Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

i hope this sock gets banned soon
1) Why?
2) What's a sock in this context? A dick word, as in "Yank my mansock, you bug-eyed fucktard"? I've been an internet forum user since the very beginning and can't recall anyone calling another a sock. I'm going to catch the wave in this footwear-related epithet game, tho......

I hope that shoe doesn't get banned ever. Why? Ignoring and banning tend to be chicken shit things that suck. Let free expression reign to the greatest degree reasonably practicable.
1) Why?
2) What's a sock in this context? A dick word, as in "Yank my mansock, you bug-eyed fucktard"? I've been an internet forum user since the very beginning and can't recall anyone calling another a sock. I'm going to catch the wave in this footwear-related epithet game, tho......

I hope that shoe doesn't get banned ever. Why? Ignoring and banning tend to be chicken shit things that suck. Let free expression reign to the greatest degree reasonably practicable.
Already done. Got anything else?

People who blindly insult others without offering a clue as to what the specific problem is royally suck. It's like a monkey flinging dung. As humans, we should expect to do better. Is basic communication THAT hard? You cared enough to post but couldn't be bothered to elaborate? It's like pulling up to drive thru and screaming "ME HUNGRY," and nothing else, at the poor soul at the other end.

Feel free to express what got your knickers in a knot. Hell, I might even agree with you and alter my position. Unlike most, I don't mind being proven wrong. In fact, I CRAVE it.

Why? Simple! Bring proven wrong necessarily elevates one to a higher level of understanding, and that, my stoner friends, is the name of the game.
No wonder I don't like memes - people use them in ham-fisted attempts to answer questions. Ask what a sock is and get a wide-ranging, meme-based, preposterous health diagnosis based on a few posts on a web forum. How valid, productive, and delightful.

Might you be able to explain how that stupid meme answers the question or adds to the discussion?

My mental/physical health is rock solid, I hold a doctorate in clinical psych, and when people I know need help or advice, I'm generally the first person they contact. One friend remarked that I was like Mr. Wolf from Pulp Fiction, but with a sweeter ride and clad in a Black Sabbath shirt.
No wonder I don't like memes - people use them in ham-fisted attempts to answer questions. Ask what a sock is and get a wide-ranging, meme-based, preposterous health diagnosis based on a few posts on a web forum. How valid, productive, and delightful.

Might you be able to explain how that stupid meme answers the question or adds to the discussion?

My mental/physical health is rock solid, I hold a doctorate in clinical psych, and when people I know need help or advice, I'm generally the first person they contact. One friend remarked that I was like Mr. Wolf from Pulp Fiction, but with a sweeter ride and clad in a Black Sabbath shirt.
Sometimes the meme just nails it. No additional words needed
That's quite true, really, but it doesn't seem to be the case here. If you disagree and can support your claim, feel free to explain. Most of us likely would agree that a deep, sweeping medical diagnosis based on a few paragraphs on a message board is prone to be folly.

Is expecting Christians who bellow about the righteousness of their faith to NOT hate the poor THAT insidious?

Many of you truly suck at rebuttal.
That's quite true, really, but it doesn't seem to be the case here. If you disagree and can support your claim, feel free to explain. Most of us likely would agree that a deep, sweeping medical diagnosis based on a few paragraphs on a message board is prone to be folly.

Is expecting Christians who bellow about the righteousness of their faith to NOT hate the poor THAT insidious?

Many of you truly suck at rebuttal.

What is your point?

Atheists are morally superior?

What is your point?

Atheists are morally superior?
Wowzers! An actual reply apparently written by a human and at least somewhat relevant to the matter at hand. Mad props! We should have you stuffed.

OTOH, the quality of the reply is, well, lacking.

No, that was not the point, but it may well be true that heathens are morally superior. The point is that it's a a thunderous orgasm of hypocrisy to be going on and on about Jebus and such while also shitting on a, if not THE, primary tenet of the institution. It would be like the head of the DEA cooking speed. There's only so much hypocrisy one can stomach before having to fight off the Family Guy-style projectile vomiting.

As for atheists being morally superior:
1) Why pick out atheists? I've not claimed to be one. There is an ocean of possibilities other than Christianity and atheism.
2) It's a complicated matter. We'd need, for starters, an operational definition of morally superior, and that alone is awfully problematic. Some think it's morally upstanding to join the military; others, like those who rightly claim that unjust war is THE ULTIMATE CRIME, are of an opposite inclination. Some think using cannabis is deathly immoral. And so on.........
3) My experience and that of many others has found heathens to be both intellectually and morally superior to The Flock, and by a wide margin. I've seen Christians do a lot of truly wicked and deplorable things.
4) To be fair, I've seen many Christians who were very kind and busted their asses helping the poor, but all too often it's done as an inroad to add to the flock. Those who truly help the poor with no strings attached good faith are largely assets to our society, but guess what? They are NOT THE FUCKING SUBJECTS OF THIS FUCKING THREAD!
Wowzers! An actual reply apparently written by a human and at least somewhat relevant to the matter at hand. Mad props! We should have you stuffed.

OTOH, the quality of the reply is, well, lacking.

No, that was not the point, but it may well be true that heathens are morally superior. The point is that it's a a thunderous orgasm of hypocrisy to be going on and on about Jebus and such while also shitting on a, if not THE, primary tenet of the institution. It would be like the head of the DEA cooking speed. There's only so much hypocrisy one can stomach before having to fight off the Family Guy-style projectile vomiting.

As for atheists being morally superior:
1) Why pick out atheists? I've not claimed to be one. There is an ocean of possibilities other than Christianity and atheism.
2) It's a complicated matter. We'd need, for starters, an operational definition of morally superior, and that alone is awfully problematic. Some think it's morally upstanding to join the military; others, like those who rightly claim that unjust war is THE ULTIMATE CRIME, are of an opposite inclination. Some think using cannabis is deathly immoral. And so on.........
3) My experience and that of many others has found heathens to be both intellectually and morally superior to The Flock, and by a wide margin. I've seen Christians do a lot of truly wicked and deplorable things.
4) To be fair, I've seen many Christians who were very kind and busted their asses helping the poor, but all too often it's done as an inroad to add to the flock. Those who truly help the poor with no strings attached good faith are largely assets to our society, but guess what? They are NOT THE FUCKING SUBJECTS OF THIS FUCKING THREAD!
What is your point?
Nailed it again!

No dialogue needed
Nailed NOTHING, for whether or not I am either pompous or an ass is of bare minimal importance and of zero value to this discussion.

And, last I checked, the text on a meme, especially when offered as a response, IS DIALOGUE! Do words somehow stop being words when they're plopped atop a cutesy image? Discuss.

How about I ask you directly, 'Zup - Do you think it's problematic for a man who has a $ secure household and is always yapping about how much he loves Jebus and lives by his teachings to be OUTRAGED because a poor, often crippled person gets Amazon Prime for $6 a month instead of the $12 he pays?

Doing some cypherin' in my noggin says that's a 20 cent per day break the impoverished person is getting.

And, this is a hoot - the guy hates Amazon because he hates the owner. So, to recap......

Christian FURIOUS because poor person gets service from provider he despises at a discount of less than a quarter a day.

The lack of valid rebuttal speaks volumes.
Nailed NOTHING, for whether or not I am either pompous or an ass is of bare minimal importance and of zero value to this discussion.

And, last I checked, the text on a meme, especially when offered as a response, IS DIALOGUE! Do words somehow stop being words when they're plopped atop a cutesy image? Discuss.

How about I ask you directly, 'Zup - Do you think it's problematic for a man who has a $ secure household and is always yapping about how much he loves Jebus and lives by his teachings to be OUTRAGED because a poor, often crippled person gets Amazon Prime for $6 a month instead of the $12 he pays?

Doing some cypherin' in my noggin says that's a 20 cent per day break the impoverished person is getting.

And, this is a hoot - the guy hates Amazon because he hates the owner. So, to recap......

Christian FURIOUS because poor person gets service from provider he despises at a discount of less than a quarter a day.

The lack of valid rebuttal speaks volumes.
I actually agreed with your assessment in the first couple of posts you made. But then your true “15 year old boy with too much free time” self became obvious.

Nice try slugger. Better luck next time.
Nailed NOTHING, for whether or not I am either pompous or an ass is of bare minimal importance and of zero value to this discussion.

And, last I checked, the text on a meme, especially when offered as a response, IS DIALOGUE! Do words somehow stop being words when they're plopped atop a cutesy image? Discuss.

How about I ask you directly, 'Zup - Do you think it's problematic for a man who has a $ secure household and is always yapping about how much he loves Jebus and lives by his teachings to be OUTRAGED because a poor, often crippled person gets Amazon Prime for $6 a month instead of the $12 he pays?

Doing some cypherin' in my noggin says that's a 20 cent per day break the impoverished person is getting.

And, this is a hoot - the guy hates Amazon because he hates the owner. So, to recap......

Christian FURIOUS because poor person gets service from provider he despises at a discount of less than a quarter a day.

The lack of valid rebuttal speaks volumes.
I dropped a meme because of your comment regarding socks. Which was the craziest thing I’ve read in a long, long time.

How long have you been on the internet and have never heard of socks?
I dropped a meme because of your comment regarding socks. Which was the craziest thing I’ve read in a long, long time.

How long have you been on the internet and have never heard of socks?
I've been on since the beginning. I've certainly heard of sock puppets, and that was people who registered an alter ego for apparent support like Mitt Romney did on Twitter. The specific term "socks" was not familiar to me, though. I did actually Google both socks (which obviously went poorly) and socks meaning slang (not much better) before posting that.

Your point has merit - given my experience on the interwebs, you'd think I'd be familiar.