Low Key 2022 Garden

So update, only 5 or so of the gammaberry skittles germinated and so far 3 has sprouted so I was like fuck it and started a batch of vanilla gorillas so I can do some indoor stuff,I will eventually take clones of certain strains but that’s a month or 2 away from now…
It’s pretty much been none stop rain here off and on for several weeks so I’ve been unable to get my load of soil so imma do some back breaking shit and dig up native soil to use to make my super soil so wish me luck on that this week, imma go ahead and mix all the soil and amendments in 1 big pile and divide it into the bags and add the native soil to each bag and mix it 1 by 1 in each bag to save time hopefully
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So I did a thing lolol
I have never not 1 time in my almost 20 years of growing ever ever ever grown an auto I got these 2 as freebies when I got in on 1 of the tudes promos and well now I’m going to breed those 2! And I plan on using that Banana Bomb for breeding depending on if it has what I’m lookin for when it’s growing, it maybe mixed with those autos I probably won’t update much about these since this is gonna be an indoor thing mostly, but there is a big market for Autos here in my area and idk why lol the bigger bag is my Fem Vanilla Gorillas
Sorry everyone I’ve not been active a lot lately, between weather, work and personal demons I’ve just felt pretty blah the past week or so with no motivation for anything but the bare minimum
Just so everyone knows! This absolutely sucks lol it’s back breaking work but I got everything in 1 good big pile I just need to mix it real good now and load it into the bags I’ll post pics after the bags are loaded
Sadly raising the little one, working and posting pics or updates is all I really got, some days are better than others

I know the feeling. Two teenage kids myself. Pandemic destroyed what was left of my social life, now it's work, family and growing (not necessarily in that order :lol: ) - though I do fruit and veg as well as weed. Not much else at the moment, but hoping to get some bike rides in and hiking this summer.

What I'm saying is you're not alone. You have set yourself a challenging task for your grow, but it will be worth the effort in the end. :peace:
I know the feeling. Two teenage kids myself. Pandemic destroyed what was left of my social life, now it's work, family and growing (not necessarily in that order :lol: ) - though I do fruit and veg as well as weed. Not much else at the moment, but hoping to get some bike rides in and hiking this summer.

What I'm saying is you're not alone. You have set yourself a challenging task for your grow, but it will be worth the effort in the end. :peace:
Last year I only went fishing 2 times cause I spent most of my time at work and doin dad stuff cause the little one is still too young to actually sit still long enough to do stuff like fishing or having adventures in the woods
I know the feeling. Two teenage kids myself. Pandemic destroyed what was left of my social life, now it's work, family and growing (not necessarily in that order :lol: ) - though I do fruit and veg as well as weed. Not much else at the moment, but hoping to get some bike rides in and hiking this summer.

What I'm saying is you're not alone. You have set yourself a challenging task for your grow, but it will be worth the effort in the end. :peace:
Both my girls left for school at the same time in August.Have hardly seen them since.Im happy they are independent but damn,now I might need a parent.Anyhoo here's my HashplantsIMG_20220517_141147467.jpg
Both my girls left for school at the same time in August.Have hardly seen them since.Im happy they are independent but damn,now I might need a parent.Anyhoo here's my HashplantsView attachment 5134900
I hate having someone dependent on me lol but it is what it is til he’s old enough, I actually just had to do a major change in my garden I have to scrap using the 400gal bags cause I do NOT have enough soil for all of them lol so I am currently lookin at 5pack of 200 gal bags either that I just a bunch of big holes but i don’t wanna do that after mixing this soil so I am gonna probably go with the 5pack
I hate having someone dependent on me lol but it is what it is til he’s old enough, I actually just had to do a major change in my garden I have to scrap using the 400gal bags cause I do NOT have enough soil for all of them lol so I am currently lookin at 5pack of 200 gal bags either that I just a bunch of big holes but i don’t wanna do that after mixing this soil so I am gonna probably go with the 5pack
You will do fine.An old woman once told me when I was worried about how to provide.You would be surprised how little they will be happy with.My girls still get my canned soups and my garden produce.We had some real close calls,we had a Halloween party every year and I remember bouncing checks at least two years for cake and candy.
So true! So far it’s been alright I gotta decent paying job so it’s been okay just living paycheck to paycheck, so I think I might just order a 5 pack of 200 gal bags or a 6 pack of 100 gal bags