Low humidity = Low odor ?


Well-Known Member
I've been growing for 2 years and grow pretty good smoke..nice crystals..fat sticky buds.
Except there is no real smell to them...none of that walk into the house and your blown away by the dead skunk.
Even in harvesting there is no real over powering smell. I mean there is some..but nothing eye watering.

When I cure it ( slow cure...2 weeks min ) the smell is there but still not over powering.

Don't get me wrong it's good smoke..well flushed...tasty and stoney as all get out.

I never grow the same thing twice so every crop is different...except for the lack of odor.

Sometimes when the lights are off and the humidity builds to above 60 you can start to notice it.

But I live in Colorado..where the average yearly humidity is 36%..only during the summer does it stay above 40%. Winters are a nightmare ! The humidity can 0 out.

It will be so dry that the snow just hangs in the air..

I have a regular humidifier and 2 sonic humidifiers( plus a pot of water boiling on the stove ) and can barely hang on to above 30% when the lights are on. The heat from the light is pumped directly in from outside and back out ...but it still stays kinda warm during the light on. 85 f +

I grow in a tent with an air inlet and outlet...positive pressure tent. Again the lights are ducted straight in and out.

I just can't get my humidity to stay up...

Average..lights off 50 to 60 %..lights on 30 to 20%...and on really cold dry days even lower.

I wouldn't mind my place reeking..I'm legal..my landlord is cool with it.

So is that my problem...low humidity...low smell ?

I'm even leaving my showering running on maximum hot so the steam will help.

The tent is close to the bathroom...

Kinda lost here on what to do...now that I'm legal I want the reek. I've read up on what low humidity can do to the plants...stress, slow growth, low yields. I just don't know how to get it up and keep it there..

My only ideas are to make the tent inlet and outlet vents smaller and insulate the light ducting...

I just bought 2 of those sonic vaporizers a week ago..but they barely add 10% to the mix.

I can't grow in summer as it is way too hot even with AC...so this current crop ( still in veg ) will be the last until fall and cooler temps...and lower humidity.

Ideas ?


Well-Known Member
dunno, i get low smell too, just about any strain.

and i think you might be right on the humidity, cause the only time i remember my strains smelling, was when they were growing in a closet and therefore higher humidity and my friend is growing same strain as me and in a closet (And hydro) and his stinks way more than mine.

and its really low humidity around these parts, talking chapped and dry lips most everytime except summer. (and even then somewhat)

im taking this as a bonus, ive never needed carbon filters or nothing.


Well-Known Member
you must have good ventilation
Nope...only the lights.

I want the smell ! I don't care about odor control. I have a killer Light Bulb that eliminates smell. But there is no smell to eliminate.

I should have put Low Yield also in the topic heading. \

This last harvest blew in comparison to some others due to low humidity. It must have been RH..

Put a frigging swamp cooler back there or something.


Well-Known Member
i have one 5 weeks into flower and it has almost no smell, if ya rub a leaf or handle a bud ya get smell on your hands but ya can't smell it other than that .. the only ventilation is the inline for my light.. even without the carbon filter there's no odor at all. i can't remember the strain, but it was from attitude LOL ..
i have the same problem 'low smell or no smell' i had 6 plants and gave 2 away the guys who have these say that theirs smell really pungently
i have humidity at 50% my temp is a constant 25 and 18/19 at night.
i keep the vents on 24/7 the plants are a luscious green and the buds at the end of this 3rd week are starting to show a lot of promise, i use bio biz (the whole range) this week (4) i will be adding canna 13/14 but the problem NO SMELL
can anyone shed any light i read somewhere about terpenes and that this is primarily responsible for the smell.


New Member
You should think its a blessing you have good smoke with no odour. Moisture is your enemy in flower. I run my room with 2 de-humidifiers and try to be under 30% and I stink to high hell, even with an ozoneator.

You smell more when the humidity is up because the moist air holds more scent than dry. Think about why a dogs nose is wet...same reason, its easier to pick up a scent.

What strains have you run, nutes your using, both will definetly change flavor and smell also.

Good Luck