looks like k is in fact available online.its confusing it comes from allover theplace

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
Yeah I injected many times but I cannot say it was fascinating.I don't pay more than $8 for k and actually I pay $8 for it,by the way I'm a vet :smile:

i have tried it like that to you need to snort it injection doesnt even come close to cooking it down
whats wrong, you like it hard smokedupnburnedout? fckn sicko.... :wink:

yeah i get that way everytime i smell pussy!!!!n btw whats the 3rd coast the gulf or mi.sorry ive heard both referred to like this??oh yeah read this:
Many online drug forums frown on (or outright ban) posts asking where to obtain research chemicals or posts that advertise the sale of any drugs. Such actions may attract the attention of enforcement agencies, which could speed-up the scheduling of a new drug. In addition, discussions like this tend to get repetitive and noisy, attract spammers and scammers, and are generally considered rude. Also, most companies that sell these things are not allowed by law to sell them for human consumption as drugs: if the companies discover a product of theirs is used recreationally they may choose to or be forced to stop selling it to avoid criminal or civil liability. Posts about consumption that name sources could be used in legal cases against those companies. Finally, if one is caught with a chemical and charged under the Controlled Substance Analogue Act, that person's posts could possibly end up being used as evidence that he or she intended to use the chemicals illegally. and this:
It is also illegal in the United States to mis-represent a research chemical and sell it as an illegal drug. If one puts some nonscheduled chemical into a pill and sells it as ecstasy (MDMA), one can be charged with selling actual ecstasy. (This is true even if one is selling bogus sugar pills that contain no active drug.) Unless either the analog or look-alike laws are involved, though, most research chemicals are not strictly illegal. Some states have placed controls on chemicals that are for sale in other states, so it may be important to look into the laws in one's specific area. In countries like the United States or Germany, where the government has emergency banning powers, a research chemical can be declared illegal immediately; so a drug can become illegal overnight without one knowing it. Those who keep research chemicals around should stay abreast of changes in the law. A key concept to keep in mind is that one can be arrested, charged, and have one's property seized in the United States based solely on the presumption of possession a scheduled substance. Any white powder that "looks like a drug" and is seen by a cop may get one put in jail and one's lawyer will have to sort out whether or not any laws were actually violated. Analog prosecutions are expensive and tend to be reserved to punish sellers, but simple possession can lead to awful consequences, even if a felony conviction isn't the final result.

The DEA busted and arrested a handful of research chemical vendors in July 2004, using hospitalizations and information suggesting that the chemicals were sold for consumption as their justification for declaring them to be controlled substance analogs:
These website operators attempted to give an appearance of legitimacy to their websites by presumably selling these chemicals to bona fide researchers; however, a review of customer lists revealed purchasers with e-mail addresses such as acidtripo420@; ecstasylight@; madtriper17@; moontripperdipt@; partys_with_glow_sticks@; professor@; psychedelic_stoner@; and ravergirlny@.
hopefully this clears up the confusion people arnt trying to be rude.all of this comes from erowiddotorg


Well-Known Member
"yeah i get that way everytime i smell pussy!!!!n btw whats the 3rd coast the gulf or mi.sorry ive heard both referred to like this??oh yeah read this:" thats it? really, thats it? thats all you could come up with? your trying to hard btch, but thats okay,
second, I'm aware of the law, I just said you could say it without letting us smell your virus infected cunt, you could have just been civil,
3rd coast, both...though we don't all get along, thats to be expected each individual area is convinced were the shit...

and some common sense on the email names from the customer would have been nice....just fcking stupid...ehh...but what you gonna do, You aint going to do shit but bitch like your on you rag again, but you should be off it soon, and hopefully a touch more mellow... sweet dreams sweet cheeks

†lol† as a side note I don't do K, I was just curious as to what the hell it is....


Well-Known Member
Yeah I injected many times but I cannot say it was fascinating.I don't pay more than $8 for k and actually I pay $8 for it,by the way I'm a vet :)
Really your a vet... and I'm an obstetrician ;)

Come one bro... seriously, you may be able to fool a few people on this thread... but your slick antics are not going to work with me. Why would you defame yourself on RIU by saying your a vetenarian... maybe you an assistant, I could believe that ;)


:) what asistant?Yes I'm really a vet(dvm) but not in US.I think you're in very tight conditions in there with fbi,dea...and something like them.Your sistem makes people paranoids...however I cannot say ours is so good too,what a fuckin world.