looks like overwatering?


Well-Known Member
Your plants look just fine. Keep watering them as they need it. After you water a plant the leaves get a little heavy sometimes. Its no big deal. Verm is fine and I use it but not on its own. I do a 70 perlite 30 verm mix and It works fine. The lower leaves that don't get much light will get pale and fall off so don't worry about that either. Leave them alone they are fine. When you start chasing imaginary problems is when you start having real problems and I learned that the hard way. Good Luck.


Active Member
crazy shit.

plants are super droopy right after water. Idk. Looks like overwatering but my pot was weightless. Am I missing something here.

also have what I believe is a N def also.

it was 6 days in between watering and feed 10ml of Alaska fish fer and Alaska morbloom. I have fed it a couple times with espom salt.

strain is barneys critcal rapido auto.

soil is mg catus 50/50 with vermiculite.

airated tap water.

thanks for looking.
my personal opinion:

1. nice heavy sativa - i like; i like:clap:
2. yellow leaf is bottom of plant therefore roots closer to top of soil..could be over/under water cost of growing plants don't always look pretty.
3. if you want to add N to green her up..it won't hurt to feed extra jut don't over do..just feed her your N the next time only..no grow or bud builder.


Well-Known Member
thank you guys for you help.

I want to baby them but I know it a weed and will grow.

this is a very therapeutic for me. I have depression and general anxiety. So I don't want my babies to die.


Well-Known Member
So I tried water with half of what I usually do. 1/4 gal instead 1/2 gal. Didn't droop but...

I'm now worried as to the draw backs of not saturated the medium entirely. Will roots dies from air pockets in the soil if it wasn't wet?

pots are feeling lighter today also.


Well-Known Member
Pictures of your plants remind me of cold winters growing in dirt, in the basement. I had same problem plants would a still be heavy 5-8 days after watering, the room humidity was high so soil wouldn't dry out.

Putting a space heater on a timer to come on at night helped. That dry heat helped remove excess moisture.