lots of males help!


Active Member
so i've been reading alot of threads on this site for the past year. though as u can see this is my first post. i'm not much of a (poster?) yet. so hears the deal i have two grow boxes sort of like a perpetual grow but not quite. 1 is 21 tall by 20deep 11 in wide tupper ware tote with 2 6500k 23 watt cfls and 1 13 watt cfl also 6500k. it has a computer fan and a passive intake. temps run at 85 degrees lights on.
the second box is a large pc case with 4 23 watt 2700 k cfls in it with 2 pc fans in it temps run lower in this one at 80 even lights on.

now my question is this i have run 6 plants through both boxes 2 are female cuttings from a friend. those are cool . then 2 day a had to pull 2 i grew from seed because one turned male and the other a hermi. i had previosly pulled on 3 weeks ago that also a male. i have one plant yet to show sex so we'll see. that leaves 3 plants out of six . is their areason they all turn out males? is their any war to increase the chances of a plant being female?


your type of soil, namely the ph is very important in giving you the best shot at getting a lady. one $23 bag of ocean forest would last you a few grows considering your grow space. ph your water to 6.2-6.5

all seeds have a 50/50 shot at being a male or female if given the right conditions.


Active Member
One thing to think about. Did any of the previous males actually go at all far into flower? Did the pollen sacks bust open? If so, you will want to scrub your grow area down as any of the pollen blowing around will turn females into hermie/male fairly easily.


Active Member
no none busted open i check them every day i had to pull a nother male to day where can i find ocean forest soil does it come with perlite in it? im gunna start using distilled water ror now on just been using tap water that sits open for a week


Active Member
got a questoin how safe is it to order seeds from attitude seed bank in a non friendly state? plan on sending cash through the mail. do u think i will get them and not get them confiscated by the fuzz?