Lost my iPhone 3g...


Well-Known Member
so friday night i was very drunk.

very drunk.:spew:

i was at a friends house about 2 miles from my house. so i walked home at 5:00 am after all the retarded amounts of liqour.

the walk home was a complete scramble. was with a friend..

all i remember was... leaving, walking first 5 min, black out for almost 20 min. realize i'm in the middle of the road.
take out another beer from my pocket, the 30 degree air kept it nice and cold.
started drinking it, dropped it while drinking it...
pulled out another beer... where i had got 2 from? i had no idea...
called girlfriend, left her a message while walking.
to this day i dont understand what i was trying to say...
took beer from friends pocket..
to fuck with him..
but it wasnt really a joke when i just off and hurled it off an overpass, down 40-50 feet, and smashing into a semi.
the truck slide over into the last exit like he was speed racer, coming back up to the overpass by us now..
run, jump over the guardrail and under the bridge, he goes right over..
he has no chance.
blackout another 20 minutes..

this was the longest 2 miles of my life...

realize im in the road again..
see a street sign.
run to it, pull it out of the ground, do it now..
idk y..
carry it, another half mile...
still don't know..
throw it in their driveway, idk them, who r they? just throw it..
..threw it..
dont remember another few minutes.
then my friend punched a mailbox.
i decided i must tackle one.
run, run fast, run hard, jump hard, smash that shit...
...reinforced mailbox...
on the ground...
shoulder busted...
get back up its all good wont feel it till tomorro...
another mailbox...
this one mocking me..
decided to just rip this one out of the ground.. into the road..
here comes a jeep...
i didn't mean to reak havoc.
boom. jeep hits big plastic mailbox--
mailbox shrapnel...
get to my road another 5 minutes later...
no phone in pocket..
uh oh..

sexy little WHITE iphone 3gs gone baby gone..

i have a horrible idea!!
lets get in my car and drive around to look!

7am nearling approaching..
vomitting on the side of the road.
i gave up. said to myself "bright and early"...

woke up after 4 hours of sleep..
it fucking snowed for the first time this season and we had 4 inches on the ground.

been going on that 2 mile walk now 3 times a day since saturday morning...
nice little workout..
no phone...

i dont ever damage anything of anyones..
the devil was in me that night..

she's lost, but not forgotten..

R.I.P. iPhone 10/10/09-12/05/09


Well-Known Member
lol... yea fuck all of u lol jk jk...

the droid is cool i must say, the OS is very quick and seems stable so far but we all know how that turned out with the blackberry storm..
BUT, it is still not as sleek as the iphone as far as performance goes. the iphone is so user friendly and the motions of the touch just crap on the droid..
there i go sounding like a hater again..

try calling it? honey, the idea was that i lost it on a drunk ass walk home over a 2mile period, some of which i don't even remember..
but yea, i still call it to this minute just hoping...

sucks too cuz on my 3g i had Find My iPhone, which is a program that continually runs in the background of the phone and it sends locations to the findmyi server every 5, 10, 15 minutes or every hour.. u lose the phone, go onine, pay 5 bucks, they send u those locations as long as its still on..

unfortunately i wasnt thinking of it at all when i switched from 3g to 3gs..

and yes the moral of the story is, if u get smashed, get a shit phone... hmm.. cant live without my iphone tho...
im gonna go buy a $20 virgin mobile knock around, and take that with me on the party nights.. +rep tebor, even tho u didnt actually provide me with advice as much as u did sarcasm, but got me thinking. u win today.