Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

Unless you are making fun of yourself or a close friend/relative who has said it was okay, race jokes are NOT okay.


Like I can call my husband a dirty mexican or my kid a beanie baby. That's ok.

Would be really bad if I said that to a random mexican guy.

People who don't know you well will not be able to tell if your comment is a playful joke or a hateful statement.

You don't get it. All I want is to see what a Black and Korean (working together) would construct to represent a Jew. Its' a gloves off beatdown of all races to bring us together in a beautiful exercise. This is academic, it would be documented thoroughly like a focus group.
Unless you are making fun of yourself or a close friend/relative who has said it was okay, race jokes are NOT okay.


Like I can call my husband a dirty mexican or my kid a beanie baby. That's ok.

Would be really bad if I said that to a random mexican guy.

People who don't know you well will not be able to tell if your comment is a playful joke or a hateful statement.


Your kid, you call a beaner? See. Causal racism among friends and relatives tries to fit under the BigBushy, exemption.

He says he hates only one race. You say it is all in fun. Your kid finds it fun? You husband? You are sure?

It sounds to me, like they are humoring a racist.

And you make jokes to anyone claiming the white race is superior to dirty beaners?

Pie, only your friends will tell you. (but you have to ask yourself, is it always playful?)

That is racist. And since you don't see it. It makes you a racist. And if doesn't matter if you are white, black or brown with that kind of talk. It is offensive...and to subject a child to race stereotype is shameful. And, I imagine with this talk, you are white.

The excuses make it more shameful, to me.

The Racist Excuse Club.....oh not me. :)

My Mother was a charter member.
Your kid, you call a beaner? See. Causal racist among friend and relative tries to fit under the BigBushy, exemption.

He say he hates only one race. You say it is all in fun. Your kid finds it fun? You husband? You are sure?

It sound to me, like they are humoring a racist.

And if you make jokes to anyone claiming the white race is superior, ESPECIALLY in a Freduian jest???

Pie, only your friends will tell you. (but you have to ask yourself, is it always playful?)

That is racist. And since you don't see it. It makes you a racist. And if doesn't matter if you are white, black or brown with that kind of talk. It is offensive...and to subject a child to race stereotype is shameful. But, I imagine with this talk, you are white.

The excuses make it more shameful, to me.

The Racist Excuse Club.....oh not me. :)

My Mother is a charter member.

Funny, I am a charter member of a club that is bent on contrived racism.
We officially broke up, there was irreconcilable differences in the hearts of our organizations. We also lost our only member, and our founder just wants to dabble in this exclusive low IQ world, he is not even a racist just another fraud.
lol. I have only said it to my hubby a few times.

My baby is only 8 months old and beanie baby is hardly bad. Anyone who knows me knows that I love her with all my heart.

After I workout I sometimes call my self a greasy italian.

I must be a self hating italian who hates my husband and baby,
Mine are as white as they come, and we call the baby a burrito when he wraps himself up as well. Did the same with my daughter when she was younger.

At work, we call items we wrap in plastic to take out, burritos. I work with Hispanics almost exclusively. It was their term and they expect us to use it as well. When we tell them to wrap it up, they look confused. When we say make it a burrito, they smile and do exactly what we needed them to do.
Burrito ditto....only its a full sized half Japanese woman lol...shit, racism hiding in every blanket fold...I do love racing though.
Unwillingness to admit the "obvious inferiority or flaw" of a race or group of people clearly makes one a racist.

Who ever said that isn't dumb, but delusional.
Seriously offended by this thread. Im a cons rep. All that means is im a capitalist who doesnt live off other taxpayers. Gay ppl should marry and have all the same rights as every other human. Ive had three abortions myself. My last bf was black.
My IQ is 153.
Seriously offended by this thread. Im a cons rep. All that means is im a capitalist who doesnt live off other taxpayers. Gay ppl should marry and have all the same rights as every other human. Ive had three abortions myself. My last bf was black.
My IQ is 153.

if your IQ was really that high (and not the result of an 8 question online test), then you would have no problem understanding that correlation is not a guarantee. i like how you buy into silly partisan talking points though, just like the rest of the low IQ righties.
if your IQ was really that high (and not the result of an 8 question online test), then you would have no problem understanding that correlation is not a guarantee. i like how you buy into silly partisan talking points though, just like the rest of the low IQ righties.

mensabarbie - what means correlation?
if your IQ was really that high (and not the result of an 8 question online test), then you would have no problem understanding that correlation is not a guarantee. i like how you buy into silly partisan talking points though, just like the rest of the low IQ righties.

Having a black bf or gf, supporting gay rights and not living off taxpayers are merely talking points now eh?
Is that like how dems hated blacks from the 1860s all through the 1960s all blatantly in the open....
...and attempt to hide that fact today by pointing at false dog whistles?

To what, hide your latent racist history and present marxist agenda?
Use a dictionary if u dont know. The thread title uses 'linked' and i am unlinking the bullshit

this fail ass thread is a turd that won't flush.

this is like the 4th version of this garbage, based on a "study" that was actually an opinion poll, which made numerous fallacious assumptions, then associated disagreement with those assumptions as "conservative views" as well as "evidence" of low IQ.

it was a circlejerk, and bucky, godhere cheesus, et al, all want to be the cracker so they can bask in the jism.
this fail ass thread is a turd that won't flush.

this is like the 4th version of this garbage, based on a "study" that was actually an opinion poll, which made numerous fallacious assumptions, then associated disagreement with those assumptions as "conservative views" as well as "evidence" of low IQ.

it was a circlejerk, and bucky, godhere cheesus, et al, all want to be the cracker so they can bask in the jism.

good job on trying to lie through your teeth.

Having a black bf or gf, supporting gay rights and not living off taxpayers are merely talking points now eh?
Is that like how dems hated blacks from the 1860s all through the 1960s all blatantly in the open....
...and attempt to hide that fact today by pointing at false dog whistles?

To what, hide your latent racist history and present marxist agenda?

are you also overweight, living with your mom, and sport a fedora?