lost ALL dencity after flush, 4 days and she hasnt drank. WEEK 7 Flowering????? WTF??


Well-Known Member
Well its been four days since i flushed her out and the soil is still SUPER wet and the density in her is GONE!!!! i am fukin disappointingly pissed! GOD DAMN IT! this is NOT even my god damn plant, ive been growing it fer a buddy of mine in jail. any one had this happen??

wat the hell do i got to do to get her going again???

PLEEZ help me out yall.


Well-Known Member
seiously, a lil help PLEEZ, ive work on this plant fer 6 months. all going to waste.:cry:

damn buds went from rock solid, to feeling like they r FULL of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
seiously, a lil help PLEEZ, ive work on this plant fer 6 months. all going to waste.:cry:

damn buds went from rock solid, to feeling like they r FULL of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if its in soil pull the bottom of the pot off, so there is no standing water and let it breathe


Well-Known Member
Not sure what is going on, but I would definetly make sure she has room to breathe and let the flush continue. I dont think the plant can really loose that much mass from a flush. Were there still leaves on the plant for it to feed on during the flush? If it seems like she is starvin and eating the buds to stay alive, I would add a tablespoon of molasses to the next watering. It wont cause nutrient buildup pr anything. Any Organic, unsulfered, blackstrap molasses will work. The usually have it at the grocery store.


Well-Known Member
im supplementing with Humbodlt nutes HONEY es. Just like mollasis but with more additives in it. and it has foliage, not a TON but it does have sum and they r drooping and VERY unhappy. i mixed the soil around the pot to get sum air and shit in there. i am SO damn disapionted. heres a pik.. tring to upload more now.


Well-Known Member
For the flush, were you flushing the soil? or did you just water normally with water? It looks overwatered, and if you oversaturated the soil, it takes days for the dirt to dry out. I would try to set her in a warm dry room, keep the humidity as low as possible, and that will help it dry out faster. Besides that, alls you can do is wait. Hope this helps. Usually takes 5-10 days for a plant to recover from this. Do not and any more water/liguid to the pot until it dries out completely(almost, not dry as a desert)


Well-Known Member
yea thats about all there is to do, but i was wondering wat caused this, as ive flushed this same strain the same way in the same type of soil (FFOF) and had no issues. just curious wat caused this BS.


Well-Known Member
bump, anyone else heard of this BS????
Hey fuzz sorry to hear the bad news, You know Im no pro, still green but my 2 cents is go with the last advice and get in a hot dry room and dry it out asap. You might be having root problems, what size pots did you use to veg that long? any chance of root rot? whats your dirt/medium? have you checked ph? I know hygrozyme is awsome for making it tru a grow with root rot, It eats dead roots and uses it for food. It wont fix everything but it let me finish a grow with root rot. good luck


Well-Known Member
AT 7 week into flowering the plant will about to shut down if it is a 8 week strain.I would not realy be so worried the growth that is there will not get any bigger now any how it might go a little more crystaly but you have done your bit.Sometimes this can happen from the plant been in a pot that has become to small for the roots or the drainage holes have become blocked.....................tyke............................................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it can be caused by a lot of things that might stop the soil from properly drying. Too much coco or vermiculite, pluged drain holes, poorly shaped pot, excessive root growth at the bottom of the pot, and cool and humid conditions. Thats about all I could think of besides very dense, compact soil.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, Fuzzy, about your late-stage rough patch here - that sucks..

I guess opinions are like assholes.. but, what I see there is a plant that was supporting a lot of foliage and budding activity up top, then along comes a flush that probably stripped too many nutrients out of the soil. I've seen with my own plants how, by the end of stretch, they've pretty much exhausted that soil down to a mere medium, and are reliant on the grower to keep adding what it needs from there.

What's probably happening with the weight is that the buds are releasing water back to the soil in order to get the concentration of nutes in the plant back to where it should be, using it's own stores (since the soil is exhausted). That would explain why she's not transpiring any water anymore, too.

Good news is.. you're probably not losing any smokable material, and MJ really protects its buds at all costs. So, she should pull through anyway.

I've come to not like flushing all that much. I flushed my way out of an over-nute situation last year. It corrected the over-nute, but then introduced a bunch of other weirdness. The whole business about flushing to remove nutes, improve taste blah blah has no basis in plant science.

I don't know what more you can do other than what you're doing. It's tough to course-correct late in a grow when the plant is not creating new material.


Active Member
How hard is that fan blowing on them? It's not oscillating either...

Those leaves cupped downwards like that are trying to prevent transpiration, likely due to that constantly blowing direct air.

As for the droopyness you mentioned, sounds like you overwatered while flushing, maybe if you put a bunch of paper towels (temporarily!) under the pot it'll wick out some water.

Either way, you're almost there, you can afford the foliage loss at this point.