looks like we are finally on our way


Well-Known Member
did you guys see John McCain saying that hes for the legalization of marijuana?? I was pretty shocked to hear someone like that sayin that.


Active Member
Woop Woop!
Waiting for the wave to spread and reach the East Coast..
And waiting, and waiting, and waiting...


Well-Known Member
I heard in PA the bill is goin straight to legalize it for recreational use. If they can get it on the ballet itd be interesting to see the results!


Well-Known Member
did you guys see John McCain saying that hes for the legalization of marijuana?? I was pretty shocked to hear someone like that sayin that.
They have to. or He has to. with politics it isn't necessarily what they believe in, they have to go with the majority of voters...look at gay marriage. even people who were so far against it, now must say they are in favor of it because the majority of people know, there is nothing wrong with gay people. this is happening with cannabis so this is good. as more documentaries, children seizures are cured, people who dont induldge start to at least try it, things will change.

light the kush, sniff mccain, fuck bush

that be awesome in PA...http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2013/06/naacp_supports_pa_bill_to_lega.html


Well-Known Member
Nice links! And agreed. Glad gay rights are finally coming into reality.

I however, dont like how its being done. In New York, some pro-gay, high priced company "donated" a few million to the campaign of one of the higher ups who consistently voted opposing gay right, and sure enough it got passed. I am for gay rights but not for bribery and corruption. Even if it helped legalize marijuana. Its still wrong to me and alot of us out there.

Bring back the old USA!


Well-Known Member
Yea in CO they need that stuff so they calm down and them mofos stop shooting ppls in theaters and shit.
Yeah, you need something to be less of a jackass.
I have no idea what will help you with that, perhaps try drinking a nice cup of bleach.


Well-Known Member
yupp wish i could move out there. Not even for the legalization, ive wanted to move there since before i smoked. Just a beautiful place to live and im a mountain man so i feel id fit in haha. The legalization would be an awesome addition though


Active Member
Personally I wanna change it back to marihuana. Take the racial shit away the Nixon administration added to it.
Personally, i just wanna smoke it.
anywhere, anytime, in front of anyone without any ramification.
Mind you this is what i do already, id just like for it to be legal to do so lol.


Well-Known Member
i always like the marihuana with the H haha. always made me stress the H like in cool wHHHip

also i think there will be both medical and recreational stores. Well not stores, more like "farmacies"

Shouldnt be any difference in the quality but in the medical one it would just be more informing on what is going to help something where as the rec stores will probably have books with pictures bragging about flavor profile, tests of thc/cannabinoid %, etc...

Also insurance might eventually start covering mariHuana one day and the medical dispensary would be able to use there current insurance to get reduced/free medicine.

Theyve already allowed the use of credit cards for the purchase of medical marihuana. Not sure if you can for rec yet but if not its comin soon.