Looking To Move Out West


Well-Known Member
Hi there folks, this hobby grow has turned for the worst.

I have become completely obssesed and i want to be surrounded by people who think like we do. I want to pick up the operation and move somewhere where it is easy, safe and lucrative to sell to professional dispensaries. I understand this is all relative. thanks for any helpful info.

I have narrowed it down to cali, colorado, and montana. +rep


Well-Known Member
Montana is freezing cold and nobody lives there. Colorado is nice but its cold there too. I say SoCal, or Nevada. We are just starting to see some dispensaries popping up out here, and if California leagalizes in nov, I'm sure we will be right behind them. The weather is great, no rain, no income tax, they are pretty much giving houses away out here now. Move out west! If it doesn't work out or laws change where your from you can allways move back.


Well-Known Member
Nah im from the east.Ill just go out west for a little vaca thats it.I would never leave here aint no place like NEW YORK CITY.
hey hey my buddy to the north

i best the co2 levels from the city make for some killer herbs dude!

i love my state so much ... its just perfect, except for no mmj laws. we have mountains and the ocean and the highest quality of life in the country.