Low Key Outdoors 2021

Your guess is better than mine. How do you feel about deep fried whole crispy birds? It's a delicacy some places....
Your guess is better than mine. How do you feel about deep fried whole crispy birds? It's a delicacy some places....
The 3 are so small together they're about the size of my thumb, so it would just be a tease if they tasted good lol
I love these fertilizers. I use their Bio-Alive for vegging and the veggie garden.
I plan on getting a whole lot more of their stuff this coming season that I didn’t get last season go refresh my soil and make new soil for my new bags, I’m thinkin another 6 pack of 100 gal or maybe 2 3 packs of 250 or 300 gal bags, which ever has the best price on Amazon, but I must say down to earth is pretty awesome stuff
So i have been dealing with a potash or a phosphorus problem I was out lastnight flushing all the bags and noticed that the worms I put in the bags month ago are all moving about idk If it was because I was flushing or if it was cause it’s getting cooler out but it was neat seeing how big them things have gotten, and on a sad side note I found them baby birds in the bag and the nest slightly at a tilt but anyways
So I actually think it’s a cal mag problem since I haven’t really used any cal mag this season at all, so I think it maybe the problem
I’ll keep you all updated, I just used the last bit of my cal mag and hit every plant and if it helps then I’ll kno for sure lol but I also just had to order some more cal-mag+ 40$ for a gal from amazon seems a lil over priced but eh
Here is 2 lovely pics of the HiFi 4G that started late and haven’t spent much time tending to it no special treatment or anything just planted her in last years hole and watered her every now and then EC64FF4C-85A7-4C23-8F1B-B8B7A43554EC.jpeg6333AD7C-EA1C-474D-ADD7-435D06E7A312.jpeg
So I am not diggin this certain pheno of blueberry Cookies after it started flowering it’s real late flowering, and it’s looking very sativa like but imma post pics this week since the cuttings I turned male are starting to drop pollen
Been a minute been busy AF work, and now it’s closin In on harvest time and today since I got a new trimmer imma take the tops out of my Melonaid Zkittles, I also took down the HiFi 4G a storm broke most of its branches and the tris was about half and half only thing left on that is the branch i hit with pollen, anyways I will post pics when I cut the tops out to share with you all that’s been following
