lots of problems. dont know where to begin

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
I have four big plants im flowering, all of which look not so happy. But one is looking really bad and im not sure what to do next.
The four plants im worried about have been vegging for about 5 months and are now in flower for just over a week. For the past month, temps have been getting really low when lights out, lowest being 28( that was just one night) average being about 45 degrees for the past month, day temps mid 70's.
Ive always giving them a light feed during veg, 20ml grow big, 20ml big bloom, 20ml calmag, always mixed into a 2 gal pitcher.
Now the past two feedings have been for flower, and i gave a heavier feeding, which i think is the recommended dose, 30ml advanced nutes bloom, 30ml calmag, 30ml big bloom, in the same 2 gal pitcher.
I also will give them just straight ph'ed water every 3rd or 4th feeding so things dont get backed up, and the last time i did that, about a week ago, i noticed one of the healthier looking plants leaves began turning yellow.
But the main one im concerned about looks shiny green and the leaves are turning upside down. I thought it was a deficiency of some sort, so i gave the heavier feeding last night, and its looking worst today.
Any ideas what you think i should do next? i guess maybe my next step of action should be to flush, wait a couple days, then try another heavy feeding?

Sometimes, like right now,i feel like i dont know what the hell im doing in there. Your help and input is very much appreciated.

(about to post pics from my phone)


Well-Known Member
You can tell if yellowing is caused by too much nitrogen because the rest of the plant will be dark green, and the yellowing leaves will turn into claws first.


Well-Known Member
I'm with Danny way too much (N), next grow cut back you nutes by 50% add slow over the next 2-3 weeks to find the best for them,
also note old plants, longer than 2-3 months veg, fall quick to (Mg) def, stay sharp and add calmag to the nute every 2-3 weeks
right now keep that ballast above you waist, should you like to have a long live ...you choose?

The whole room is shit, as that cladding can have shit loads on bugs hiding in there,
so I'd be covering the walls with visqueen plastic, white one side black the other you get the idea?

You may wanna spend an hour or 2 stripping off 30-50% of the leaves, I'd normally be against that
but they are in bud now, so have little use for so many leaves, remove any leaf below 12-18 inches of the canopy
this will allow the air to circulate to prevent any mold attacks.

I don't advise this lightly, but in truth I just done mine, my soil supplier went on holidays, so I reused last years soil
adding a shit load of goat shit, only to find I too have way too much (N) on many plants,
so I stripped off many unwanted leaves,
and seems to work, and along with 2-3 weekly flushes
stay sharp with your temps
to my blog: https://www.rollitup.org/Journal/Entry/flush-baby-flush.30160/
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Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
I'm with Danny way too much (N), next grow cut back you nutes by 50% add slow over the next 2-3 weeks to find the best for them,
also note old plants, longer than 2-3 months veg, fall quick to (Mg) def, stay sharp and add calmag to the nute every 2-3 weeks
right now keep that ballast above you waist, should you like to have a long live ...you choose?

The whole room is shit, as that cladding can have shit loads on bugs hiding in there,
so I'd be covering the walls with visqueen plastic, white one side black the other you get the idea?

You may wanna spend an hour or 2 stripping off 30-50% of the leaves, I'd normally be against that
but they are in bud now, so have little use for so many leaves, remove any leaf below 12-18 inches of the canopy
this will allow the air to circulate to prevent any mold attacks.

I don't advise this lightly, but in truth I just done mine, my soil supplier went on holidays, so I reused last years soil
adding a shit load of goat shit, only to find I too have way too much (N) on many plants,
so stripped off many unwanted leaves, see to work, and along with 2-3 weekly flushes
stay sharp with your temps
to my blog: https://www.rollitup.org/Journal/Entry/flush-baby-flush.30160/
thank you good sir! this is the type of stuff that keeps me motivated! (i havent been lately)
I had just moved that ballast in the room on the floor when i started flowering. Sucker weighs more than a car battery i think. all the others are digital ballast on the wall.
I still feel quit new to growing, and was iffy about the cladding(i didnt know thats what it was called). Ive been growing in this current room for about 18 months, had a really bad thrip infestation. I was recommended (on here) to use spynosad and it worked amazing. avent seen a bug since. But since you mentioned it, i will now have to do something before i can sleep good again. I used the black and white poly plastic to divide the room, putting it on the walls I think is going to be a hell of a job because of all the electrical work.
But i would really like to make that room as less as "shit" as possible. Beside the cladding walls, and ballast on the floor, and shit looking plants, its good right?

Ok so too much N. Im assuming that was coming from the 10-15ml of ff grow big per gal during the veg. Now that its flowering and im giving it Advance nute's Bloom, calmag, and ff big bloom, that should cut back in N i would think?

So i should give a good flush, do some plucking, then continue with light feed for flowering, and keep a closer eye on temps??
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Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
Overwatering .cut it in half. then you will be on a better schedule for feeding allowing your plants to dry out between waterings and feedings
I think it may look like over watering because of the way i bent them, but i havent been very motivated lately, and have actually been watering way too late where it actually shows signs of drooping from being dry. I give them each 2 gallons every 2-3 days. By the third day its bone dry and drooping has already set in.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if I come about to harsh, its lost in translation mostly, hence the red letters of my post, ..is Inglish ..lol
you must ask yourself how much (N) you should be giving your plants this way thru bud,
I don't give any of my plants (N) in bud, as the growing is done, and all I want from my babes is flowers and seeds
likewise with you, you no longer eat the candy you did as a kid, same with the plants (N) is done here
unless you have a specific strain like that Bubblegum or in the infamous Walter White, both require (N) right thru to mid bud

never be afraid to flush, the plants see it as a rainstorm, the grower sees it as an opportunity to wash out the rootzone
ready for another dose of nuted cocktails ..lol
over watering..! are the leaf curling at the margins? are the pots still heavy days after you last watering..?
watering is still the hardest for any grower to understand, its no big deal, go by the weight of the pot or stick your finger in
it will come one day ..
good luck poke thru my blog for ideas

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
Sorry if I come about to harsh, its lost in translation mostly, hence the red letters of my post, ..is Inglish ..lol
you must ask yourself how much (N) you should be giving your plants this way thru bud,
I don't give any of my plants (N) in bud, as the growing is done, and all I want from my babes is flowers and seeds
likewise with you, you no longer eat the candy you did as a kid, same with the plants (N) is done here
unless you have a specific strain like that Bubblegum or in the infamous Walter White, both require (N) right thru to mid bud

never be afraid to flush, the plants see it as a rainstorm, the grower sees it as an opportunity to wash out the rootzone
ready for another dose of nuted cocktails ..lol
over watering..! are the leaf curling at the margins? are the pots still heavy days after you last watering..?
watering is still the hardest for any grower to understand, its no big deal, go by the weight of the pot or stick your finger in
it will come one day ..
good luck poke thru my blog for ideas
your feedback is harsh is a very helpful way. thats a good thing imo.

After more contemplating, maybe over watering could be the case?
I water all 4 of them on the same schedule. So it could make since that the other three were bone dry, and started early signes of severe dryness, while the other one never really dried out and i continue to water with the other three? The thing that gets me there is i check the soil with a moister reader that tells me how dry, and it always says all 4 are dry. But, since they are in 15 gal pots, its possible the meter doesnt reach the bottom where it might still be moist?
I havent flushed yet just because i wanted to see how it would look today. Doesnt look any better, maybe worst. If its over watered, maybe i should wait another day or two before i flush, or should i flush asap even though the soil is still moist?


Well-Known Member

Stay focused on the 'real' issue here Nitrogen poisoning, or (N) toxicity
flushing wet roots will annoy the plant, to much (N) will kill it, or at least making seedset extremely difficult
you will only be back in 3-4 weeks saying your plants ain't going to bud,
reduce the (N) in the soil by a good flush 3x times the volume of the pot
thats 15x3= 45 us gallons per pot, note...thats a load of water to prepare and use, perhaps a domestic bath full
either way, allow over night to drain and allow 02 to re-attach to the roots.

Of vital importance is to consider checking out the root ball once your harvest is done later
to offer up some serious info, on the state of your grow
at this distance I suspect drainage issues or at least
way to much nute holding ability in the soil like moss or peat?
add more perlite next grow
good luck
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Well-Known Member
I'd say overwatering, their not low on nutes that's for sure, I use the same mix of nutes, I do a capful of big bloom for first feeding the gradually increase to 3 caps per gallon then when flower comes I do the same procedure, but I'd say they look overwatered and your grow room isn't the most suitable no offense,

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member

Stay focused on the 'real' issue here Nitrogen poisoning, or (N) toxicity
flushing wet roots will annoy the plant, to much (N) will kill it, or at least making seedset extremely difficult
you will only be back in 3-4 weeks saying your plants ain't going to bud,
reduce the (N) in the soil by a good flush 3x times the volume of the pot
thats 15x3= 45 us gallons per pot, note...thats a load of water to prepare and use, perhaps a domestic bath full
either way, allow over night to drain and allow 02 to re-attach to the roots.

Of vital importance is to consider checking out the root ball once your harvest is done later
to offer up some serious info, on the state of your grow
at this distance I suspect drainage issues or at least
way to much nute holding ability in the soil like moss or peat?
add more perlite next grow
good luck
I think your exactly right. Drainage issues and nute build up. I haven't flushed them their whole life, until a couple days ago. I fed them light nutes the whole time, and I guess it just built up.

Well surprise surprise! I flushed all four, and I think we're good again. The one plant I was mainly concerned about is looking alot better. They all are I think.

So now I guess I need to give them time to air out, then continue on as normal with light feed flower nutes.IMAG0310.jpgIMAG0311.jpg IMAG0309.jpg IMAG0308.jpg IMAG0307.jpg