Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

You are actually serious?
Google Al Sharpton and/or Jesse Jackson.
I know who both of them are, give me an example of either of them being racist towards white people

Also, I'm not sure I'd put either one of them in the liberal category anyway, just like Obama, just like Hillary, or any of the pseudo-liberals that simply claim the title. Obama is center-right, Hillary even more so to the right, look at their policies, clearly not liberal in regards to the war on drugs or foreign policy or science or education. The only thing I can really think of Obama being more liberal than other presidents is in regards to health care.
No, I asked for one example of a liberal being racist towards a white person because normally when a conservative thinks a liberal is being racist towards white people it comes back to their religion. For example, when liberals want God out of public education, off money, out of court houses, etc. conservatives bitch about religious persecution when it's the way shit should actually be in the first place.

That isn't an example of religious persecution, it's an example of a secular government the way the country was meant to be.

I can't really think of any examples of liberals being racist towards white people off the top of my head, that's why I asked for one..

it's funny.

when they attempt to put up examples of liberals being racist to whites, their standards are so ridiculously low that it makes all the things they themselves have said appear ULTRA-RACIST in comparison.

ginwilly tried to say obama was being racist when he said the following:

“My understanding is that Professor Gates then shows his I.D. to show that this is his house, and at that point he gets arrested for disorderly conduct. I don’t know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that, but I think it’s fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry; No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and No. 3, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by police disproportionately. That’s just a fact.”
ginwilly thinks it was racist of obama and holder not to prosecute a voter intimidation case without a single intimidated voter to be found.

he did not say that it was racist of bush to decline to prosecute the exact same case, nor did he mention that it was racist of bush to not prosecute a similar case in arizona in 2006 involving a group of armed white men trying to stop hispanics from voting.

if any of them are so stupid as to give an example, it will show how ridiculously low their threshold for anti-white racism is, while highlighting how high their threshold for anti-black racism goes (especially when you consider that they object to civil rights because of racist food spitters, but do not consider it racist).
No, I asked for one example of a liberal being racist towards a white person because normally when a conservative thinks a liberal is being racist towards white people it comes back to their religion. For example, when liberals want God out of public education, off money, out of court houses, etc. conservatives bitch about religious persecution when it's the way shit should actually be in the first place.

That isn't an example of religious persecution, it's an example of a secular government the way the country was meant to be.

I can't really think of any examples of liberals being racist towards white people off the top of my head, that's why I asked for one..

You just got provided a few...
Surprising data here: Equatorial Africa is apparently loaded with conservatives!


So the average Australian is actually retarded? I can't imagine what the fuck the source for this is but I'd guess they're gonna blame blacks for dragging down the average.

How about that 105 average? Yellow seems an interesting choice for that region.

You and Buck are gonna have plenty to talk about today.

Buck harangues, I converse.

It seems God started this thread to talk about average group IQs, I am just contributing to the topic. It's only politically correct, of course, to discuss average IQ of groups in some contexts.

An average of 105 is less than a standard deviation from the mean, so not terribly unusual, and yellow is as good a color as any other. Those "heathen Chinee" are a clever bunch, though.
Buck harangues, I converse.

It seems God started this thread to talk about average group IQs, I am just contributing to the topic. It's only politically correct, of course, to discuss average IQ of groups in some contexts.

An average of 105 is less than a standard deviation from the mean, so not terribly unusual, and yellow is as good a color as any other. Those "heathen Chinee" are a clever bunch, though.

"Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models."
So the average Australian is actually retarded? I can't imagine what the fuck the source for this is but I'd guess they're gonna blame blacks for dragging down the average.

How about that 105 average? Yellow seems an interesting choice for that region.

You and Buck are gonna have plenty to talk about today.


World map of average IQ per country based on data in the Richard Lynn book Race Differences in Intelligence (2006). This map represents average aboriginal IQ, not average IQ of a nation's current inhabitants (i.e. South African IQ excludes all white, asian, and hispanic peoples; and USA IQ includes only native americans).
Kudos. You actually followed the link and read the explanation of the method.
IMO, at first glance I thought it was a statistical representation of conservatives around the world - until i saw Australia had the lowest, I thought "shit, there's a fuckload more conservatives here than that"... Then i followed the link...
I know who both of them are, give me an example of either of them being racist towards white people

Also, I'm not sure I'd put either one of them in the liberal category anyway, just like Obama, just like Hillary, or any of the pseudo-liberals that simply claim the title. Obama is center-right, Hillary even more so to the right, look at their policies, clearly not liberal in regards to the war on drugs or foreign policy or science or education. The only thing I can really think of Obama being more liberal than other presidents is in regards to health care.

Other than Al Sharpton calling someone a "white interloper", their racism has centered more around Jews.
While I agree that it is minor, there would be plenty of stink if a prominent white man refered to someone as a "black interloper".
As far as "claiming" liberal, I can agree with that, but MSNBC has him as a liberal commentator.
Other than Al Sharpton calling someone a "white interloper", their racism has centered more around Jews.
While I agree that it is minor, there would be plenty of stink if a prominent white man refered to someone as a "black interloper".
As far as "claiming" liberal, I can agree with that, but MSNBC has him as a liberal commentator.

That's mainstream media, Bob Beckel is the "liberal" on the 5 for fucks sake..
Damn, that's a tough curve you grade on there Pad.

I agree the actions don't match the words though. I just don't think the prez is as almighty powerful as some do. He's just the mouthpiece for those that pull the strings.
Damn, that's a tough curve you grade on there Pad.

I agree the actions don't match the words though. I just don't think the prez is as almighty powerful as some do. He's just the mouthpiece for those that pull the strings.
I put Obama center right either way

Not sure a real liberal could get elected this day and age
I put Obama center right either way

Not sure a real liberal could get elected this day and age

I see moderates having the most difficult time to get elected. To get through the dem primary you have to preach leftist, and to get through the pub primary you have to preach rightist.

We are still in a place in this country where a candidate's religion has to be vetted too, that doesn't help at all. Someday maybe....