Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

Brazil had sugar plantations that required the importation of far more Africans than our cotton plantations.

Are you a top or a bottom?

bolivia, columbia, and venezuela actually.

i like it when she's on top, but we usually cum in missionary. sometimes doggy.
At what point has my tail been between my legs? You sound like that creepo on star wars that got vader on the dark side.

We are not brothers.
I am shocked buck gets to call me a racist

I picture you with a placard reading "You all are racist" while ringing a bell and yelling through a bullhorn proclaiming "I am white but I feel your pain more than you could possibly understand yourself!"

the picture i get from that sentiment is not that different from saying i put on a cape to be a superhero for minorities, or depicting me as fellating a black guy due to white guilt (which you deemed to be racist), or calling me a mudscuttle.

if i wanted to condescend to minorities, i would put on a rand paul outfit and go insult the intelligence of students at historically black colleges.

the fact is that i enjoy calling out racist thought when i see it. the only problem for me is when people try to be sly and subtle about it, instead of just saying what they mean. thank goodness for people like bignbushy or el tiberon to illustrate the glaring double standards in attitudes.
At what point has my tail been between my legs? You sound like that creepo on star wars that got vader on the dark side.

We are not brothers.

You called someone a mulatto. Someone took objection. You started out like a man, but soon caved to pc nonsense. It's your barin. Think with it how you want, not how others want you to.

You are so afraid someone will realize you are racist that you can't stop and realize it is much more liberating when you say, what the fuck is wrong with being racist!

You are clearly racist. You've said a bunch of stuff I like. Stop hiding. Stop being afraid of your natural thought proceses you've been told are wrong

Come out of that closet. Take pride in how you think.

Caus baby you were born that way.

Embrace your Dacian superiority!

"I will decipher and rearrange anything you write and repeat it over at any sub forum, call you names when you get mad about it, then tone it down in front of the mod"
Bushy, do you really consider yourself a man? Do you do manly things like provide for a family? Or split wood for your fireplace?
Bushy, do you really consider yourself a man? Do you do manly things like provide for a family? Or split wood for your fireplace?
I was very much a man, addiction side tracked (no pun) me. I'm on my way back. I do lots of manly things. I even go to the gay bar with my gay friend.

I hunt, fish, chop wood, go over to my parents house and work their garden.

I fuck the dog shit out of women when I feel like it. Or when I find one that will let me.... I might be gay, idk. Not really feeling the whole women thing these days. Not sure why. Not really feeling like i want another cock in my ass though.

I scratch my nuts.

I baby talk to my wiener dog. I have a black wiener dog at that!

Why do you ask?
Cannibear knows I tone nothing down. But I don't think I'm one of his more troubling posters.

We racists are the new fags, we got to stand up together and demand equality!

You're one. You are just afraid of what it might mean to you.

You are bucks mirror huh? Being a reflection is less bright.....but given what I think of him.....can you begin to imagine that most of what Ithink of him is also reflected on you as well?

I support your right to be a racist, or smoke crack. I'm a libertarian.
Does not mean I think racism, or smoking crack are good ideals....I embrace neither.
Who said I smoked crack?

I bought crack from the black guys, to sell to the white crack whores, to get money to buy my heroin from the Mexicans in the trailer park.

Geesh. I'm a lot of things, but a crack head.... Thats for poor white trash.

"I will decipher and rearrange anything you write and repeat it over at any sub forum, call you names when you get mad about it, then tone it down in front of the mod"

you're taking this way too hard, like ginwilly.

i talked last night about certain members of this forum and how i will never convince them.

kynes, with his crawling through the windows in the dark, baby rapist, multicultural wasteland, in da streetz, REAL AMERICA, european cultural superiority, denies it all. he's not racist.

desert dude, who firmly asserts in the face of zero evidence that obama is simply a product of affirmative action, denies it all. he's not racist.

red1966, who simultaneously believes that black males are inclined to criminality but have no propensity to criminality, denies it all. he's not racist.

even someone whose opinion i often respect and who i can't really see as being racist (disestablishmentarian) only ever said of shotgun420 that he was a "suspected bigot". double-U tee eff? do republican types simply tune it out somehow?

i will never convince some people that the peculiar behavior of capitalizing White people is significant in certain contexts, i will never convince some people that deriding someone as a [RIU censored word] because of their spending habits is clearly offensive, i will never convince some people that KFC jokes about black people are pretty goddamn tasteless.

fuzzy and sergio will probably tell you the same thing.

don't blame me for noticing these things.
I ask because you said I"started like a man then caved to pc nonsense".

I didn't cave to anything. mulatto was not a word I used with INTENT and you know it, good luck in law school though.
Ya know I think I missed that sermon buck and idont even know half the ppl you mentioned....but hey man in your world a "like" constitutes a bond now doesn't it? A bond and psychic abilities to go through and read their thousands of posts real quick and find out if someone will flame you for pushing like.

I take it I am the crying baby....care to explain the rest of it ?
Yes Ihave assumptions about gorillas.....I assume they liked jane goodall that's about it.

What I can't figure out is why you chose to personify gorillas and what the context is.....anxiously awaiting that one.