low ph burn


Active Member
Ok so Im still pissed. I know this is my first grow. Last night after posting tp my online journal here I noticed my ph was up to 6.5 I ph downed to 5.8 or so I thought. This morning when I went to say goodmorning to my girls I found they dryed out on the older leafs and were crispy. Our of desperation to save my beloved new family members I flushed my roots and cleaned my res. and refilled with 1/4 power nutes. I also performed emergency surgury on them. I dont know if they are salvagable at this point. Please help! If there is anything that can be done :spew:
im all ears! Im absolutly sick over this!
1st pic is from last night all looking great imao
the rest are from tonight where they are clearly still in the icu



Well-Known Member
I don't grow hydro,,,but it sounds like you have done all you can for the moment...if your plants are still going down hill tomorrow then,,maybe you can try putting a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in your water....they should sell it and will tell you how to use it at your local hydro shop


Well-Known Member
Im also do not have much hydro experience, but I know with dirt, any action or part of your grow that is wrong will show up visibly about 3 days after it goes wrong. So I am assuming it will be a little faster with hydro. So what you could be looking at there is the results of too high a pH when it was 6.5? Or was it always 6.5 and you just noticed it?


Active Member
We shall see how forgiving they can be, I only care about finishing my first grow. I think I can save them Ill know in the next few days

the first 3 pics are after my f-up the last is the before

