bud bootlegger
yea im from the golden era of slang lol not this bubblegum bullshit today...
come on now gg, yolo, lmao, god, hate that term..
yea im from the golden era of slang lol not this bubblegum bullshit today...
yea im from the golden era of slang lol not this bubblegum bullshit today...
ahhh the good years when xmas bud was more special than xmas! yodo! you only die once!
You talk a lot of shit for not having posting much of anything worth while.
personally I love the mail. I order everything online, and the best part is it comes to me. I don't have to do shit but wait. I've never had a problem with reputable bean banks. If the US didn't have silly laws, we could easily have domestic shippers here. Until then, I will enjoy placing orders overseas, wait 7 days and have excellent stock waiting to hit the water. Just placed an order today, it will be in my hands by this time next week. Fucking easy as shit.
ah yes, hey if the shoe fits wear it amos! Save your witty bullshit for all the threads you troll on here. Have fun!Who are you calling ' chithead ', and why do you think you have standing to do so?
I haven't seen anyone here attacking Loompa or his gear. I objected to his initial 'take it or leave it' attitude. Everyone else questions his choice of doing business solely w/ one distributer of poor repute.
You think those aren't legitimate concerns? Then I wouldn't call you a ' chithead '. A$$kisser sounds more on target.
I totally agree with Racerboy; we need to stop the hating on here. We have had some of the best growers on here, only to get run off by f'ing trolls that think they are ganja gods; truth being they can't find their ass with both hands, just internet punks that mommy and daddy didn't give enough attention to. I think I read almost every word in Loompa's website and it's awesome. You can tell he is more interested in sharing information and helping growers than hustling beans. It's an honor to have a good breeder here.
ah yes, hey if the shoe fits wear it amos! Save your witty bullshit for all the threads you troll on here. Have fun!
Excellent! I have yeti og from a friend at another growsite that is laiden with quality growers. kinda where the serious folks go when they get fed up with the trolling that takes place here on threads. You can say whatever you want about anyone you want, i was expressing an opinion. I have had conversations with om pa pa and he understands my frustration. So yeah have fun going thru life hating on people! I wrefuse to feed into your childish diatribes.
no doubt home slice...Hella swag on my yolo!
Jesus. I miss the golden era of slang, rap and piney flavored christmas tree nugs.
i miss that pinesap taste also..i come very close with my pot roast..like pinetrees and a little berry..man i miss the christmas tree!im on the hunt, when i get it ill let u know.