Low yields, need some help.


Well-Known Member
How old is the bulb?
Apom hit on something that like I said could be one of 1000 different culprits causing the low yeild. I'm anal enough to mark on the box everytime I pull a bulb and place it back in. Do you guys do that or just run until a certain number of grows is reached?


Well-Known Member
I personally run my bulbs for 9 months.

Then I restock. I do however keep the old one just incase new one craps out.



Well-Known Member
To many plants ! Try 1 plant and feed them well your better off 1 plant under 400 month veg 10 week flower you could be 3 to 6 ounces


Well-Known Member
due to ghetto circumstances i did use "just soil" but that was not the problem of the small yield, ofcourse with some coco and specially prepared soil the yield would be much bigger but still little cause of the small pot..