Lower fan leaves dying. ph nut lockout?


Well-Known Member
my plants are doing pretty good over all. BUT the lower leaves are going all to shit. they are dryin browning, dying. i do believe i have been using too much ph down and locked out K, MN at least. maybe phosphorus.

my move is to raise the ph and monitor it yes? no go adding nutes that it cant absorb since its locked out?

maybe a flush couldnt hurt either? 7weeks into veg. and just started flowerng a day or 2 ago. if i need a flush using water right out the tap for that will no hurt? i dont think i can get enough water out to sit and then flush all my plants.

thanks for any replies.

and i know folks will ask for pics, i can no post any now. maybe later. but as i said its the bottom leaves. they are drying browning dying. and its moving up. it must be stopped.


Active Member
that sucks. I think that I made the same mistake. I am smoking schwag I grew instead of dank. Better luck next time eh. I flushed with tap water and mine still were locked out.


Well-Known Member
Well, best way to tell if it is a P.H. problem is to test it. You'll have to give more information about your set up for people to help. First is it soil or hydro? guessing soil so you want a PH of about 6, so flushing with tap water at about 7 to 7.5ph (at least here) shouldn't hurt it to bad if you then add nutes with PH lowered water. Second is it a light problem? as the plant flowers the lower leaves die as they can't get light. If it is a soil nute problem I can't help you as I only grow with hydro, it is easier to flush and you know just what you put in it.


Well-Known Member
yeah it sucks, i will fix it its still early enough. ill be buttfuckedbyabear before i let my crop go bad. as for testing i was using a pool tester thing from walmart. and it only goes down to like 6.3 or so. i was tryin to drop it to 6 even but im sure i dropped it to low. anyway. yeah its soil, i figured when i was talkin about flushing it would be obvious but i guess hydro flushes to eh?. well thats my planprobabl when lights come on tomorrow ill go through what will be a decent project of flushing all 11.

im sure a flush cant hurt. then hit it with a bloom/all around fert. at 6-7ph water.

i hope things go alright


Well-Known Member
oh im using cfls as well. its a monster cfl rig. like 550+watts. it COULD be from lack of light but i dunno. they are kinda cramped in there till i weed out the males. light could have a hard time gettin in. i think its more a lockout problem though personally.


Well-Known Member
Yeah flush it. What you didn't mention was what your tap water is like. Some people here have really crappy water. If its not to bad and its around 7 and not a lot of disolved solid, a ppm of under 100, just use tap water. Then water again with your nute solution and good ph'ed water.


Well-Known Member
ph here is like 6.5 i do no have a ppm thing or a proper electronic sensor, although after this i am seriously considering it.

anyone know where i can pick up a decent cheap ph/ppm sensor?


Well-Known Member
lol so much for weeding out any males.. they are all girls. ordered a 600watt hps yesterday. cuz cfls just arent gonna cut it for 11 girls... and one a rather large sativa. things are lookin up so far. they seem to be recovering. hitting again with high ph water and low nuts tonight.

i also have my first success at cloning. well ive had these 2 for a few days now but they seem to be growing and one actually looks pretty good even though they suffer from problems from their mothers. i have 3 or 4 more that look like they will make it as well. check out the roots that have sprouted way up the stem on that one.



Well-Known Member
nah they havent been in those cups but a few days. just getting a decent root structure going. then ill put em in bigger pots. they are in plastic so i can tell when they are ready. the roots are almost all to the bottom.