Low humidity


Well-Known Member
So I have started plants from seed about 5 weeks ago and they reached 5 inches tall and stopped growing. Everything is in good order but they are frozen in time. The highest I can get thumidity is 50 and normally is lower around the 40 mark. Would this really stunt the growth to the extent of only growing 5 inches in 5 weeks. I now have a soaked towel hanging and has brought it up to 50 and that's as good as it gets. They are headed to a different room now that I can control better but would this really cause shit plants? I would throw them out if I had more options because they r a waste of my time going into flower.


Active Member
being in colorado my humidity sucks ass.. my highs are 43 and my low is like 30.. in my 4 grow experience it doesn't really effect growing much haha.. but i do worry about drying properly with my humidity so low


Well-Known Member
I just moved them under a MH in the flower room and I have 2 5g buckets with air stones and I still only have 35% humidity yikes. They had a couple cold nights so they are droopy. I had them in a veg box I made in hopes of having them 12 inch tall to go right into flower but maybe the 400 watts of cfl light they had didnt do a thing. I think I may go get a humidfier just to rule out that issue. I fed them around 350 ppm at 3 and 4 weeks but saw no improvement at all so I flushed them and they have been on water and a bit of thrive alive B. they should be able to grow to 12 inch tall with no nutes anyway.
IMG_0085.jpgthe veg box
IMG_0102.jpgIMG_0103.jpgIMG_0104.jpg grow room.


Well-Known Member
I've grown very large and healthy plants in 30-50 humidity. Usually 30, as I'm growing in the winter and the apartment heat is on (can't turn it off) and dries out everything to 30% humidity.

It's never bothered my plants.


Well-Known Member
Ya, I didnt think humidity would cause stunted growth like that and am convinced the 400 watts of cfl light was just not enough.


Well-Known Member
Did you put new seedlings directly into a large pot? If so, that's what's taking so long.
New seedlings grow mostly just roots until the roots reach the side of the pot. Then they grow aboveground.
Next time transplant into a small pot for 3 weeks first.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Did you put new seedlings directly into a large pot? If so, that's what's taking so long.
New seedlings grow mostly just roots until the roots reach the side of the pot. Then they grow aboveground.
Next time transplant into a small pot for 3 weeks first.

Good luck, BigSteve.

very good information my friend.