losing fan leaves during flowering?


Active Member
I also have lost quite a few leaves over the past couple of weeks so thats why they might be looking bare, but as far as pruning goes, i never really intentionally cut leaves, but as i said before ive read in many a post that its common practice.
i have og seed bank derrived version of ur plant im a month into flowering. 9in msq pure hydroponics,ebb flow element , mist combo 1kw
heres my nutes simple cheap ph perfect 3part from AN sensi zyme AN. but i have ahormone i use its naturally accuring for best life especially in bloom.
loosing your big fan leaves happens naturally, this plant u stretch u can keep it budding immensly for 4months straight before flush.

when a weed is budding its number 1 priority is to bud. so stretch ur plants, natural way is the hormone i mentioned, when u spend 200bucks on a bud hardner maximizer nute combo it has a small amount of this hormone. there are others key is get them in chemical formula. since they are hormone distilled out as a fluid its the exact acidity for perfect nute uptake 5.8 6.4 . white lsd is 600gm2 ive gotten that off one plant in a propogation tray on sunblaze t5. so u know that strain is the best pure thc high u can get because other plants contain various other canabanoids and its not known how they interact. the white lsd. is called so because thc is up at 30% while cannabanoids are at 0 or just sooooo low. you get a solid trueTHC only buzz. these guys make a lot of fan leaves as they stretch when budding they shed non important fan leaves because the buds are stretching towards the lights if the leave is still perkey but discolored pull down gently if it snaps real easy it was meant to come off this also follows with amnezia as they are very simialiar in respects to lsd white.

if the leaf is green with no severe decoloration leave it, move them out of stretching buds they are stored nutes and energy yes, but for the growth of the plant they are not there for budding in this breed and pretty much any breed. thats why my mato is stretch it as a seedling hit with hormones u get early flower switch to the flowering cycle . if ever a lighting issue where the plant got more than three hrsbof light due to whatever, do following. 24hrs darkness then back to regular time. i actually move it to 13dark buds grow at night energy is stored within the rootmass and entire plant thats why hydro is so much better, especially a simple no pest probs, big cutdown on mold mildew, by a simple device called an industrial ozonifier. kills molds bacteria and guess what have it blow along the base of ur plants itbwill cause a stretch of growth frm ur lower stems to stretch up super fast. plus it removes odors pretty much instantly. i would also say do what ive done keep that plant cloned keep growing it, its a massive yielder on its own and as far as thc impact goes its the purest hence its name it can cause visuals, its a frosty bastard to u can grow it in budding for two years if u want. as for the hormones figure them out urself i wont give the chemical names away tey arent really listed that way if at all on super expensive nutes people are shelling out for. making the plants more and more impure and in organic.

stress ur next pant set on purpose especially during seedling is up and half into veg. stress them in all kinds of ways. keep it up generation after generation u need a male to get the gais and start from seed everytime. stay with those plants fr te rest of ur pot days. im on tons o morphine my bud helps my pain better.