Looks like mold on leaves? Need help!!


Well-Known Member
check it out. once you got pm there is no getting rid of it, it is an internal disease. all you can do is manage it. perpetual grows are bad with this. i am in this situation now. what i do is wipe off the huge PM spots on the leaves if any, and then once a week i pull the plants out the tent and wipe the tent, fans, lights, everything with bleach water(good to do even w/o PM) but i also mix a solution of water(2quarts), baking soda(teaspoon),liquid soap(drop),hydrogen peroxide 3%(1/2cup or so) and i gently mist from bottom to top, under leaves. stems, soil too. then i let them sit with fan for a few hours till really dry, then back into the tent. ALL OF THIS HAPPENS AS SOON IT'S TIME FOR LIGHTS TO COME ON.

also, youll want to increase air flow and circulation in the tent, and get a dehumidifier if possible, more ventilation.
Thanks dude! I only had one fan running during their sleep and I think this is what caused it. I have done a couple of tests during the past couple of days at with one fan RH is hitting 55-60 during dark time. Two fans running...45 RH.

After this grow I am gonna have it all on lock down :)


Well-Known Member
A spray with milk water also will help to get rid of PM in the same way that garlic and baking soda do..it raises the surface pH of the leaves and PM doesn't like it very much...
Are you feeding any bloom nutes? Because plants deficient in potassium are more likely to be affected by PM...try to do whatever you can to lower your humidity...and just keep an eye on things. I have never had any issues with PM on healthy plants, but have had a few clones get it here and there...


Well-Known Member
A spray with milk water also will help to get rid of PM in the same way that garlic and baking soda do..it raises the surface pH of the leaves and PM doesn't like it very much...
Are you feeding any bloom nutes? Because plants deficient in potassium are more likely to be affected by PM...try to do whatever you can to lower your humidity...and just keep an eye on things. I have never had any issues with PM on healthy plants, but have had a few clones get it here and there...
I think this all started because I was only running one fan durning dark time and the humidity rose. It seems to have corrected itself with the different sprays that I have been trying but I was going to start to foliar feed with Purple Maxx... I just dont know how it would react with the PM...

Slody b

I have to agree with Sean Tom. Just went through a PM battle, it's in the plants. Saw a Cervantes video about a h2o2 wash after flowering, but it's a continuous battle.


Active Member
It's hard to keep humidity down once the lights go out in a tent, I have a dehumidifier in the room keeping it around 50% relative humidity but when I peak inside in the morning when the lights go on it's made its way up to almost 70%, haven't seen any ill effects yet but I worry about my girls....


Well-Known Member
get two cheap fans. have one blowing at the canopy, and have the second fan sucking air out of your grow box 24/7. cut some holes for vents and cover the holes with a carbon filter(they're called air conditioner filters at home depot, they're white), apply duct tape for air tightness. = no mold

should cost no more than $40 total


Well-Known Member
I recently decided to get rid of any mothers that were not very resistant to PM. It makes a huge difference in the garden.
Threw out Romulan, Sweet Tooth, Govt Mule and a Kush x Skunk. All 4 were having PM issues (yield as well) during the seasons that air conditioning was required... The hot days and cool nights really amp PM.

Even when a PM covered Romulan was right next to NL, Green Crack, and Super Silver Haze... they would not have PM on them.

Like soooo many things... a simple way to deal with PM is to just keep resistant genetics.

Plants that have more stretch/longer branching typically have less issues. Squat indicas with high leaf/calyx are nearly always susceptible.

Other preventative measures...
give plants plenty of space.
lollipop plants high.
pick dead fallen leaves out of the medium,

If you have the vertical space... a foot of bare stem from the soil line to the first growth is great for air circulation, inspection, etc... i know a lot of you don't have that kind of space though. Lower growth getting splashed while hand watering will amp PM.


Active Member
I dont know if its been mentioned but Potassium Bicarbonate is much better than Sodium Bicarbonate IMO. Sodium Bicarbonate has sodium (obviously) which is no good for your plants so you need to wipe them after spraying. Potassium however is good for your plants. Its just as effective and in moderate dosages youll plants will like the extra potassium. That said if you need to go heavy or often with it I would probably lower your potassium in your feeding regimen if possible


Well-Known Member
Just an update - after the two doses of garlic/h202/baking soda (and added the extra fan) the PM has not shown itself. I will be updating my journal here in a couple days - the plants look great!