Lost interest in smoking weed?


Well-Known Member
Have you thought of dedicating yourself to serious training to get on the Olympic Shot Put team? You might be really good at it, you could be this countrys hope. If thats not your style you could get into competitive eating competitions or try to break the donkey kong world record- You need a sense of purpose in life, something that gives you a fire in your belly.
Am I the only one who can't get enough of this?
I keep watching the video- @ 0:53 The blonde & @ 1:22 the Asian with ass & The chick with ass @ 3:05 and @ 1:22 and 2:05 the red head- man I'd ride those hard and put them away wet


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who can't get enough of this?
I keep watching the video- @ 0:53 The blonde & @ 1:22 the Asian with ass & The chick with ass @ 3:05 and @ 1:22 and 2:05 the red head- man I'd ride those hard and put them away wet
I guess I am....


Well-Known Member
To each there own
I'm thinking chicks with high testostorone are really horny
Theirs something to be said for a strong woman


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, burn out is possible, contrary to popular belief. I ended up 8 years between smoking one time and the last, not because I made some conscious decision to stop smoking or anything, but because, at a certain point, the high got less and less, my cough got worse and worse, and the overall effect did less and less. Anybody with any sense of honesty, if having been through the same thing, would have no problem admitting the same. I ended up taking almost 8 years off from smoking, but less than that growing again.


Active Member
Omega 3s young grasssmoker, I don't know why but they seem to counteract the "Snoop Dogg effect". ( just not getting high anymore) just try them if they don't work for your brain at least there good for your body.