lower leaves are dying and its spreading upwards

hey everybody, im growin 3 short riders and one baby female aroura indica. the short riders are on day 25 and have all autoflowered beautifully. some of the lower leaves are yellow and i trimmed the verry bottum ones this morning, there under 160w of cfls and the temps stay right around 76 degrees. ive been soil feeding alaska fish emolsion untill day 21 when they started showing white hairs and then i changed to alaska morebloom. i feed lightly every 4 to 5 days. does anyone have any idea of whats wrong with them?



Well-Known Member
ya those threein one pot is bad news its gonna be hard to transplant with out killing one or 2

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Its not too late to seperate them if you are careful. Once they get bigger they are going to get root bound and growth will be slow unless you get them into a huge pot.
if i get them into a huge pot could i keep them together? i really dont want to rip them apart. they are a dwarf variety so i didnt think they would need a whole ton of space. i have the room for a large pot if that would really do it. im gonna post some more way better quallity pics tomarrow, those other ones were from my phone camera. they have tons of white hairs coming out of every node and they smell great. im kinda thinkin i gave them a bit of a nute burn cause the tipps of some of the leaves are brown. should i flush them with water? thanks again guys, im a noob, but im growing because i have a disiese that causes scarr tissue to build up all around my organs and causes intence pain and nausia all day every day. ive been hooked on oxys for 6 years and now am on a methadone treatment program that has really helped, it helps the pain, but doesnt get me all high and crap, pills are the devil!! stick to herb!! thank god for sites like this where people can talk freely and safely and spread the knowlage of the healing herb. ttyl
here are the pics i said id post. as you can see, some of the leafe tips are brown. i flushed them with water a ton this morning to see if that would help. im still thinking i have nute burn. im gonna be posting about these plants till harvest so well have another grow report for this little known strain.


RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
here are the pics i said id post. as you can see, some of the leafe tips are brown. i flushed them with water a ton this morning to see if that would help. im still thinking i have nute burn. im gonna be posting about these plants till harvest so well have another grow report for this little known strain.[/QUO

Well. I must say that you have been EXTREMELY LUCKY for all 3 of your Short Rider's to be autoflowering (Unless Nirvana have stabilized the strain after the amount of complaints they must of had)

They are light feeders but I think that problem is probably being caused by lack of root space.. other than that I'm quite envious of you! All 3 autoflowering ?? Mine had 7 weeks Veg and turned out to be a beautiful monster! (No complaint on the yeild factor but the quality of the smoke is mediocre)


thanks bro, im gonna get them into a way bigger pot today. ya untill day 21 when they all started autoflowering, i was crossin my fingers cause id heard so many werent goin auto. did you have to go to a 12/12 light cycle for yours to finally start budding?

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
thanks bro, im gonna get them into a way bigger pot today. ya untill day 21 when they all started autoflowering, i was crossin my fingers cause id heard so many werent goin auto. did you have to go to a 12/12 light cycle for yours to finally start budding?
Yeh, 12/12 after 7 weeks - My 1st attempt at indoor growing and I wasn't expecting what I got! lol
hey guys, i hate to say, my plants are doing worse. the leaf tips are all burnt brown and bunt upwards and the rest of the leaves are turning more yellow. i put them on a way bigger pot, flushed with TONS of water to leak any build ups and now lightly fertalized today with a tiny bit of fish emolsion and alaska morebloom, tryin to give em a little nitrogen in the mix as i wonder if they have a nitrogen deficiancy. anybody have any clues?

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
hey guys, i hate to say, my plants are doing worse. the leaf tips are all burnt brown and bunt upwards and the rest of the leaves are turning more yellow. i put them on a way bigger pot, flushed with TONS of water to leak any build ups and now lightly fertalized today with a tiny bit of fish emolsion and alaska morebloom, tryin to give em a little nitrogen in the mix as i wonder if they have a nitrogen deficiancy. anybody have any clues?
Short Riders are really sensitive to nutes but if you want my harsh but honest opinion... If I was u - I would cut my losses with your short riders and put it down to a learning curve - 1 seed/plant per pot!
You have an Aurora Indica to focus on while you wait for more seeds !
Sorry dude, I know it sounds harsh and I would hate to be in your shoes but thats the way I would play it! :joint::peace:

(Or if you have a garden, whack them outside and see what they do!)
thanks for the info. the buds are starting to swell and get chrystals, im gonna let them live as long as i can, i think ill still be able to get a decent yield. ya im gonna clone that aroura indica and keep that strain going for awhile. ive learned my lesson on putting plants in one pot, thats for sure!! even if the leaves arent doing so well, is it still possible to keep them goin?