lots of amber trics at the top of the plant, but mostly clear everywhere else??

Hi guys,

I'm currently growing some White Castle, which according to the site that I bought the seeds from, has an 8-10 week flowering period. I'm just about done with week 6 of flower, and just picked up a scope to see how far along she was. I was very surprised to find that the bits I snipped off the very top of the main cola are already showing about 50% amber trics! The further down the main stem I look, the less amber there is (it's looking more 50% milky and 50% clear along the main stem), and on the other, smaller buds, the trics still look mostly clear, with just about 20% of them milky. The buds still have a ton of long, white pistils and more seem to be popping up everyday.
Any ideas why there would be so much amber at the very top? I haven't even begun to flush yet, thinking I still have plenty of time to go. What would you guys suggest re: harvesting?
Actually, I had another thought - about a week ago I started to experience nute burn which also affected only the very top of the plant, the same areas which are now showing lots of amber trics. Is there any correlation between too many nutes and trics degrading early?

I've added some pictures as well.



Well-Known Member
You still got a ways to go.. You're 2wks under their min. which is usually about a wk to 2 short anyway.
They look fine, looks like they're just going thru a growth spurt.
I didn't think it looks anywhere near done either - just surprised to see any amber so early...I guess I'll just ride it out and see what happens!


Got to agree with the others you have to relax and wait a few weeks longer, just think how much better the smoke will be when you finally harvest, lovely looking heads, now i know why they call the strain white castle.


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I'm curious as to if these are ready or not. They have all cloudy white trichomes none are yellow but the pistils are shrinking and 50% are red. What do you guys think?

Got to agree with the others you have to relax and wait a few weeks longer, just think how much better the smoke will be when you finally harvest, lovely looking heads, now i know why they call the strain white castle.


Active Member
i like how no one listened to his question about the amber trichomes, just repeating what the first guy said, the plant obviously ain't ready he's asking why he's got amber trichomes 3 weeks before harvest?

if anyone could actually answer this? coz i'd like to know too


Well-Known Member
You will get some red as some of the material is older than others, also the stress may have induced some of it as well. Honestly there isn't much you can do other than ride it out and finish her up strong. Make sure not to stress out the next grow and you may be surprised she grows somewhat different. Hopefully you have clones so you can dial her in because she looks nice. Sometimes these things happen as you begin to dial stuff in on a certain plant, if you keep going with the same strain (if it's worth it) you can get to it's max potential. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Trichs show up around 3-4 weeks for most strains, they are aging as your plant is making more. So the old ones on the top, or on the tips of leaves, will be much more mature than the rest.

When your buds fill out at 6-8 weeks they are creating tons of trichs as you can see, but you still need to wait for them to ripen. Most growers chop because the growth stops right after that, not knowing it's not totally ripe everywhere yet. They see some amber all over the leaves they can see with a scope, but it's really hard to get into the tight buds and see all the trichs on new growth.

None of this is based on anything other than my observation. So, cut a small sample first and scope it out before chopping the whole plant next time. You'll have a much better idea and you don't need to do it more than a few times to get the idea.