Low Key Outdoors 2021

Those look good you should get a nice harvest out of them, your climate looks humid , I’d rec. using a foliar for PM and botyrtis early in bloom and continue using it as they progress . I spray into week 6 + no loss of trixhomes at all.

circadian sunrise and all phase

Made by a small company likely have to order online but it’s the best I’ve found for the price.

They are tankmix compatible with regalia as well which had strong anytifungal properties. Solid grow so far
Those look good you should get a nice harvest out of them, your climate looks humid , I’d rec. using a foliar for PM and botyrtis early in bloom and continue using it as they progress . I spray into week 6 + no loss of trixhomes at all.

circadian sunrise and all phase

Made by a small company likely have to order online but it’s the best I’ve found for the price.

They are tankmix compatible with regalia as well which had strong anytifungal properties. Solid grow so far
It can get pretty humid
Looking great! Those are gonna produce very nicely. Big plants are a lot of work for sure, respect ✌
Thank you! It has been a good bit of work, took me a minute to get the netting around all of em, I am hoping for a great harvest this croptober
Thank you! It has been a good bit of work, took me a minute to get the netting around all of em, I am hoping for a great harvest this croptober
Been a treat watching them grow. Fun looking back on old pictures and realizing how much changes in a month right?
So I gotta cutting from big Bruce, blueberry Cookies and rainbowcake should I turn all 3 male and hit a select branch with the pollen or should I just stick with what I originally planned just big Bruce and blueberry Cookie? I mean rainbowcake is pretty impressive genetically as well...
So I think... I may just go with big Bruce as a father instead of turning 2 I’ll just stick with 1 to save me some work I mean I could do 2 but it’s just more work on top of what’s ahead of me, so imma have to go back into my notes and rework some strain name ideas I should post my list and get some veterans input on it
So my big Bruce is doing somethin funny that I don’t like and I’m not sure how to fix it I’ve tried most of what I kno maybe someone can help me this is only happening at the top parts of the bigger main dominate branches

I thought it might b a N problem since it started flowering so I gave it some extra and it didn’t help, tried calmag + still about the same they’ll do what you see and then just shrivel up and die and turn brown (cause their dead leaves) but it’s only happening on the main upper dominate branches

Any and all advice would be deeply appreciated

Gorgeous plants.

Looks like caterpillars to me though. If you look closer at your Rainbowcake picture from 8/5, you'll notice all the holes in your leaves that indicate caterpillars. They eventually appear on the top most part of the plants, and always manage to eat up your best buds. They'll ruin the shit out of your top nugs. Not sure about where you're living, but moths have been terrible this entire month.

If you've ever seen moths or butterflies chilling on your plants, you likely have caterpillars munching on your leaves. Look around your plants, if possible, and try to find any and kill/remove them from the garden.

Moths are my issue now, their caterpillars tend to be smaller and harder to find than butterfly ones. I've been hitting the plants with Spinosad every 4-7 days, and always at night. Spinosad harms bees, and sunlight makes the Spinosad dissipate faster, so its best to do it just before sun set. I alternate between Spinosad and Habanero spray outdoors this time of year.

Thankfully for both of us, our buds are barely forming. Perfect time to act. Cooling down outside, so perfect chance for bugs to start getting invasive since its not so hot anymore.

All the best.
So my big Bruce is doing somethin funny that I don’t like and I’m not sure how to fix it I’ve tried most of what I kno maybe someone can help me this is only happening at the top parts of the bigger main dominate branches

I thought it might b a N problem since it started flowering so I gave it some extra and it didn’t help, tried calmag + still about the same they’ll do what you see and then just shrivel up and die and turn brown (cause their dead leaves) but it’s only happening on the main upper dominate branches

Any and all advice would be deeply appreciated

Kind of looks like septoria leaf spot. Maybe check out some photos online and see if it looks similar? When I got it, I thought it was a nute deficiency at first.
Gorgeous plants.

Looks like caterpillars to me though. If you look closer at your Rainbowcake picture from 8/5, you'll notice all the holes in your leaves that indicate caterpillars. They eventually appear on the top most part of the plants, and always manage to eat up your best buds. They'll ruin the shit out of your top nugs. Not sure about where you're living, but moths have been terrible this entire month.

If you've ever seen moths or butterflies chilling on your plants, you likely have caterpillars munching on your leaves. Look around your plants, if possible, and try to find any and kill/remove them from the garden.

Moths are my issue now, their caterpillars tend to be smaller and harder to find than butterfly ones. I've been hitting the plants with Spinosad every 4-7 days, and always at night. Spinosad harms bees, and sunlight makes the Spinosad dissipate faster, so its best to do it just before sun set. I alternate between Spinosad and Habanero spray outdoors this time of year.

Thankfully for both of us, our buds are barely forming. Perfect time to act. Cooling down outside, so perfect chance for bugs to start getting invasive since its not so hot anymore.

All the best.
Caterpillars is always a problem where I’m at, those little devil bud worms and such but I got them under control for the moment it’s a battle with them, need oil and a few other sprays which have been helping
Kind of looks like septoria leaf spot. Maybe check out some photos online and see if it looks similar? When I got it, I thought it was a nute deficiency at first.
It looks pretty close, I’ll get some more neem oil and some copper based spray and remove all the infected leaves I can find and go from there, at first I thought it was maybe an N problem since it’s starting to flower but it’s mostly just happening at the top on 2 main shoots
I’ve been hitting my 2 cuttings with C Silver, twice a day for a week now so I decided to go ahead and set them outside so they can begin to flower and I’ll continue to mist em til I see male flower/ball,pollen sacks I went ahead and decided to use blueberry Cookies and big Bruce instead of just big Bruce cause why not lol no pictures of that progress yet but once the magic starts I’ll get pictures of that project, on a side note I think next season I’ll put netting on the top of the cages as well for more support instead of just around em