Lost my plants in my house fire. (pics)


Active Member
Well now that im clear of any legal stuff I think it's safe to post again.

had a house fire a little over a month ago in the apartment below mine. got a call from my roomate when I was high and drunk out on a friday night telling me the apartment was on fire.

Adrenaline set in and I ran back to the place to see smoke billowing out of my apartment. My heart would not stop beating, firemen broke down the doors and headed in. During the search of the entire complex they found my garden. Took them all and left the empty pots.

Truely a very sad day, I thought I was gonna get fucked. But luckily they didn't and possibly couldn't charge me for it. No warrant for drugs maybe?

Either way I had been workin on my first grow since the beginnin of the school year. .they were all budding and things were goin great. Here's some pic's of my lost babies.. RIP.

Setup: 1 Shoplight Fixture with 2- 48" bulbs 40orso watts each.. bunch of random cfls.. not bad for a ghetto setup.



Active Member
haha, the best part is that the police talked to us and said they were the nicest plants they had ever seen and that whoever grew them did good job.. lol even though it was ghetto, guess kids around me here dont know how to grow.. Thank you RollitUP!


Well-Known Member
So sorry to hear about your loss.:blsmoke: Luckily, they didn't try to fuck you- and thank god the fire wasn't because of something faulty in the grow room- too many incidences of that..


Well-Known Member
a similar situation happened to my friend, he was using over 4000watts in a house of his own. like a moron, he had like 3 1000watts connected to the same surge protector. the whole house caught on fire and he called my other friend saying "dude!! im growing weed and my house is on fire!! help!!!" it was really random, sketchy, and humorous to see some kid running out of a burning house with plant after plant of budding dank. sorry to hear you had to endure such a scenario, i would have been paranoid out my ass if the cops told me my plants were nice lol


Well-Known Member
Thats a bummer man! I say they are growing in a firefighter basement. My dad is a firefighter and still smokes everyday. Not while working though. He has seen many grow op fires due to shotty wirering. He say all the plant are ussallly burned up by the time he gets to them


New Member
Sorry for your loss also. Thats very sad.
I agree that either a fireman or a poiceman has it. :?

I hope you relocated ok or your house was renovated afterwards.:blsmoke::peace:
sorry for your loss...they are probably growing in some firemens basement...:joint:


Active Member
Well it was actually a college apartment. Local volunteer firefighters tried to cover and hide them. When the cops swung thought to check for people again, they looked closely and found them. tear tear


Well-Known Member
yea i was about to say...i realy dont think the firefighters woulda sold you out...

they coulda care less..... its when the police do the walk through
Well it was actually a college apartment. Local volunteer firefighters tried to cover and hide them. When the cops swung thought to check for people again, they looked closely and found them. tear tear
Awesome the firefighters tried to hide them for you :)

Sorry for your loss though matey