Love this time of year.


Well-Known Member
Is it strange that I have 2 WW outdoors for like 2 months now and they haven't budded yet? (on the west coast, 34 latitude).

They seemed to have finished stretching though.


Well-Known Member
this thread's great! you guys got some beautiful buds growing on! i hate this time of year though, i cant stand the wait :p october is my favourite time of year :D
Here's an update of my girls though, theyre coming along nicely :D



Well-Known Member
pics 1,2,5,6,7, and 12 are a purple kush mum. pics 3,9,11, and 16 are of afghan haze. pics 13,14, and 15 are purple kush clones. pic 8 are of three blueberry girls. and pic 10 is a stinky bagseed


Well-Known Member
can anyone give an estimate yeild of the purple kush mum?? pic 7 would be a good reference, looking to get at least a half pound off it. does that seem too generous? if i let it go into october??? :P

New Grower 420

Active Member
103_4316.jpg103_4321.jpg103_4323.jpg103_4329.jpg103_4328.jpg103_4334.jpg103_4317.jpg103_4318.jpg103_4322.jpg103_4320.jpg103_4315.jpgpritty happy about the results of my first grow so far, plants about 3 feet tall getting some trichs on it but not a whole let yet im shure there is alot more to come. really only thing im giving it rite now as far as nutes is unsulpherd molases seems to be working well. started it off in soil from my yard then transplented it to some kind of jiffy soil.

New Grower 420

Active Member
would you guys say the end of semptember would be about when i harvest my dad says end of october but that seems to long to me. there around 4 weeks maybe 5 of flowering


Active Member
would you guys say the end of semptember would be about when i harvest my dad says end of october but that seems to long to me. there around 4 weeks maybe 5 of flowering

Those plants you got there look like you should plan on harvesting in late october.
So around 9 or 10 weeks.
Keep us updated those pink pistils are looking cool.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me why my purple kush hasnt turned purple? i mean, its from a local breeder but hes got some good genetics and has been doing it for a while. do i have to stress it out a little or something? or will it possibly turn further through the flowering period? it would just be cool too have some pretty bud to smoke :D