Love trolling yahoo


Active Member
Mostly yahoo, but anywhere that offers a thumbs down feature. I love to find a touchy subject and just say something really offensive, but not illegal. Something which is sure to rub people up the wrong way. The do-gooders mostly, well, it's really only them who will get offended by trolling. Just say for instance, when I read the Michael Schumacher story I quipped that one of his skis needed changed at the pit stop. Or sometimes i'll just say something stupid to get a reaction like "this artical is realy stupad" .. just to see who jumps in and says " It's STUPID ARTICLE you idiot". The more thumbs down the better I feel.. anyone want to offer a psychological profile on me?


Active Member
incidentally , my comment rarely if ever reflects my true feelings on the subject. Which are usually apathetic. I just like to stir that old pot and get those red thumbs flying in..


Well-Known Member
Pschodynamic- Freud says you want to sleep with your mother, your subconsciousness is pushing into real life making you a douche.

Humanistic-Carl Rogers says you have free will and are just a douche.


Active Member
mm, just got trolled. Very nice. You had my hopes up there as you were talking the talk as it where.. thought you may have had a real insight.. pity


Active Member
I like to just say stupidly outrageous things and laugh at the retards that think I'm serious. My usual go to is end everything with a GOLL. YOU'RE SO STUPID GOLL, GET WITH IT GOLL, OH MY GOLL. I mean really, who the hell says goll like that. Then they'll respond all mean and serious and then I'll tell them I'm just joking eventually and they'll try and act like they were too that really makes me laugh. I like to go into games like League of Legends or Warcraft, pretty much any game with a bunch of no lives that take it super serious.


Well-Known Member
I'd say you're a fairly typical person if you're american. no profile to be done. its not a coincidence that comics like louis c.k pack in houses and do hbo specials here. BUT, you might have a touch of guilt about not doing as much for your community, or frustration at being regarded as alternative because of some lifestyle choice or another that you've made. thus you project your angst onto those whom you feel embody the oppressive gaze of the 'do-gooder.' Probably not though since you sound more like you get a kick out of people thinking you're actually invested in the topic when its actually more like a game you many thumbs down can i go!