Lost and Found 30lbs


Well-Known Member
Could it have been really shitty mexican brick half mouldy and the other half seeded?


Well-Known Member
Roll one up. Only way to be sure. Wait...mold spores...ummm...shit....

wait! I got it!!!!!

....sell it to some school kids.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, like this one. Good story.

Someones purposely used the police phone and left the weed to be found. Maybe some do gooder stumbled upon a drop and took it, then in an attempt to stop a "no country for old men" type scenario called it in. Smart move if so. That dude the cartel sent was seriously scarey.


Well-Known Member
Guy rips some dude and panics, figures might as well stash it for a bit just till things cool down and come back later. Some rent a cop sees the package and calls it in...either that or