Low Keys 2024 Season

A bug control tip I plant hot peppers between my plants.
There is one of my quail in the outdoor pen, I gave him some corn on the cob. He rolled it to corner of cage and picked the ants off of it.
My two autoflower are in flower giving such a nice fragrance about.
My plants are happy in the ground starting to think about trimming back the bamboo......
A bug control tip I plant hot peppers between my plants.
There is one of my quail in the outdoor pen, I gave him some corn on the cob. He rolled it to corner of cage and picked the ants off of it.
My two autoflower are in flower giving such a nice fragrance about.
My plants are happy in the ground starting to think about trimming back the bamboo......

I love the idea of companion plants. I tried last year with Marigolds and mint and didn't feel like i noticed much of a difference in repelling bugs. Maybe it would have been worse had I not? Debated planting some sunflowers 50ft away hoping the bugs would be more inclined to head that direction. What kind of peppers do you plant?
I love the idea of companion plants. I tried last year with Marigolds and mint and didn't feel like i noticed much of a difference in repelling bugs. Maybe it would have been worse had I not? Debated planting some sunflowers 50ft away hoping the bugs would be more inclined to head that direction. What kind of peppers do you plant?

Thought Marigolds were good for mosquitoes not much else?

Thai hot peppers
Cherry red peppers
Only have two in at moment, going out hunting tomorrow as most of the outdoor plants have not come in yet.
I hit Hicks and a few other places and search for the hottest ones.
Just planted sunflowers to block the view of my plants.

I dose my plants with one or two containers of ladybugs weekly.
When the mantis egg sacks come in and they finally hatch I will release them on the plants.
Planning to release the quail into the garden for feeding, just need to keep them away from carrots and lettuce which they love.
Now that you mention it I’m not sure about marigolds. Always see the Amish plant a ring around their crops maybe it was for deer or rabbits and not so much pest. I’ll look into getting some peppers. Thanks!
I love the idea of companion plants. I tried last year with Marigolds and mint and didn't feel like i noticed much of a difference in repelling bugs. Maybe it would have been worse had I not? Debated planting some sunflowers 50ft away hoping the bugs would be more inclined to head that direction. What kind of peppers do you plant?
I haven't noticed much effect from companion planting, but I have noticed that one or 2 cannabis plants seem to get the majority of the bug damage. Those plants are usually the fruitier smelling ones. The fuel leaning stuff seems to get less bug damage. I just leave them there as trap plants, there is always plant loss in an outdoor grow, regardless of whether they are vegetables or cannabis.
I ended up with 2 extra plants lol so I gotta find a place for them, but everything is goin good imma finish up transplantin later
I love the idea of companion plants. I tried last year with Marigolds and mint and didn't feel like i noticed much of a difference in repelling bugs. Maybe it would have been worse had I not? Debated planting some sunflowers 50ft away hoping the bugs would be more inclined to head that direction. What kind of peppers do you plant?
List of hot pepper

Cow Horn
Carolina Reaper
Cayenne long thin
Tabasco which reminds me of the time on a bamboo tour of Avery Island I was chased by a alligator. As my fellow tour mates said never seen somebody move that fast....
You’re 100% right work is never done! I still have several other little plants I need to plant and net, but everything is lookin great so far they’ve all seemed to be growing well after being transplanted and watered with rain they handled a small storm okay as well but they’re all still tender and able to move around good, but I need to get nets on em asap before a random storm comes and does damage I’ll be gettin pics posted today at some point
My plants are happy, growth has been seen. Planning to feed tomorrow for first time since they have been in ground 2.5 weeks.
I use tomato cages for them to start. Then when flowering starts and they start to lean I construct a wooden frame and use fishing line to restrain.
I put in some cleats on the tiers and when they get big I use 400 lb test to pull them in place.
Have a container of ladybugs to drop on them tonight.

That looks good. You missed a weed in one of the pots, part of the never ending list of work.

How do you water and feed?
Every morning after I give the quail some shredded carrots I put the water on for 30 minutes. I feed from water cans, split a load between two plants. About every three days had planned to feed yesterday but coaching got in the way. Today will try if rain goes away.
That looks good. You missed a weed in one of the pots, part of the never ending list of work.

How do you water and feed?
Every morning after I give the quail some shredded carrots I put the water on for 30 minutes. I feed from water cans, split a load between two plants. About every three days had planned to feed yesterday but coaching got in the way. Today will try if rain goes away.
I use a water hose and water em by hand with the hose
I pulled up super skunk and put into some old hole I’ve noticed no improvement so I replaced it with Durban Poison, so far the only plant that has me concerned is tangerine dream it looks as if it’s wantin to flower
Grape Gushers is acting very weird its started some kinda mutation growth, instead of new shots it’s a leaf instead and it’s not putting any shots at all on the sides, I’ll get a pic of it tonight when I get off work, but yeah I’ve never seen anything like this if I had a plant to replace it with I would of pulled it up and done so but I don’t so I’m gonna see it through and hope it goes back to some ehat normal growing
I pulled up super skunk and put into some old hole I’ve noticed no improvement so I replaced it with Durban Poison, so far the only plant that has me concerned is tangerine dream it looks as if it’s wantin to flower
My Durban Poison jumped about a foot in height. My two landraces look more like bamboo one main stem and smaller branches. Where the other strains have much more complex branches.
Freakshow has gotten taller than the potato plants around it.
The star of the show is Farmers Daughter it is growing like gangbusters.

Setup my water feature it has a shallow area for bird drinking and washing. A few plants to filter water couple of feeder goldfish for mosquitoes.