

Well-Known Member
I dont know if I'm one of many or one of a few. I grew up in a house where I NEVER heard the word parents never told us kids that they loved us.....never really heard the word being
directed at me untill the girl I was dating at the time told me she loved me.....that girl later
became my wife and I credit her for teaching me about love and how important it was to be told you
are loved and equally as important to tell someone you love them.......So my question is did you grow up in a house where you heard that you were loved on a regular basis or were you like me and grew up in a home where you never heard the word mentioned......Hey RIU members I love all of you guys !


Well-Known Member
I grew up in a family that loved/loves.
parents, siblings, grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins all
would freely tell you they love you.

I heard "be a lover not a fighter" so many time i wanted to punch somebody, lol.


Well-Known Member
Same here. As an adult my dad would ask me to come help with his cattle - mend fences, run fence line, brand, worm, herd...

he never attended any of my ball games, never played catch, basically he was emotionally empty. My alcoholic mother had a lot to do with that. As a young kid, I would plead with him to get us away from her. He would say, don't say that, she's your mother. How he ever refrained from hitting is beyond me, although he picked up many a plate of food and threw it across the kitchen. I left home at 17 after having my mother in a corner literally choking her so hard that I could have killed her

One day dad and I were standing and talking when his German Shepard, Duke, came up behind him and put his head between my dad's legs. He bent down, gave Duke a loving hug and said to DUKE, I love you, something I never heard from him, or got a hug


Well-Known Member
No... I hated/hate my parents for many reasons. Im now no longer in contact with most of my family...worked out wonderfully I might add


Well-Known Member
Hey Oldtimer. I got a lot of love for you as well. I was lucky enough to have the word love tossed around a lot in my house. In fact music and love were about the only 2 important things in our house. I feel that is one of the reasons I've enjoyed and am enjoying life as much as I have/ am. I like to tell people I love them, and not just to say it, but because I mean it. I can't say I love everyone in the world... but probably a big percentage. We are all brothers and sisters anyways.

I seriously love all my RIU family. It takes a special person to look after another living thing, be it a human, animal, or plant. And we are all a bunch of special people who care for our green ladies (and men if your into that kinda thing... you know, breeding haha).

If you ever want a big dose of love swing on through my thread. Lots of good times.

I'm glad you met a woman who could teach you the magic of love. :) :) :)


Well-Known Member
I believe they love me.. I don't hear it often though lol.. Lucky if I hear that on my birthday. Come to think of it, I haven't heard it from them in years! shit lol.. what a bummer.. but hey, I have a girl who loves me very much. So hep is one happy guy . oh.. and love you guys :hug:

EDIT:.. if I ever have kids, I will make sure they know I love them.. I will tell them often. Well.. unless for some reason my kid tries to kill me or something.. but that's a scenario padawan can think about lol.


[video=youtube;jJ98qac2UIM][/video] Nothing you can sing that cant be song .


Well-Known Member
We need more people in the world like you.........peace & love coming your way jigfresh and I dig your name

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I grew up in a family where we were told we were loved, although it was hard to believe my dad sometimes he was quite harsh when it came to punishment and he had a drinking problem which didn't help. But I felt loved and I made sure my kids know they are loved as I do my grandchildren, my husband on the other hand was never told he was loved and it showed in many ways but I taught him what love was and now he says it freely and understands how powerful it can be.


Well-Known Member
I grew up in a family where we were told we were loved, although it was hard to believe my dad sometimes he was quite harsh when it came to punishment and he had a drinking problem which didn't help. But I felt loved and I made sure my kids know they are loved as I do my grandchildren, my husband on the other hand was never told he was loved and it showed in many ways but I taught him what love was and now he says it freely and understands how powerful it can be. r a great lady
Thank god for good women !