i won't slam loompa as he has the gear everyone has wanted for years, but i will also say i will never, not in a million years, send money to that thief logic, i'd rather throw it out the window on a highway and hope it gets to my landlord that way then to spain and logic..
for years, the only place you could get og raskal gear was through the farm, and for years, i always said how nice it would be to be able to grow some wifi for ex, but for years, i grew someone else's gear because i wasn't going to support neither the farm, nor any breeder who only vended through the farm. finally i think logic and ogr had their differences, and now ogr vends at tons of seeed banks, and now i'll have, and have bought, ogr gear..
my $.02, but i won't support any known thieves, nor any breeder who only deals with known thieves.. sucks, but i work hard for my money, as i'm sure everyone does, and i'm not going to throw it away hoping on some long shot, i'm one of the lucky ones to actually get what i paid for from logic and the farm..