Losing My Virginity. Growing For The First Time.


Active Member
I wish I could order from amazon, but they restrict delivery for some products to where I am here in Canada for some reason...
I pretty much am restricted to what is at my local hardware store, unless I want to pay another %50 almost in shipping...

Thanks for the rep!


Active Member
So I am down there last night and I notice that some of those white hairs are becoming much thinner and are turning red. This is just the plant beginning to mature I believe. Any confirmation of that or information otherwise would be appreciated.
Watering is tonight, things are beginning to thicken up and it's getting pretty sticky in there ;)
The feed seems to be going well. The plants do develop slightly burnt tips, but are back to 99% green before next watering.
Should I up the feed again or should I just hold at where I am? What NPK levels are generally too high for the plants?

Thanks for reading. I'll follow up tonight.


Well-Known Member
The hairs will grow out and turn orange and be replaced by new white hairs as the buds fill out. I'd say you'll see them replaced 3-7 times at least.


Active Member
Yeah, it's probably more of an orange. Great to know, thanks a lot!
Just picked up a 6" exhaust fan that says 250cfm on the box from the hardware store. But I am pretty sure that is not free air flow. I believe it is the same basic fan as the one Kitty linked to her previous post. The grow box is only about 55-60 cf, so this fan should be more than sufficient, and I just can't put off installing a proper exhaust fan any longer.
I'll take pics of it installed tonight.


Active Member
LOL, they were very cheap off ebay. Don't know how well they really work, but they can't hurt...
I installed the new exhaust fan and a grill for the passive intake.
Here are some pics I took tonight.

All looks good as far as I can tell. Tops are getting frostier and stickier, and the smell is mouth watering.
Not much else to update on until I build and install my carbon filter, so unless I have any problems or questions, I will see you soon with pics of that.

Thanks for any and all opinions and input!


Active Member
So I was building my Carbon filter in my head and I came up with a pretty simple method to attach to my exhaust fan.
I attach this pointing down.
And I attach this to it.
I chose to do this to help counteract the back pressure caused by the carbon and end cap.
Then drill holes in the end cap.
I'll just cover the holes with a filter cloth and pour the activated carbon in the end cap and filter cloth on top again with something to hold it in place.

It's not toooo expensive, it will look good, it will be easy to replace the carbon, and I think it will work well.

What do you think about that?


Active Member
I have looked for that carbon pre-filter, but can not find it anywhere out here. And I read the thread, and I just don't know how well that filter would work for our application.
You don't think what I described will work or forsee other issues with it?


Well-Known Member
I use premade filters, so I dont have any experience in build your own. Just thought the link would help, that's all I got on that one sorry :) :) :)


Active Member
yo the filter idea seems to be good, make sure you use mastic or the good foil tape on your duct joints,(NOT duct tape, as ridiculous as that sounds)lol
the aluminum foil tape is what you want for a good seal.
and hey remember you'll get alot better performance out of your fan from PULLING air rather than PUSHING it. if you can figure out a way to mount it that way....
anyways goodluck i like your thinking with links...
PS ladies look dank man, amazing what shop lites can do!


Active Member
Hmm, very interesting. Why is it that you would get better performance one way or the other?
If that is the case, then I will do it that way, that is for sure. Anything can be done.
Thanks m8, I can see the difference every day. Funny we are speaking about a carbon filter, cause I just love the smell of them ;)
My wife's mother may not be so appreciative if she were to catch a wif while visiting sometime.
So, what is the reason one would get better performance with pulling?


Well-Known Member
Pulling or pushing is the same thing. What matters is that the carbon filter have some pressure to it. If the air isnt being "forced" into that carbon at a fast velocity, then it isnt touching all of the air molecules and therefore letting some of the smell leak out. Generally I go Carbon Filter --> Vortex Fan --> Light 1 --> Light 2... --> etc.. --> Out of the grow room. Forcing the carbon filter to be first inside the room encourages the maximum suction through the fan on the other side of it.


Active Member
Ok, so filter inside the box having air sucked through it is the best way. That pre-filter should be available at my local hardware store,,, maybe I can order it in. I'll give it a go and we'll see how well it works.
Thanks for your opinions all!.

Edit: BTW, the new exhaust fan works amazing. When I open the box and immediately stick my head in, there is NO noticeable humidity lingering in the box at all that I can tell.

Thanks again Kitty for making me aware of my misjudgment in ventilation. You may have just saved my crop from future disaster ;)


Active Member
No pics atm, but everything is going well.The plants have stopped growing taller. I have not raised the light in several days. The buds are getting thicker and frostier every day. They look and smell so good. The exhaust fan is working well. I don't notice any excess humidity in the box when I open it. My leaves are skinny which I think means the plants are breathing well, and it is my understanding that a low humidity level during flowering is beneficial and will promote resin production in the plants. I am thinking about upping the nutes again a little bit as I have not seen any signs of a over fert problems with the feed I have gave them in the past. I will take a few more pics tomorrow when I water.
Any opinions are very much appreciated.


Active Member
Well, upon further investigation I have been led to believe that the size of the leaves is a trait of strain and not related to air or humidity. I am however still under the impression that a low humidity level during flowering will help promote the production of resin, and I feel like the humidity level is pretty descent atm.
Tonight I will be feeding as well as using 1 tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water.
Today is also day 35 of flowering. In my beginner opinion, they will need another 4-7 weeks... LOL That's a large gap I know, but I am just not sure.
I will snap a few pics tonight and edit this post, and make note of anything interesting that comes up.
Ever since I began using nutes in addition to my pre-ferted soil, I have fed with nutes at every watering. When I water, I basically water so that there is about 30-40% run off.
Considering that the plants are showing no real signs of over ferting, and my watering basically flushes the soil of any buildup, is it ok to keep feeding every watering?
Would it be best to maybe go 1 water with feed, 1 water with molassas? Or can I keep feeding every watering and just through some molasses into the mix?
It is my assumption that considering the watering method, and the fact that the plants seem to like the nutes, that I can keep feeding every watering and just toss in the molassas aswell.
Unless I get any disagreement about it, I will continue to feed every watering and put molasses in every watering also. So, any advice on this aspect would be very much appreciated.

Thanks again to anyone who has posted info in my thread and given me help. Especially you Kitty.


Well-Known Member
Awww thanks cupcake. ;)

On the humidity note, 40-60% flowering, 70-80% vegging, 95-100% seedlings/clones. I cant help ya on the watering though, I'm a foreigner to soil. :)


Well-Known Member
So how does it feel to lose your virginity at last? Are you all loose and greased up by now? Lol.

Your plants are very pretty. Nicely done.