lower back pain


Well-Known Member
I've always have had back pain from a bullet louged in my spine but recently I've developed serious lower back pain to the point I can barley walk.. it might be a disc... has mmj helped really for some of you guys with similar problem? Plus if anybody know someone in tucson that works with pain managment.other then cortisone shots that's pretty liberal please let me know... I've been reluctant to take pills but I'm at the point I might not be able to work...
bumping your thread, you might get more response in the medicating section, advanced or tnt. the last 2 aren't realy the right spots for that, but, the more knowledgeable growers tend to hang out there. you might look into high cbd strains and juicing. afaik thats one of the best ways to get anti-inflamitory effects, which is what the cortizone injections are for.
I've always have had back pain from a bullet louged in my spine but recently I've developed serious lower back pain to the point I can barley walk.. it might be a disc... has mmj helped really for some of you guys with similar problem? Plus if anybody know someone in tucson that works with pain managment.other then cortisone shots that's pretty liberal please let me know... I've been reluctant to take pills but I'm at the point I might not be able to work...


I have some shrapnel in my ass and back and have severe lower back pain, and no unfortunately MMJ does NOT kill much of the pain, or at least the stuff i grow haha(dabs work a bit better, but maybe just because they erase parts of you brain haha)
I REFUSE to take pain pills so i have found a combo of things that when used in conjunction, work quite well for me.

1) YOGA, stretching, walking (3-5 miles a day), and swimming,. You must stay active man, once you go down its 10000000 times harder to get back up, just dont get to the point where you layin bed or on the couch all day. Trust me man, it happened to me and it was incredibly painful to get back on two legs again once i got feeling back.

2) Read every book n pain management by Dr John Sarno http://www.healingbackpain.com/ He is a wizard, and helped me more through his books then anyother doctors did in real life. Basically your mind controll ALL pain, control your mind and the pain goes away. Sounds weird, but i SWEAR if you give it an HONEST try you WILL find relief!!!
(far more true relief than pills)

3) never treat yourself like are sick or injured. It will affect your mental state, stay confident and positive.

4) get an active hobby that you LOVE!!! I do Krav Maga at the base, go shooting each weekend if i can and take my dog to teh dog park etc..... just stay active and give your mind and body things to do other than remind you how bad ur back hurts.

These are things that have helped my IMMENSELY!!!! I was in wheelchair/walker from 04-07 and now i am back to running a few miles a day and able to live without all teh acute pain. Keep your head up man...... and remember it only painful if you let it be!
I will tell you aside from surgery a inversion table is the next best thing to relief compressed discs or back issues in general.

For about $100-200 (Depending on the brand- Big 5 has one here - http://www.big5sportinggoods.com/product/inversion/478242-152879/body-champ-inversion-table.html )

I use it when ever I have serious pain. Hang upside down on it for 10-30 minutes at a time. This machine really works.

Another great method is Hydrotherapy. The practice of using Hot & Cold on the painful area works too!! Simply!

Start with a wet towel and place it over the painful area.

Have a ice pack and a hot pack ready. Start with the hot pack to loosen up the muscles and after 10-15 minutes

switch from the hot pack to the cold pack. Do this a couple times and I will bet you will see results after 1 use!

Marijuana is usually what keeps me going when I am unable to do the inversion table or hydrotherapy.

Good luck!
Your the second person that has talked about that table... some guy told me its the best to relieve the pressure on the nerve to reduce the swelling... I wonder if I can talk my gym into getting one.
Fuck my back/neck area... like hydra said not much relief of pain, but what i find is that if i smoke a few blunts or take a few dabs it will help me tolerate (not get rid of) the pain more, and take less pain pills.
My wife has DDD, Spinal Stenosis and several slipped disc that do not heal.

She finds the best course of treatment's is to.

1) keep active, She exercises 4 times or so a week for an hour or so.
2) She takes a steady dosage of infused, over carbed X-V Coconut Oil with food.
3) She smokes mostly Hash Oil to alleviate pain as flowers and dabs aren't good enough.

Her new age options are to have monthly epidurals and physical therapy. Which causes more pain and discomfort. She has learned if she keeps active but not one particular activity for too long is her best chance against the back pain.

I have some issues myself so I understand where you're coming from. I however couldn't grasp having a piece of metal lodged inside of me. Best wishes for you buddy.
I have been making a edible oil for my wife. It is quick and easy. I take two grams of bud, crumble it up, and put it in the oven at less than 300 degrees for about a half hr. to decarboxalate it. I then add 1.5 oz virgen coconut oil, and heat it either on low heat or in the slow cooker (double boil) at around 170 degrees. I let it cook on this low heat for about 2 hrs.to infuse it into the oil. Let it cool, strain. I end up with around an oz. She uses around a third of an eye dropper each time and doses when she feels the need. She has also done the oops double dose and regretted it. She is a light weight and doesn't smoke. This has complemented her other meds as she is on anti anxiety treatment.It has helped her cut down on xoloft. I know this thread is about back pain. But it may help other people.