losing plants


Well-Known Member
omfg that super sick...i live in GA...get cought with a roach and your going to jail.....i use to live in alaska tho...its partialy legal there


Well-Known Member
yea but how do you grow in -30 its to cold in alaska!!!!

the club nice... walk in with $ walk out with seeds, clones, plants, bud, brownies, oil what ever you want.. club are not cheap....!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
do u need some sort of pass or can u just go in and buy...it gets way colder then -30 -60 is more like it...all in doors mostly....thats where i learned to grow when i was growing up..u can have up to 4 ounces in your house legaly


Well-Known Member
you need a medical record and a medical mj doc to give you a permit to be able to go to the clubs then the clubs give you a id card. alowd up to a pound on you and 12 plants depending on where you live in cali some places have no limit


Well-Known Member
you need to water rockwool more than every 4 days ... more like every day and possibly twice a day if the plants are growing vigorously and have a large healthy root system.


Well-Known Member
A 4x4 cube alone is not enough for plants that size, do you have roots dangling out dying? You should have the rockwool on top of another media like hydroton balls or lava rock so the roots can grow down into the other media.

Your plants look like they will all die soon if you don't fix the problem. rockwool can get too much water and then the roots can't breath, that can cause this but also not enough water can cause it too. Might also have root rot if the rockwool was too wet all along.

Is this ebb and flow or drip? Either way you need more media than just a cube.

Watering rockwool every 4 days? Holy fuKK! A cube needs water as much as 3x a day certainly not less than 1x.


Well-Known Member
its hard to only have 12..... you want more and more and more. the club dont keep track of how many they give you :)

i got gdp, mazar, purp kush, blueberry, church, grape fruit diesol and grape fruit kush


Well-Known Member
the club charges 15$ for clones 5 for brownies 45-60 an 8th med. you can have 6 mature plants or 12 immature plants...


Well-Known Member
Flood and drain 3 times a day for 15 minutes with proper water and nutes...they will rock!!! Rockwool is good stuff, works well for me..your plants will come around..