Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

Ya, this was in Northern WA though. About an hour from the Canadian border. It wasn't Southern at all there. I think they just thought it was a cool name. I don't know. The black guys that went to my school probably didn't think it was such a cool name though. I just never thought of it like that when I was going to school there is what I'm saying. It wasn't until after I got out high school I realized how messed up that was. Just saying a lot of us don't realize there's still racism going on.

Racism is a mind set, it’s not something hard wired into us. We aren’t born to hate, it’s what we are taught. Sadly enough, this country was founded on that mind set. As your post describes, yes, we are ALL ignorant to some degree. But that word was used to describe a negro, and or African American. Once again, mind set, generationally passed down. Racism is deeper than the word, and most definitely deeper than the representation of a flag. While I do agree that there are a few flags your school could have chose, they just happen to have landed on that one. Was it for looks, style, intimidation, or was there another angle behind it, who knows. Whether is was intentional or not, the point is, you recognized the significance of what WE have labeled that flag. It’s not until we stop allowing things to have power, that real change happens. How many people watch the news to see something good.... We are drawn to negativity because it sells, what’s so entertaining about good news right. We have become so desensitized that racism, stereotyping, and just flat out judging a book by its cover is natural. As sad as that may sound, it’s the truth. As an African American myself, I’ll be the first to point the finger at myself for assuming every time I see a bad driver, the first thing I say is..... You guessed it, they gotta be Asian. Stereotype right? Again, it’s a mind set, and I’m just as guilty as the next man. We have to be willing to learn from each other, accept responsibility, and be held accountable, not only for the things we do, but also for the things we don’t do.
So you are basically super religious?

You are getting sold nonsense, there is no reason to hate people that are different from yourself. Or what you are ashamed of being so lash out at the people who have the courage to be themselves in a world that like you accurately described is not kind.

Trust me I banged in doors for Obama that was symbolic to me as a black man in America...policies didn't help me at all
Cult logic.
Like I said you're not black you haven't lived my life you don't know how it felt to have a black man in that office that's the highest office on this planet so yes I was proud his policies were crap to me
Oh yeah let me not forget my Pacific Islanders to and just about every other race on this planet so yes and I buried a lot of people to what have you done to make this world a better place we're all spinning on the same fuccing rock together
Racism is a mind set, it’s not something hard wired into us. We aren’t born to hate, it’s what we are taught.

Would have to disagree,
Racism is built into our DNA, so that we breed our own kind.

Petty crime,
I live in SEA, no petty crime, you park your m/c and leave your helmet and shopping hanging off the bike, It's still there when you come back.
Leave my doors and windows open when I go out, nothing taken in the past 10 years.
Something I've never been able to do in countries with Black or White populations.
Petty crime and vandalism seem to be a product of black and white races.
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Would have to disagree,
Racism is built into our DNA, so that we breed our own kind.
As much of a mistake as my chiming in is, you are mistaken according to the theory of evolution. We breed with the most viable speciman available. Hence perpetuating the species with its most viable providers. You are't attracted to a muscular man? Assuming you are a female. I am attracted to large breast as a man. That is DNA. Racism is instilled by decades of separation, political agendas, profit motives and corporate television. I share the interbreeding indoctrination from my parents, family and social circles. I admit I have that issue. Therefore I can work on it to better myself. So please take a step back and ask yourself if you really want to fight your whole life. Because youwill. And it will have been in vane. Peace love all.
Wow I enjoyed this post even thou people might hate me and I believe in my opionion rasicm is a learned behavior because at our worse we would accept help from anyone if you take a bunch of 1 year olds they will all play together and yes one might cry and get mad at the other one but do they really understand rasicm at that age I would say no we all have different opinions we have all lived different lives and experienced diff things....we are all stuck on this rock together we will figure it out one day
Right and crimes are PERSECUTED in America...prove there was a crime like I told you your living off rumors and conjecture....btw don't you live in Canada worried about Canadian politics and stay out of the US you don't live here