-Known Member
the digi vaporizer looks like a good option but im not sure anyone else tried it

We have 2. they work great.. The only bad ive heard about them is that people leave them on all the time ,and they burn out .. I dont ..I turn it on when im ready to use it and turn it off when im done .. Ive had no problems with them and its been just about a year of daily use ... and the whips are easy to obtain if you happen to break one


Well-Known Member
"I like to explore all the options and would be interested in a cheeper version so let us know"

Take the valcano idea apart and break it down. You can make one at less than 1/5th the cost, smokes the same way, AND have it water cooled... who wants to take in 355-405 deg. air?!
Do tell! Are the parts hard to find?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I did months of homework. I was seeing vaporizers in my sleep. I finally settled (after much agonizing) on the Super Vapezilla. I was torn between that and the Volcano. They are both in a similar price range. I am so glad that I went Vape! I use it every day. I purchased it in Dec of 2007. I feel it truly maximizes the bud. It takes about 3 minutes to warm up and you also have to leave it running while it goes through the cool down cycle. The manufacturer suggests not turning the power off until it gets down between 180 - 160 degrees F. That is the only drawback. If you are in a hurry, it is not convenient. Other than that, I cannot say enough about what a great tool it is. Everyone that has tried it with me (there have been many) are amazed at the results. Having a digital temp control allows you to slowly walk up the register of different cannabinoids that get vaped at different temps. I usually start at 360 F and finish up at about at 440 F. I have people that come by with their buds wanting to ride on the Super Vapezilla. I know some people are hesitant to give up the flavor and smoke experience of joints and various bongs & pipes but there is a distinct inhale and exhale flavor when you vaporize that is truly something. This is the only vaporizer I have tried and I am loving it. I had some concerns about all the hype at the Wicked Roots website and there were sure plenty of volcano fans that swear by their volcanos but I really didn't want to be bothered with bags and such. I wll say that I am so glad I took a chance and went with it. That is my review thus far. If there is some drawback aside from warm up and cool down time I haven't found it yet. I have been a marijuana enthusiast for some 35 years and I am not saying that this is going to completely replace joints and bongs, but it may some day. It can sure stretch a bud until it screams.

Adios -