Low-trim OR no-trim


Well-Known Member
Hey all, at 5 wks into flower, i have two gorgeous girls that each have at least 20 heads each. (LST'd) My question is: Should i be trimming the lower stuff so that the heads get all the nutes? or NOT?

Whats the science or what are ya'll thinkin' on this?

Sorry about the lack of pics - I have them but not with me at the moment to post.


Active Member
i personally like to cut all the fan leaves and lower stuff around week 6 or 7 of flowering it may slow growth for a day or two but then it will pick up around the buds. This also saves time trimming at harvest


Well-Known Member
you really only want to remove the lower branches up to week 3 of flowering. this is called lollipopping. i do it before i flower. it directs the buds to form at the top only. but once they have started to flower as far along as you are, the buds are forming where they are and you cannot expect them to crate new sites. but do not cut off all of the fan leaves, these are like solar panels for the plant. good luck, and remember patience is key.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Roughly the lower 1/3 of the plant has the branches removed as jsgrwn stated. Try it out for your next crop, and see if you get more weight, its nice if you have a lot of plants for air flow, and you don't have to kill yourself manicuring all those popcorn buds.