Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

BNB, liberals main problem is their automatic emotional response. Feelings aren't reality. They're our animal instincts which imperfectly react to reality. That's why I consider liberals no better than a lower animal. If I wanted an animal I'd get a companion. My Rhode Island Red hen is in many ways smarter than liberals.
bnb, liberals main problem is their automatic emotional response. Feelings aren't reality. They're our animal instincts which imperfectly react to reality. That's why i consider liberals no better than a lower animal. If i wanted an animal i'd get a companion. My rhode island red hen is in many ways smarter than liberals.

............................................................................................................................................... Lol
BNB, liberals main problem is their automatic emotional response. Feelings aren't reality. They're our animal instincts which imperfectly react to reality. That's why I consider liberals no better than a lower animal. If I wanted an animal I'd get a companion. My Rhode Island Red hen is in many ways smarter than liberals.

Ive found in my life this to be the way things generally are.

Super stupid people are often liberal, because supporting democrats is their way of voting for a paycheck.

Stupid people are conservative, because they cant imagine doing anything any other way.

Normal intelligence is split about down the middle.

Above average intelligence is liberal because they can see things are imperfect, and can imagine a better way.

Super smart people are conservative because they can see that other way of doing things, but are smart enough to see that it isn't as good as what we got.

Liberalism is, as you point out, rooted in emotion. It is a gut instinct that things aren't fair.

Winston Churchill pretty much said it best about liberalism.
Ive found in my life this to be the way things generally are.

Super stupid people are often liberal, because supporting democrats is their way of voting for a paycheck.

Stupid people are conservative, because they cant imagine doing anything any other way.

Normal intelligence is split about down the middle.

Above average intelligence is liberal because they can see things are imperfect, and can imagine a better way.

Super smart people are conservative because they can see that other way of doing things, but are smart enough to see that it isn't as good as what we got.

Liberalism is, as you point out, rooted in emotion. It is a gut instinct that things aren't fair.

Winston Churchill pretty much said it best about liberalism.

While the genius understands there's universals about all life transends liberal, consertative and libertarian. It's how well we fool eachother why our unique individual authority is best. A collective can't exist without individuals.
While the genius understands there's universals about all life transends liberal, consertative and libertarian. It's how well we fool eachother why our unique individual authority is best. A collective can't exist without individuals.
We all put our pants on one leg at a time, unless you sit on the edge of the bed.
You do realize I live about half an hour from the Blue Grass Mecca of the world right? I have been to the museums and stuff. It clearly has many influences, but one of them is indeed blacks in early America.

African rhythms, sir. Not black music. You are mixed up. You hate a culture and not a race.

Better for you if you can admit that to yourself. Oh, I can just hear you. I have no hate.

Ok, resentment. I have no resentment. OK fear.

AH Ha. Got you on that one.
African rhythms, sir. Not black music. You are mixed up. You hate a culture and not a race.

Better for you if you can admit that to yourself. Oh, I can just hear you. I have no hate.

Ok, resentment. I have no resentment. OK fear.

AH Ha. Got you on that one.

I would call it mild contempt.

And as to the music, African rythem or black music: a distinction without a difference in my mind.
I would call it mild contempt.

And as to the music, African rythem or black music: a distinction without a difference in my mind.

Then you, sir...don't know music like I do. I play bass. These are rhythms. And they are unique to cultures not races.

So, I like that you admitted to yourself, at least, the contempt. Now, no farther, out loud, OK? This is stuff you will not want to tell us.

Quietly ask yourself, why this fear? Contempt is fear, my friend. You Don't want to be...."like them." Or it is something like that, but very personal and hooked into you before you could talk. And all we know then, is fear and food.

I am being quite serious, as it is my job at work to have these conversations from time to time.

Without that depth of introspection, you would not be able to withstand sworn deposition on the subject, as I have.

I was raised, surely, very similar to you. We have to dig it up and toss it. Else, can we say we have grown up?
Unfortunately, the black community tends to look up to their "black trash" population. They are glorified in popular black culture. The quest for enlightenment is considered uncle tom activity.

In short, I guess I see black culture as one that is not on a quest for betterment, but on a quest for handouts and trashiness.

As a member of the black community, let me take a second and tell you how completely full of shit you are. We tend to look up to our black trash population? What is that based on? Are you basing that off the depictions of blacks you see in white films and television? How many black people do you actually know? I don't mean their fucking name, I mean as people?

Quest for handouts and trashiness? I have two advanced degrees that I worked multiple jobs to get. You dropped out of law school to make sandwiches and rob your mom.
As a member of the black community, let me take a second and tell you how completely full of shit you are. We tend to look up to our black trash population? What is that based on? Are you basing that off the depictions of blacks you see in white films and television? How many black people do you actually know? I don't mean their fucking name, I mean as people?

Quest for handouts and trashiness? I have two advanced degrees that I worked multiple jobs to get. You dropped out of law school to make sandwiches and rob your mom.

I gotcha man, but let's go easy here. This is not a fight. That's the point. Southern Man? That's a real deal. You know that. Same deal as ghetto, just different.

As I said, my mother was the biggest racist in that she claimed she was not.

So, let's work together, to try to get at the root of stereotypes. I'm glad you joined in.

I was just about to say, no one can possibly see that as true, if they could really see.

Let's help him. He may want to.

Are the lizzies on welfare?.... do you think?

The idea that a race much less a rich, and wonderful culture, could represent, Handouts and trashiness sloth, is a newZ-joke. In fact, the GQ stereotype is well shaded these days.

Every girl crazy about a sharp dressed man, etc.

I think this is the trash culture that represents, welfare, and disability checks.

Will you look at the 2 color out door carpet!!>!>!?? Yuck.
This subject came up in a thread a while back, and two other studies were posted, and today yet another one has emerged:


Since this was published peer reviewed journal, you may have to use a database to access the details of the study since these journals run on subscription models.

While I only read the abstract, I believe that the mechanism described is faulty. I have read a number of studies indicating that conservatives are at least and in many cases more intelligent using the normal tests, than liberals. What differentiates them is their tendancy toward autharianism. A highly intelligent conservative is quite capbable of justifying his every behavior and belief to the point where he can easily ignore evidence contrary to that belief. A highly intelligent authoritarian leader can make any number of very acceptable excuses for his folowers. This is not, however, to say that there doesn't exist a group of rather simple folk among the ranks of conservatives - as they really need not think too much. Of course liberals have that same group in their ranks.
You do realize I live about half an hour from the Blue Grass Mecca of the world right? I have been to the museums and stuff. It clearly has many influences, but one of them is indeed blacks in early America.

you do realize you can hear irish and scottish folk music from the 1600's today, and it sounds like bluegrass despite the lack of any african slaves in those lands.

Just a word about "fellow brothers." You have them around you at every level, as it is a micro-culture thing. When you move up in Capital Standing, you leave some behind. Some that are trying to play a race card guilt thing or in my case the snotty sold out thing.

And it doesn't matter what color you are, still most, if not all, but family, will be left behind when you make more money.

They can't afford to hang with you. And you can't foot their bill and nobody wants that. Simple fact of life.
you do realize you can hear irish and scottish folk music from the 1600's today, and it sounds like bluegrass despite the lack of any african slaves in those lands.


So you are saying that because it has Scott/Irish origins it couldn't have been influenced by african slaves?

You do realize that those people moved to the United States and settled in Appalachia and owned slaves? Slavery in appalachia was different. Even the rich were not really all that rich and therefore most slave owners just had a handful of slaves. A lot of people had one or two and they became like part of the family, sort of like a pet that can talk.

They would often make music, and the slaves would be right there beside them.

Of course, it is most influenced by white people from the British Isles, but to say blacks had no influence into blue grass is to deny reality.
you do realize you can hear irish and scottish folk music from the 1600's today, and it sounds like bluegrass despite the lack of any african slaves in those lands.


Mroe reading...

The importance of African-American musical traditions on bluegrass has often been overlooked in the past. The notion that bluegrass is a purely white musical tradition has been the prevailing narrative in musicological circles. However, racial segregation in the antebellum South, and to a certain extent in the pre-Civil War South, was not as absolute as was previously thought. “At times, many blacks and whites interacted not so much as members of segregated racial groups engaged in cultural imitation or barter but as members of one group sharing class consciousness vis-à-vis the planter class”

I gave the wrong paragraph for you read. This is take from the same website, a few paragraphs down.

The most obvious African-American contribution to bluegrass was the banjo. The banjo originated from a single-stringed, gourd-bodied instrument from Africa. Later, the gourd was replaced with a wooden hoop covered in a taut skin. A four-string version of the instrument emerged in the late 17th century, and a five string version (the addition of the fifth string is normally attributed to the Scottish-American musician Joel Walker Sweeney) can be seen in paintings of black banjo players from between 1777 and 1800 (Farmelo 189). Farmelo argues that the banjo is “probably the first distinctly African-American instrument. Details aside, the banjo grew up on the North American continent as part of a resilient African heritage” (189). Musicologists and folklorists have varying theories of exactly how white Southern Appalachian residents came to know of the instrument. Some believe that freed slaves traveling through the Appalachians brought the first banjos to the region. Others believe that there was more cultural interaction between whites and African Americans during this period.
Then you, sir...don't know music like I do. I play bass. These are rhythms. And they are unique to cultures not races.
ohhhhh shit love me some Victor Wooten.

Rhythm Section FTW. I play drums. Bari Sax for years, never needed to learn bass clef. I find the bass and drums end up working harder than the rest of the band, everyone wants to be point man.
ohhhhh shit love me some Victor Wooten.

Rhythm Section FTW. I play drums. Bari Sax for years, never needed to learn bass clef. I find the bass and drums end up working harder than the rest of the band, everyone wants to be point man.

Well. Then we must get married. :) I know what you mean. Bass and drums are back there making out.