Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

ya mean the one where he says brown v. board of education did more harm than good?

where he says blacks were discriminated against after migrating north because they absorbed "redneck culture", rather than their skin color?

thomas sowell is a hack and an idiot.

Wow. So the question is, is he fucking racist you half wit, after all he IS black and conservative.

Ya but the brown v board of education one I would have to reread....iirc it was talking specifically about Dunbar HS in D.C. basically going down in history like the movie "stand by me" in the exact reverse order....like it was all Joe Clarked out first then turned to complete shit.

Its a 291 page book with 62 pages of SOURCES.
Wow. So the question is, is he fucking racist you half wit, after all he IS black and conservative.

he's an idiot and a hack.

he has argued that high schoolers seeking to pad their resumes for college applications shouldn't volunteer at homeless shelters because he thinks people shouldn't be involved in "feeding people who refuse to work".

nevermind the massive amounts of mental and physical handicaps within the homeless community, they are just lazy and refuse to work.

and the constant hitler-obama comparisons are just a thing of beauty. let me tell ya.

i could fill an entire forum expounding on the idiocy of sowell, but i think i'll just let you use him as the "i can't be racist, this black person says the same stupid fucking shit i do" crutch that you so need.

it's not like blacks are several times more likely to be arrested for cannabis, despite similar usage rates as whites.

it's not like blacks are more likely to be pulled over, arrested, or searched.

blacks certainly don't get harsher sentences than white people for the same crimes either.

you sarcastic and racist narrative has been noted.

that's fine, i will spell out the racist implications of your posts for the edification of all instead of you.

you are implying that the empirically observed injustices of our legal system are somehow not a problem, that the black person or mexican fellow deserves a few more years on his sentence than the white person somehow.

you are making light of the fact that black people get arrested for simple cannabis possession at rates massively disproportionate to white people.

these are disgraces, and yet you display a callous indifference (and worse, a definite hostility towards anyone who would point it out).

that's pretty fucking racist of you.

no doubt you could.

the line of thought you are pushing, evolutionary racism, has been soundly rejected.

racism is learned.

Just curious to know if you think AIDS is racist because blacks have a higher rate of diagnosis per capita than whites.
Let me explain how “profiling works”, cops look for cars with “bling” (social misfits with lots of cash for bullshit low class items). They look for cars with multiple passengers. They look for cars with lights out, expired tags, etc. There is a higher concentration of cops in urban areas because that’s where the crimes are, and oddly enough, the minorities! Minorities that live in the suburbs have about the same arrest rate as whites that live in the suburbs, if that makes you feel any better.

You are obviously a minority and should know that as a general rule minorities hate cops, and act like complete assholes when they talk to the police. Whitey shows some respect, so whitey frequently gets better treatment. It’s not racist that more minorities are in jail. They live in high crime areas where there is a higher concentration of police to combat said high crime rate. Are you suggesting that the police are planting evidence? As so many others have pointed out, they were arrested for reason and they were convicted for reason.

Rodney King was just a black dude heading to work when 20 LAPD pulled him over and beat him senseless, right?
you know you're talking to a potential psychologist, I know it makes me laugh too...
I had actually decided to take a psychology class cause I thought it would be interesting and who knows, maybe change my field of study. Nope, I ended up dropping the class after 2 weeks because this dumb psychologist tried to convince the class that it is IMPOSSIBLE to do 2 things at once. I was like you have to be fucking kidding me.Got up and left.

Guess shes never listened to music before.

Stupid white bitch. :wink:
Just curious to know if you think AIDS is racist because blacks have a higher rate of diagnosis per capita than whites.
Let me explain how “profiling works”, cops look for cars with “bling” (social misfits with lots of cash for bullshit low class items). They look for cars with multiple passengers. They look for cars with lights out, expired tags, etc. There is a higher concentration of cops in urban areas because that’s where the crimes are, and oddly enough, the minorities! Minorities that live in the suburbs have about the same arrest rate as whites that live in the suburbs, if that makes you feel any better.

You are obviously a minority and should know that as a general rule minorities hate cops, and act like complete assholes when they talk to the police. Whitey shows some respect, so whitey frequently gets better treatment. It’s not racist that more minorities are in jail. They live in high crime areas where there is a higher concentration of police to combat said high crime rate. Are you suggesting that the police are planting evidence? As so many others have pointed out, they were arrested for reason and they were convicted for reason.

Rodney King was just a black dude heading to work when 20 LAPD pulled him over and beat him senseless, right?

it's like kynes had sex with a sock and this is what happened.
he's an idiot and a hack.

he has argued that high schoolers seeking to pad their resumes for college applications shouldn't volunteer at homeless shelters because he thinks people shouldn't be involved in "feeding people who refuse to work".

nevermind the massive amounts of mental and physical handicaps within the homeless community, they are just lazy and refuse to work.

and the constant hitler-obama comparisons are just a thing of beauty. let me tell ya.

i could fill an entire forum expounding on the idiocy of sowell, but i think i'll just let you use him as the "i can't be racist, this black person says the same stupid fucking shit i do" crutch that you so need.

A forum? You haven't filled a single post to that effect yet. Im not a racist because I am not programmed that way not because I read a black mans book that shares my Libertarian beliefs based on actual facts and Data.

Troll on. Have fun!
Just curious to know if you think AIDS is racist because blacks have a higher rate of diagnosis per capita than whites.
Let me explain how “profiling works”, cops look for cars with “bling” (social misfits with lots of cash for bullshit low class items). They look for cars with multiple passengers. They look for cars with lights out, expired tags, etc. There is a higher concentration of cops in urban areas because that’s where the crimes are, and oddly enough, the minorities! Minorities that live in the suburbs have about the same arrest rate as whites that live in the suburbs, if that makes you feel any better.

You are obviously a minority and should know that as a general rule minorities hate cops, and act like complete assholes when they talk to the police. Whitey shows some respect, so whitey frequently gets better treatment. It’s not racist that more minorities are in jail. They live in high crime areas where there is a higher concentration of police to combat said high crime rate. Are you suggesting that the police are planting evidence? As so many others have pointed out, they were arrested for reason and they were convicted for reason.

Rodney King was just a black dude heading to work when 20 LAPD pulled him over and beat him senseless, right?

Welcome to my ignore list, your avatar is simply unbearable to me.
and the whites from the worst areas arrests are the same as well (i was one of them) people are judged more on class then race..to the 1% we could be purple blue doesn't matter because to them there is no right color..

people seem to be consumed with politics and arguments about race which are all things designed to do just that -create turmoil,tensions, mis-trust, and fear so please keep getting worked up over someone behind a keyboard re iterating some bullshit they read in a book or saw on fox news somewhere.
i dont know what my views are considered but i have stated before i am racist just not in the sense that all you supposed anti racist people(laugh) believe is racism. is it wrong to wanna preserve the watered down bit of my culture that remains?

is it wrong to take pride in your race without being a blithering hate monger who has nothing relevant to say other then i hate em they stink they commit crime blah blah blah

i do not believe in any of these stereo types about race and believe there are many intelligent people from every race that have something legit as people to offer the world...i just think it would be a better world if people held on to their own and well that's it i am done babbling...proceed
i dont know what my views are considered but i have stated before i am racist just not in the sense that all you supposed anti racist people(laugh) believe is racism. is it wrong to wanna preserve the watered down bit of my culture that remains?

is it wrong to take pride in your race without being a blithering hate monger who has nothing relevant to say other then i hate em they stink they commit crime blah blah blah

i do not believe in any of these stereo types about race and believe there are many intelligent people from every race that have something legit as people to offer the world...i just think it would be a better world if people held on to their own and well that's it i am done babbling...proceed

i just want to know why your arbitrary skin color is a point of pride.

i tend to take pride in things i do and accomplish. i don't wake up feeling proud that i was born with a certain eye color or melanin content.

in fact, being proud of you skin color seems contradictory to the very definition of pride:

noun: pride; plural noun: prides

  • 1.
    a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
    "the team was bursting with pride after recording a sensational victory"
    [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
    [TD]pleasure, joy, delight, gratification, fulfillment, satisfaction, a sense of achievement More"take pride in a good job well done"


    • the consciousness of one's own dignity.
      "he swallowed his pride and asked for help"
      [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
      [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
      [TD]self-esteem, dignity, honor, self-respect, self-worth, self-regard, pride in oneself More"their triumphs were a source of pride"


      [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
      [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]antonyms:[/TD]

    • the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's importance.
      "the sin of pride"
      [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
      [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
      [TD]arrogance, vanity, self-importance, hubris, conceit, conceitedness, self-love, self-adulation, self-admiration, narcissism, egotism, superciliousness, haughtiness, snobbery, snobbishness; Moreinformalbig-headedness;
      "he refused her offer out of pride"


      [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
      [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]antonyms:[/TD]
      [TD]modesty, humility[/TD]

    • a person or thing that is the object or source of a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction.
      "the swimming pool is the pride of the community"
      [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
      [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
      [TD]source of satisfaction, pride and joy, treasured possession, joy, delight More"the rose-covered trellis was the pride of the gardener"


    • literary
      the best state or condition of something; the prime.
      "in the pride of youth"
      [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
      [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
      [TD]best, finest, top, cream, pick, choice, prize, glory, jewel in the crown More"the bull is the pride of the herd"


      [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
      [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]antonyms:[/TD]

  • 2.
    a group of lions forming a social unit.

verb: pride; 3rd person present: prides; past tense: prided; past participle: prided; gerund or present participle: priding

  • 1.
    be especially proud of a particular quality or skill.
    "she'd always prided herself on her ability to deal with a crisis"
    [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
    [TD]be proud of, be proud of oneself for, take pride in, take satisfaction in, congratulate oneself on, pat oneself on the back for More"Lucas prides himself on his knowledge of wine"



late Old English prȳde ‘excessive self-esteem,’ variant of prȳtu, prȳte, from prūd (see proud).
says the guy who lives in a bubble and has seen 1 side of life...

hug another tree please go on another march but long before you and long after you people will take pride in their race...notice i said race which if you wanna find your dictionary i dont think it says a skin color but hey your the one with exact definitions copied out the dictionary you would know better then i.

why would you waste ten minutes of your life quoting me and then pasting a bunch of nonsense about skin color which was exactly what i said you anti racist morons think eery racist person is..ie...im white thought this was america..haha thanks for proving my point.
also, you said something about preserving your culture.

can anyone even define what "white culture" is? or what "black culture" is?

i've known and/or been friends with white and black people from all over the spectrum. i once sold weed to a black guy that had a self-proclaimed "food stamp" hustle going on, and this forum is replete with scumbag white people who are far worse than any white friend i have ever had. it doesn't get any lower than stealing from your parents.

in high school, one of my two best friends was black, and he had higher standards than me or my other best friend who introduced us both to cannabis. i had white friends who were just the same as him too.

so this idea that you can define "white culture" and "black culture" as one thing or another is just absurd to me. kynes even attempts to reduce black culture to pictures of rappers. not even the dude with the food stamp hustle listened to rap, nor did my best friends.

people will try to fit the complexities of human behavior into convenient boxes base don skin color, and they will fail.

point being, i'd also like to see urban102825 elaborate on what he means by preserving his culture.
says the guy who lives in a bubble and has seen 1 side of life...

hug another tree please go on another march but long before you and long after you people will take pride in their race...notice i said race which if you wanna find your dictionary i dont think it says a skin color but hey your the one with exact definitions copied out the dictionary you would know better then i.

why would you waste ten minutes of your life quoting me and then pasting a bunch of nonsense about skin color which was exactly what i said you anti racist morons think eery racist person is..ie...im white thought this was america..haha thanks for proving my point.

my apologies, race does not mean skin color.

but i still am interested in hearing you describe why your race makes you proud.

not a trap or anything, truly interested since you don't seem...well...like the rest of them.
also, you said something about preserving your culture.

can anyone even define what "white culture" is? or what "black culture" is?

i've known and/or been friends with white and black people from all over the spectrum. i once sold weed to a black guy that had a self-proclaimed "food stamp" hustle going on, and this forum is replete with scumbag white people who are far worse than any white friend i have ever had. it doesn't get any lower than stealing from your parents.

in high school, one of my two best friends was black, and he had higher standards than me or my other best friend who introduced us both to cannabis. i had white friends who were just the same as him too.

so this idea that you can define "white culture" and "black culture" as one thing or another is just absurd to me. kynes even attempts to reduce black culture to pictures of rappers. not even the dude with the food stamp hustle listened to rap, nor did my best friends.

people will try to fit the complexities of human behavior into convenient boxes base don skin color, and they will fail.

point being, i'd also like to see urban102825 elaborate on what he means by preserving his culture.
This has to be the most absurd thing i've ever read from you. :lol: there are so many flaws in this story. i mean seriously, you having friends.... haha yea ok. and then a black guy who has a food stamp hustle and didn't listen to rap music.

yous a hoot
This has to be the most absurd thing i've ever read from you. :lol: there are so many flaws in this story. i mean seriously, you having friends.... haha yea ok. and then a black guy who has a food stamp hustle and didn't listen to rap music.

yous a hoot

i had friends back in high school and college, i am just more of a recluse now. and cannabis introduces you to all sorts of people, my "food stamp hustle" guy being one of them. i cut off ties with him pretty quick after he said that to me, but he was one of the friendliest people i have ever known. who else invites their weed dealer up to have dinner with his entire family?

i never minded driving to the other side of town to drop off anything because he would always invite me up to eat with his family, and the food was always good.