Low Stress Training 101


Well-Known Member
Sorry fdd. On way back with copter. Did find a bag of buds in the back. Whoops they fell out. Darn they are gone now.


Well-Known Member
Must have an aftershock from that earthquake. Ripples through the air caused an electromagnetic shockwave that distrubed the temperal area around the trash bag. That caused a worm hole and the bag just fell into that. A very sad sad effect of the earthquack. But it happens all the time.


Active Member
Hey hate to get off of the whole hotwired helicopter subject but how do the hangers effect transplanting? Is getting the plant fitted into the new pot a pain?


Well-Known Member
Can someone explain what it is that anchors the hooks or strings to the soil, rim or ground? Do the hooks just press into the soil?

How much can bending the plant increase your yield?