Well-Known Member
Is it harder (teehee) to take me serious with an avatar like this?
I almost fell over laughing when I saw that. You definitely win for the most disturbing avatar.
Is it harder (teehee) to take me serious with an avatar like this?
LOL you got the last word in, my gf is a bitch like that too sometimes.
I almost fell over laughing when I saw that. You definitely win for the most disturbing avatar.
i had better ones, but they made me take them down because the right wingers complained about seeing crudely illustrated fake penises.
Once I realized everyone else here but a very few have figured him out, i pretty much stopped responding to him. I feel pity for him now because I remember when he wasn't always that way. I wonder what happened in his life to make him so insecure and miserable.
I don't remember his being this race dude either when I got here actually. He left me alone to argue US code and fiat currency court cases, successfully I might add LMAO.
I don't remember his being this race dude either when I got here actually. He left me alone to argue US code and fiat currency court cases, successfully I might add LMAO.
well you know the saying the smeller's the feller. He got busted on his own racist shit by people here so he started calling everyone else that on the reg to distract. It's very transparent now. I can't stay mad though, it's like being mad at a puppy for puppyness.
chances are that when you have to convince yourself that you won an argument on the internet, you didn't.
and you're right, i didn't really suspect much of anything about you until the whole calling the president by a racial slur thing.
The one a couple pages back was fucked, remember the one with the "kiss the curb" gif? Fuuuuuuuuck.
Oh yeah, Buck where were you on that one? Why did I have to pick up your slack? Answer puppet.
he wants me to tolerate their racial intolerance. it's kinda weird.
Is this just a BNB's greatest hits, or is there some kind of point?I did not go on to say they were incapable of anything.
Just incapable of assimilating into america right?
In other words, I have said that any given black dude can be just as smart as the next guy.
Why continue to b so formal and show undue respect?
This is an over 18 forum.....just call him a race bating piece of shit.
No. Calling someone a piece of shit or a pos will likely result in the post being deleted. If you cannot make your point without name-calling, inspect the point.
so you are free to be racist but i am not free to express my contempt at racists like you? is that it?
i had better ones, but they made me take them down because the right wingers complained about seeing crudely illustrated fake penises.
Ah, so shit "like you" will suffice for pos?
Line only drawn at swear words?
You still are rockin the crudely-drawn fake penis. Purple, even. So I'm not sure what you're saying here.
You cant see me buck you're going to need to broaden your scope a lot to even see part of the picture......most I am guilty of using mulatto is being archaic, not racist. Am I Australian for using the word reckon?
We used to skip scoo to go to the poo cause it was coo too. Sweet iced tea at my house for all the little children of every color....shared j's with ppl of all white and brown in my neck of the woods....this racist world you live in; in reality its very small. Its very small here on RIU too from what I can tell so far.
Even your examples of racism for getting a call back for jobs and shit was very small test, in the south jobs for all that want them shenequia gets called back just like Stella this is my reality and its pretty nice I can't wait to get back home being in norcal makes me miss black people a lot actually.....but wait you didn't know that did you?
Besides, I already apologized for using the word for the good of the group and to further discussion. I didn't know anyone would think that's offensive looking back I could have used "mixed" or whatever I saw no difference in the two words. My coworkers at this warehouse used to call me nigga all the time too man you over-think shit with me to a fault.
You don't know shit about me, give it up.
"Educate yourself, make your world view bigger, visualize wealth, and put yourself in the picture."
Dont like Sowell huh..........................
but the other penises were so much longer and purple.
i've already got my next one lined up. it won't last long.
That and the N-word in either guise. Please discontinue.
If you can suggest a more consistent criterion for curbing personal attacks, please describe it.
To reiterate, how is the following not a personal attack?
Be Courteous!
Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully ... without insult and personal attack.
so you are free to be racist but i am not free to express my contempt at racists like you? is that it?
Ah, so shit "like you" will suffice for pos?
Line only drawn at swear words?