Lots of little bulbs, lots of little plants, and lots of little budds


Active Member
That's awesome, I am currently experimenting with diff training techniques for best yeild for my space. Have you tried letting the plant veg for 2 weeks after topping? Or putting it in right after topping?


Well-Known Member
That's awesome, I am currently experimenting with diff training techniques for best yeild for my space. Have you tried letting the plant veg for 2 weeks after topping? Or putting it in right after topping?
Well you're on the right track though, experimenting. I would like to add at this point that i've only been growing a year, and don't spend anywhere near as much time researching at most, but I promise not to give you any advice if i'm not 100% sure.

I tried a little LST with 4 small plants, each under there own light fitting of a mere 50w CFL and manage to produce 9grams dry, with soil, pH, spider mites, and temps dropping far too low. But I found trimming a pain, and also with the desire to religously spray the underside of leaves with water, and personally, I found them more difficult to trim...but on just a few plants I guess that iit doesn't matter too much. LST done properly (not like my lazy example) does seem best for CFL's.

Topping: Funnily enough, the 2 that I just flipped were only chopped 4 days before 12/12 (this is my second attempt and how I did it last time), but the next 2 will have about 2 weeks after topping, and excited to see how this works in my set up, but a bit worried they'll be so beastly I'll have to buy another load of bulbs!! I like to leave the plant at least a few days after topping before flip, to allow the poor thing to get over the stress of having it's head cut off before being forced to flower.

This is a rule I use through out my gardening. The ladies are living objects, so I try to minimise stress by not re-potting and topping on the same day etc. This may be totally unnecessary, but the way I like to do things


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I like to top a good little bit before flowering, that way it has time to make and build my 2 main stalks.


Well-Known Member
all together, how long was the growth from begginig to end?? those plants are pretty small
The clue is in the title, they're meant to be small lol :)

No idea total time, I get lost with my perp grow as to what started when. But they are a short INdica breed anyway, amd I keep them as short as possible to get the best out of the CFL's


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I like to top a good little bit before flowering, that way it has time to make and build my 2 main stalks.
I top quite low down, so the stems that are left at the top are already a few inches... and bare in mind that this grow is all about small plants...oh and trial and error :)


Active Member
Well your already on your way down the right path!! Now I gotta get there!! Great grows man, and yeah Im done with the lst thing, I cant seem to keep the plant under control. I do want to do a scrog and that is when I would use lst, but im trying to grow enough for myself and my girl so easier and quicker is better at this point so you helped alot Hettyman!!


Well-Known Member
Harvest update:
2 small plants in orange pots, produced 11g dry each (well 10.4 and 11.5), and each one only had a quarter share of 175w CFL

They had about 8 weeks true flower, no flush just one pure water for the 2 final waterings. Very Very verytasty (fruity, slightly citrus, and very more-ish) , but maybe could have done with another week or so for strength, but still better then buying the harsh commercial shat that's floating about



Well-Known Member
2 topped plants under 60w CFL each. decided to leave these to dry right out after final water, but the heat wave meant that by the time i chopped them down, they were 90% dry, and didn't seem as strong after drying...but produced 13g and 15g, with a much better taste.



Well-Known Member
oh and while they weren't the biggest harvests, it's a perp grow and there were only about a week apart...and that's plenty enough for me